posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:04 AM
It is proposed that with effect from 01/01/2012 all citizens over the age of nine years shall be required to wear a carbon metering mask at all times
when outside the environment of their own personal domicile.
It will be further enacted that to be in a public place outside the environment of their own domicile and not in possession of a carbon metering mask
that is being worn in the proscribed manner shall be an offence under the Clean Air Act 2011 section 6 Reduction of Pollution by Hazardous Greenhouse
Gases. Any person observed perpetrating this crime shall be summarily guilty of the offence and liable to a fine of not less than 1000 Euro/Amero for
the first offence, 5000 Euro/Amero for the second offence and consideration will be given to the termination of respiration rights for a third
Carbon metering masks shall be replaced daily and the mask delivered to the Carbon Assessment Centres that will be set up at a frequency of not less
than weekly. Each mask bearing the wearers Carbon License number shall then be assessed for metered Carbon Dioxide contamination and the level of
charge for subsequent masks shall be based upon the highest level of contamination that a wearer has reached. Tampering with Carbon metering masks or
failure to submit masks for analysis weekly shall be punishable by a minimum fine of 5000 Euro/Amero for the first offence and culminating in the
consideration of the suspension of respiration rights for repeat offenders.
All domiciles shall be maintained in an airtight condition and carbon metering equipment shall be installed and functional at all times. Suitable
approved airlock entry/exit systems shall be installed that prevent the egress of Carbon Dioxide contaminants from the domicile to the atmosphere and
permit filtering to isolate anthropogenic carbon dioxide for submissions to the environmental tax authorities. In the event of a temporary failure of
carbon metering equipment the occupants of a domicile so affected who are over the age of nine years shall immediately commence wearing their carbon
metering masks and shall continue to do so until the metering equipment has been restored to functional order. The error logging and notification
equipment records shall be considered final at all times and shall have precedence in carbon tax evasion matters.
Places of work shall be treated as if they were private domiciles provided the employer has installed carbon metering equipment and the building is
airtight and makes the appropriate deductions for carbon tax from each employee. If carbon metering equipment is not installed the place of work shall
be treated as a public place and carbon metering masks shall be worn at all times.
Members of Environmental Protection Agencies or Environmental Taxation Authorities shall be exempted from the requirements of the Act whilst in the
employ of the appropriate Agency or Authority. It is further proposed that these exemptions be extended to politicians holding a seat in government
and certain other classes of exemption may be determined as required and upon the payment of an appropriate annual exemption fee.
Is this our future?
[edit on 26/2/2010 by PuterMan]