posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Ok, lets call this a long shot!
I just make search with words Nostradamus and Mabus in ATS, and I found this ancient threat.
If we look Nostradamus predictions, we find this name for next doomsday WW3 leader - Mabus. Now there is all kind of speculations, what is this
"World President Obama" and I raise now the question, is he this Mabus?
We know, that Nostradamus predicted Hiller, witch was then really Hitler...
Obama is quit near of Mabus, but look it like this:
We truthers know, that Mr Obama is not far from Mr Bush anyway, we know that he is just another puppet for same agenda, and from day to day, its more
obvious for all. There are all kind of word games going with Obamas name in MSM and websites: Obamanation, Obamania...
If you look this situation from ancient times, and you can just see these name-games and believes, like flashes from future, and you see:
Look, if predicted Martial Law, or huge crash, or terrorist attack will be declared, there can come situation, that USA has two president leading
country same time. Rebublican and Democrat in White House together!
Why not?
Russia has that situation today, when everybody know that Putin is still on power, but Medvedev is their presidential leader. Two Headed Eagle!
If your name really would be Mabus, do you think that you have any political future because of your name, at these times of information technology?
No. Thats why the name Mabus has to be a puzzle and myth to ours to solve.
Ok, now there is no reason to believe that two presidents are taking the lead, but if it does, I will post this theory to all over the world. And that
is a promise!