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The TRUE evil of the Gay Agenda

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:04 PM

The Gay Agenda: The greatest Weapon of Mass Distraction ever created.

This is the funnest thing I have ever read on the internet.

This post has nothing to do with a conspiracy, it is nothing more then homophobia.

Research by US psychologist Prof. Adams of the University of Georgia suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.
In Prof. Adams's test, homophobic men who said they were exclusively heterosexual were shown gay sex videos. Four out of five became sexually aroused by the homoerotic imagery, as recorded by a penile circumference measuring device (a plethysmograph).

Yo OP,
Tell us how you really feel.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by nophun]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

You obviously didn't get past the title, did you?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Mr Sunchine
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Did I say Gay?
I said closeted personal issues.......

You didn't have to say gay..what other behavior is famously known for its members being in the closet. You insinuated it and now you are just trying to duck facing up to what you said.

The OP has major anger issues with homosexuals, this is unequivocally fact given his/her threads. They aren't chanting in the streets about it, not trying to explore it, rather they are using the anonymity of ATS to project a inner anger and misunderstanding towards peopel who are in same sex relationships,....what is there to fear so much if it has no effect on you personally????

I aint ducking anything, Id didnt label it blatantly, but I have no problem in saying that the pattern of behavior reflects a psychological pattern of hating and battling something in yourself....
....and quite frankly its boring.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:06 PM
You know the sad part is, the thread that attacks homosexuals and creates division will be more popular than mine, which actually shows tolerance and loving for everybody.

What does that say about our society?

For a fresh look...come here.


[edit on 2/24/2010 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
You know the sad part is, the thread that attacks homosexuals and creates division will be more popular than mine, which actually shows tolerance and loving for everybody.

What does that say about our society?


You are one of the most caring and intelligent individuals on ATS, and you should proud of your agenda, which is compassion and understanding.

The OP is just projecting his/her own fears about power, sexuality and society.
Its their own agenda, not a gay agenda.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
reply to post by OzWeatherman

You obviously didn't get past the title, did you?

Oh I did

And I got your other threads which you are plugging here as well. If this thread was really about what you claim it to be, you wouldnt have felt the need to put "evil" into the title.

How about I start a thread about "The evil Catholic agenda to coverup cases of pedophilia within the catholic church"

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

No once again you may be being a tad oversensitive. The title is "The true evil of the gay agenda". If you read his OP he explains that the agenda itself is not evil in his opinion, but that the agenda is being used as an evil tool of the TPTB to divide and conquer. He at no time says the gay agenda itself is evil.

One common I see in people who support gay marriage or the gay lifestyle is that for whatever reason they tend to twist words in their mind to get the most hateful connotaton of what the person is saying. I am not sure what causes that.

For example if I say legalising gay marriage could lead to legalising beastial marriage or pedophillic marriage based on how people can manipulate small changes to the law to get things they think they have a right to...then people who support gay marriage will many times interpret that to say that I think gay people are more into beastialty or more pedophillic than straight people. If you read closely that is not what was said, but somehow they twist the words in their mind to find hate speech in what is just a discussion of logical possible outcomes that may or may not happen.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Mr Sunchine
reply to post by OzWeatherman

No once again you may be being a tad oversensitive. The title is "The true evil of the gay agenda". If you read his OP he explains that the agenda itself is not evil in his opinion, but that the agenda is being used as an evil tool of the TPTB to divide and conquer. He at no time says the gay agenda itself is evil.

One common I see in people who support gay marriage or the gay lifestyle is that for whatever reason they tend to twist words in their mind to get the most hateful connotaton of what the person is saying. I am not sure what causes that.

For example if I say legalising gay marriage could lead to legalising beastial marriage or pedophillic marriage based on how people can manipulate small changes to the law to get things they think they have a right to...then people who support gay marriage will many times interpret that to say that I think gay people are more into beastialty or more pedophillic than straight people. If you read closely that is not what was said, but somehow they twist the words in their mind to find hate speech in what is just a discussion of logical possible outcomes that may or may not happen.

The reason people get mad when you say things like that, is because that statement, of having gay marriage will attrack laws to protect pedophilia and beastiality is WRONG.

On so many levels.

The most basic of which is CONSENT.

You need CONSENT from BOTH parties to make something legal. You have neither in BOTH those cases.

Do you see the flawed logic?


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

OMG OZ I laughed so hard I almost choked to death lol

OP, I havent read your other threads because personally I dont like the gay threads on here. They turn into nothing but arguments. I am all for homosexuality. I dont care who you love. If you love someone and they love you the sex shouldnt matter.
I dont go to those threads because they do turn out to be bashing type threads on both sides of the so called issue and people cant have an adult conversation about it.

I dont know why I looked at this one honestly, but I do agree it's a distraction to what is really going on. TPTB sure know what they are doing. Sneaky ones....

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:14 PM

What does that say about our society?
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I don't know what it says to much about a decadent society, but it sure dosn't say anything good for humanity. I will visit your thread.

Ok well that didn't take long. WoW. Sorry pardner
can't even consider that as a road. Umm I still say hate begats hate. I don't know. That
was a little sobering Power.


How about I start a thread about "The evil Catholic agenda to coverup cases of pedophilia within the catholic church

I would say that at the very least was called for.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:20 PM
Ok, for the sake of the topic, I will calm down now

Im relaxing

Breathe in 2, 3, 4 breath out 2, 3, 4.....

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Well I am not saying I believe my statement as it was just an example. In fact I even put in there "it may or may not happen", because I knew someone would flip out when they purposefully misinterpreted what I said in totality.

I am not really here to debate that as it was just an example on how certain people intentionally misinterpret and over react to any statement which is just a logical discussion point with no hate intended. Are you saying we shouldn't even consider possible negative impact of changing the law regarding marriage?

Furthermore, it is absolutely possible that marriage could become redefined to take out CONSENTUALITY or AGE LIMITS or SPECIES LIMITS just like t has been redefined to take out the info concernng one man and one woman in countries like Canada. Your logic is flawed in saying that you think marriage is DEFINED by being consenual. It is currently defined as consensual in western culture, but it is also currently defined as being between one man and one woman in western culture and that they are adults.

If you look at Arab countries the laws of marriage in regards to consent, age, and number of wives a man may have are different.

So that is a possible danger of makng the definition of marriage dynamic. That eventually a case could be made that consent and/or it being between only humans or that it being between only adults can be changed based on political clout.

Once again not saying this will happen, just saying it is not impossible, especially if you look at the difference in perception of marriage regarding cultural or social difference.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by Mr Sunchine]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:34 PM
OMG he's found us out. We're busted. It is true. Every Arbor day the Faerie Circle, the British Royal Family, The Gnomes of Zurich, The College of Cardinals, The Elders of Zion, The Bilderburgers, The Pleadeans, The Greys and The Nordics, get together at Ma Bode's Bar and Grill in St. Joe Missouri and decide how we are going to divvy up the spoils. Curse you, FortAnthem!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem

Can you see how the Gay Agenda is such a powerful weapon in the hands of those who seek to keep us distracted?

This is actually really funny.

You know, because you created three threads about "the gay agenda" in the past two days.

I can see how well it has distracted you. Most people have already moved beyond the previous century's ignorant fear of homosexuality.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Breathe in 2, 3, 4 breath out 2, 3, 4.....

Oz I don't think I've seen you this worked before.

That's says a lot right there.
Op seems very interested in the same effects you get from a roollercoaster considering the frequency and the ups and downs of his
recent threads.
Rollercoasters do make some people vomit.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

Most people have already moved beyond the previous century's ignorant fear of homosexuality.

If what you say is true then why does gay marriage get shot down everytime it is brought up to a vote by the public? It appears that over 50% of voters are still holding on to 20th century beliefs.

Those votes have been taken in the most liberal states in the country and they have lost. How do you think they will do in the heart of the country?

[edit on 24-2-2010 by Mr Sunchine]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I post stories that catch my interest as a Catholic...

MY PARTNER is a Catholic...and he IS GAY!!!!! I, on the otherhand, reject ALL orgainzed religions....yet we still have a relationiship, irrespective....

I daresay MANY, MANY other couples, Gay or Straight, have managed to work through these petty issues, as well...

Or failed....and THAT is the big ole' elephant in the room that most religious 'conswervatives' don't wish to bring up, right???

It is about HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS, and the "bible" can be thrown out the window, in my is an OLD BOOK, written mostly by men, (based on fables and fireside chats and lore, as told generation to generation....who used it to be in "power", and the mysogonistic aspect is evident as well)....oh, dear, do NOT get me started!!!!

Stop living with your head in the sand, please!!

I haven't scrolled through the entire thread yet, so this may be a repeat performance....

[edit on 24 February 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

It's a common sense among those who believe there's a global plot running out to set up a NWO and the pro-gay propaganda is one the many tools working on it. I 100% agree with it and I guess appropriate to expose the bizarre situation involving kids adopted by gay couples, 'cos is REAL and it's a very SAD twisting of values. Ain't talking about religous dogmas, but HUMAN CONDITION.
Think what kind education, what kind moral a man that allow himself being penetrated by other man, will pass to a child??? The sexual behavior among men and women, already can be traumatizing to kids depending on the habits of the couple, can you realize what a gay relationship can do with the mind of a child???
I guess 99% of people, during the childhood, had the inconvenient and boring experience, of to listen moments of parents sexual life, mainly people that grew up in small houses or apartments. But after these terrible moments, all just were gone, 'cos is NATURAL. It's part of this energy field that attract and keep together men and women. But what happens with those children that have to listen two men penetrating each other??? I refuse to use the word "sex" 'cos anus ISN'T a sexual organ, but a EXCRETORY organ, part of the intestine. However my point is, how can be destructive, devastator to a child, specially to a boy, having to live like that, with people like that. In the cases of female couples, although I think female homosexuality less aggressive than male one, the image that most children are grown from the mother, the "spiritual female balance power", characteristic of those who provide life, simply disappears since lesbians don't cultivate in themselves, this property.

IMO those governments committed with adoption rights to gay people, IMO are indeed committed with the building of a f*cked depraved society, once they put in risk the credibility of family structure I mean NORMAL family structure. And honestly, there's nothing "square" about normal families, 'cos the energetic polarity that keeps men and women together, is the gravitational center of mankind. People CAN'T evolve without this structure. No matter how much gay supporters hate to admit it, there's a NATURAL gravitational field that ONLY happens among MEN and WOMEN. That's a principle of complex life forms. Ok, it's a cliche but works. Actually has been working for millions of years. Gay people can't handle with it?? They hate it?? I wish I could say them, to move to another planet, but I can't. Unfortunately is quite convenient to those pulling the strings of the ones in the charges of power, create more ways of to confuse and misguide society. One day, the same ones that allow the increasing of gay structure within society, will allege our world is so decadent that will be necessary its "rebuilding". And when I say "rebuilding", you can realize BEFORE THAT extermination, social engineering, etc, etc. It's like a tree that can't be overturned by the ax, then they put some termite larvae within the stem and expect to weaken it.

For what matters, ain't a religious nut, but a defender of this powerful magnetic energy that there's among men and women, the key to ascension, the "holy graal" itself. No other relationship, rather than men and women, can provide mankind need to evolve.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:31 PM
The "Gay Agenda" is an agenda of the NWO. It is not some social group wanting it their way. It is a tool of control just as prostitution rings, pedophile rings, drug rings are tools. It facilitates blackmailing politicians, judges, prosecutors, pseudo religious leaders, etc.. It's a tool, that's all. Promoting degradation in whatever form, is just sucker bate.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by nophun

Research by US psychologist Prof. Adams of the University of Georgia suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.

The word "homophobic" is completely made up by gay supporters, to qualify those people that simply don't like and don't agree with gay relationships. And doesn't make ANY sense, once the greek suffix "phobos" means "fear". Thus they created a propaganda that those with no sympathy for gay behavior, have "fear of gays" or "fear to admit homosexual hidden tends". Well, I'm a man that fully believes in this powerful magnetic attraction that ONLY happens between MEN and WOMEN. And I'm a man that fully believes that inside of woman's vagina, for magic moments, man can turn into some supernatural demigod creature, specially if he was inside into the vagina of his beloved woman, not just like a one night stand. IMO, only a man and a woman can produce a kind of energy that makes life have sense. The key to ascension, the "holy graal" is imputed in the sexual act between A MAN and A WOMAN. Period. There's NO substitute, there's NO alternative!!
Where exactly these characteristics in my reasoning, show I'm "afraid" of gays or "I have hidden gay desires"???

Obviously, there's a plot to set up the NWO and the increasing of gay rights are one the tools of those who pull the strings of the ones in the charges of power. However these people may want to twist the society, twist the values, civil rights, but they CAN'T twist the natural magnetism between males and females. This sexual magnetism MOVES the things, moves the world, simply makes life happen.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by ucalien]

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