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ATS website mentioned to me by FBI agent today...ON A TRAFFIC STOP![UPDATE]

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by MarlboroRedCowgirl

It really didn't. Like I said I am not paranoid or worried in the slightest about it, so its not going to catch me off guard the way it would some other people here. As I said earlier in the thread, it DID make me say to myself, hmmm I gotta share this with them...knowing some would not care, some would appreciate the thread, and others of course would freak alittle and wonder WTF....

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:12 AM
I say if FBI wants to be partof this website, they should at least spill the beas on the alien crap already.
but of course they look at these websites. Just think about how many cases out there that hit the blogs, everyone starts throwing their ideas around and end up figuring it out before the police do. So it is indeed a good source of information, most of the time.
But I still think they should tell us about alf.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Like duh!


The United States Federal Government or any of the now infamous Alphabet Agencies will only pin a tail on you if you directly give them a reason to. Like talking about bombing something, committing, commissioning or plotting a high profile assassination or are involved in some facet of the underground illegal black market. If you do not qualify under the aforementioned you have literately nothing to worry about or fear as to them taxpayer dollars are better spent and appropriated tracking down and hunting actual and real threats instead of percieved ones.

However a select few of us with enough backing to move any large body in any direction do require the extra and enhanced measures to make sure that no one is planning to overthrown the United States Federal Governent as this nation we so love is forever to be OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!

[edit on 25-2-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Well oh my God...that is simply mind-blowing...who would have thought the feds really monitor ATS...

Seriously...if you don't understand the fact that ATS is, and has been monitored for a long's a given...there's really no question about it...if you think otherwise, you shouldn't even bother being here...

[edit on 25/2/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:04 AM
Late to the party as usual, but I must say...


I have tried to get some of my "Partners" interested, but sadly no luck at all. A couple of them joined, but did not participate and no longer show any interest at all.

Excellent Thread RCW


posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Common Good

I say if FBI wants to be partof this website, they should at least spill the beas on the alien crap already.

Good point.

It's pay to play right?

Gotta bring something to the table, if you want to take something away.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I see conspiracy's sprouting here rcwj1975. Regardless nice thread and I'll ignore them for the moment. Though I don't agree with your position much of the time, I like your candidness.

Assuming you were not told to write this thread.

If the story you told is the honest truth rcwj1975 and ATS was mentioned to you in casual conversation with an FBI agent, it was a heads up that he has been made aware of you because they have investigated you. Perhaps they just saw one of your threads, and with a couple clicks saw who you are.

While the contact may not have been planned, the agent was aware that eventually he would make contact with you during his regular duties as he had been briefed of your existence.

If he didn't like you or you were a problem he would have never said anything. He has opened the door up for a future contact with you, for the very least an investigative contact and at the most perhaps a potential future job upgrade for you.

ATS is a resource like anywhere else and now you are an inside resource that may or may not be asked to perform a task that may be beyond your usual entertainment or learning experience here at ATS

Congrats and feel lucky they are talking to you instead of your friends, neighbors or family like they do to some of us.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:04 AM
I dont really know what the big deal is. Every source everyone on ATS uses has probably gone through the proper security lines way before they get posted on ATS.

People on ATS will never know more than the people in charge wants you to know. If some people do they will never be able to put in a source that can be sourced out as proof. It will just be a personal opinion without a source of support.

AND what everyone knows is that no body on ATS will accept a claim without a source to support their claim. So this site is harmless and so are the members who use it. This site talks about a sources of information that is old news to CIA and FBI for one.

People with special information without a specific source is the clue. These people would be of a very big interest to the authority. But not to anyone on ATS. Most people on ATS don't listen to good to this type of information. It is very fast regarded as a assumption based on personal superstition. That's why ATS new is often old news.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:09 AM
So this is where the FBI gets there best tipoffs from.Proberly some FBI informates posing as members too.Both the CIA and the NSA have angents in here too.We might as well let anyone in.Mossad,iranian intelligence,Chinese intelligents as well as North Korea.So people get paid to monitor this web site.Thats nothing new and we can all say hello to out aliens freinds who monitor the site too.It all smells like someone is looking for something special to be posted in this web site.Even god damm teorrorists proberly visit this web site too.We might as well call it the Intelligence commniuty social club with bin laden as president.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:28 AM
I knew it!

But, they're on to you, rc. I'd think about going on the lam if I were you. Can't be too careful nowadays.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:44 AM
Interesting story, I can certainly believe it happened and I'm certainly not worried about anything they see or read.

The information here is no different than the information found on any number of websites, shoot, Wikipedia for that matter. Call it a condensed version of information readily available by Googling a topic where people of a like mind can get together and talk about things. Many people when discussing their theories on different issues link to other sites regularly. It's on the internet readily available to anyone, it doesn't exist in a bubble.

It doesn't mean the director of the FBI passed down a directive to monitor the site or that they have some kind of dossier on it and they might even have found the site completely by chance. I'm a bored FBI agent on a break. I go to Google and type in "top secret". What's one of the first results you get? ATS.

Let me Google top secret for you

Maybe he sees some paranoid rant about being trailed by someone in a black trench coat, wearing black sunglasses and tells another agent, "Hey, look at this, this is hilarious." Maybe he reads a thread about the Illuminati and finds it insightful and though provoking. Just because they're federal agents doesn't mean they're out to get you. They're people with thoughts of their own that may coincide with many people on this board.

Regardless, unless you're posting things that could be considered subversive or threatening, you shouldn't worry much. People have been demonstrating or discussing conspiracies, aliens, the end times, dissatisfaction with the government, all kinds of things for decades now.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:50 AM
Bwahahaha good to see some of the uber-paranoid freaks are having some fun in here!!!! Woops, I just spoke German. Hey FBI guys, better get onto me, I might be part of the Nazi party that fled after WW2 to Argentina/South America!!!!

Actually fellas, never mind, just go to ASIO and speak to them. Honestly, they have my name on file. They have had it for a few years now, when they had to do a background check on me for my job. So do the Australian Federal Police, for the exact same reason. So go have a nice chat to them and they will tell you all they know about me.
Although if you want, I can just give you the letter they sent me saying I wasn't on any watch lists, hadn't commited any crimes (well except a couple of speeding tickets, but they don't really count, and when you drive as much as I do, I'm suprised I don't have more
), and that I was free to get my security card/clearance.

And remember the saying people - Sometimes if you wanna hide, it's best to hide in plain sight.

Oh and welcome back Semper - long time no video
Hope the case went well for ya.

Edit - spelling.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by TerribleTeam2]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:57 AM
To be honest, it's just a small world.

A friend of mine had some Canadian relatives come to visit and one night after one or two (ahem) drinks, we got talking about government and politics etc. The conversation turned to conspiracies and lo and behold, within minutes ATS was mentioned. It turns out that they used to be members until they moved to the wilds and stopped using the internet

And yes, people from all walks of life come on here. I'm a twenty-something, computer programmer and rock musician. They were retired teachers and complete pot-heads!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Kinda confirms the notion that the place (ATS) is swarming with cops, right? Not so bad, though. I note the FBI agent didn't say he noticed intelligent conversation from the likes of his profession. Could be that if cops come here often enough they may actually "wise up". Naw, that's not possible, is it?


posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:01 AM
ATS is a large website with a larger community. Our members are brought in from a wide-cast net. There are people ranging from the complete nutter to totally down to earth.

Which means that the members of this community tend to give a fairly good idea of what the population is probably thinking at any given time. If I were a government agency and I wanted to test the waters; I'd stick my toes in the tide-pool before jumping into tumultuous sea.

Either way; I personally find it a little uncomfortable that ATS was brought up during a conversation about captureing criminals who may or may not have been a member of the site.

It's not that I'm worried about the government watching me, (I'm a pretty dull channel) but rather that they'll think of ATS as a place where Criminals get the mindsets from.

If they're here, I imagine they're looking for the members who are most prone to act out in real life, as opposed to acting out on the boards.

Ah well. I'll just buy them some Tims and satiate them with Canadian Beer.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by happygolucky
reply to post by rcwj1975

When I return we talk about the person he is going to talk too. During our conversation he states..."Have you ever heard of a website called Above Top Secret. Com?" attack, but did you leave something out of your recollection of the conversation..? 'Cause it seems to me that the question about being an ATS member was rather didn't follow the context of the discussion as you presented it.

I echo the 'no attack' sentiment, but i have to agree that something's wrong with this flow of conversation. Whether shooting the bull or not, it was pretty odd to ask about ATS out of the blue (if indeed nothing has been accidently omitted from the conversation that may have lead into it).

Perhaps, as you suggested, it was on the agent's mind for other reasons (maybe because of the crim he was visiting). But even if this was the case, then surely you must have wondered why the agent just came out with that question and would've enquired as to why he was asking.

It would be inexcusable to write dialogue in a script in such a way, since it appears implausible for the above reasons - it just wouldn't ring true for the film-goer. I know life can often be weirder than fiction, but you don't recount this as being a weird turn in the conversation. In fact you insist it was totally normal. It certainly doesn't read as 'normal' - it reads 'contrived' if i'm to be totally, honestly blunt here.

Anyhow, however authentic the situation recounted, there's no offense intended by my doubts and questions, as it's lead to an interesting thread about who visits ATS and why, so well done on that score. But i had to say it the way i see it (or read it)

EDITED to make sure i was being polite and non-provocative (it's not really warranted here)

[edit on 25-2-2010 by McGinty]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:06 AM
Special agent Fox Mulder frequents ATS, I`m sure of it. The man needs to do his research.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Unplugged]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:15 AM
Couple of things about this incident..
NationaL Security and the scmubag the FBI'er was looking for..and in the middle this the topic of ATS pops up by a poster who happens to be a cop..a lot of incidental varibles there.

No one is innocent..everyone has a dark spot in their remain "not prosecuted" because you know nothing the governement wants or needs.
Should that change, you all of a sudden learn something of vital interest to the governement and you can go from no one to public enemy #1 post haste.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by jbmitch]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:16 AM
Hell I'd be impressed if the FBI could even figure out what I post about.
Maybe their hip hop cop buddies have special insight into the Lil Wayne Illuminati connection?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Looks as though we begin the long descent into everything's all right ville.

Well it is not.

Little police, big police, your souls are in the balance.

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