posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:21 AM
If it all is true, if they really exist, if everything is going as planned, then there will be no need for for population control by means of
biological weapons or a huge world war, economic collapse or some other sinister happening.
We are destroying ourselves and the world ALL BY OURSELVES!! Everywhere you look there is division! Everywhere! Just browse around these boards, check
out a few "sensitive" threads and what you will find is people just going at each other because they disagree on the issue. There is almost no
intelligent discussions going about important and fun topics because mr x strongly disagrees with mr y's views.
It's all about division, divide and conquer. Why do you believe there's the "democratic" party and the "republican" party, or liberals vs
conservatives (I believe these terms are not being used correctly hence the ".) You might say "well we have a choice in the matter about which
representatives we vote for and the ones we chose make "better" choices than the other party, and it goes the other way around. There's no choice
here, there is only division.
When are we finally going to realize that we are being pitted against each other?
Natural born American human beings are not at war with natural born Iraqi human beings, the corporations of the United States of America is at war
with the corporation of Iraq over whatever disputes these two corporations have!
I am out of the game, this it it for me. I hereby declare myself a sovereign entity and prouldy waive my white flag at all the corporations out there
fighting amongst each other. This is my Declaration of Peace, to everyone, not just my brothers and sisters across the earth. I will not participate
in these trivial disputes anymore and I will gladly give up my "rights" as an American "citizen" in exchange of my sovereign, guaranteed by God,
right to a peaceful and prosperous life. I have no need for anyones protections or security. I will not fall into your traps and allow myself to hate
my fellow brother or sister because you get a kick out of it.
Divided we fall.