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Chavez vs your bets!

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:18 PM
Uribe vs Chavez

"Uribe questioned Chavez about his country's trade embargo on Colombia. Chavez didn't like this and began to play the victim, he accused Colombia of sending paramilitaries to kill him and he threatened to leave the meeting," a Colombian diplomatic source in Bogota, who wished to remain anonymous, told AFP.

"'Be a man! These issues are meant to be discussed in these venues. You're brave speaking at a distance, but a coward when it comes to talking face to face," was Uribe's response to Chavez's threat to leave.

Chavez then reportedly told Uribe to "go to hell!"

I just took the main idea of all this can read the whole story.

I have just a comment about this:
Was this Chavez the same guy threatening UK about the Falklands a couple of days ago??

How dare Chavez to threat the UK when he just ran away from Uribe?

If he is so brave as he seems in his TV Show every week...that was a great time to prove it....I think Uribe is right: He brave speaking at a distance, but a coward when it comes to talking face to face...the same happen with the PM of Spain, he yelled Chavez to shut up and Chavez was not brave enough to face him...again.

I still remember Chavez challenging Bush to invade Venezuela...saying that he'll be waiting for him, and calling Bush a coward...watta joke.

What do you think?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:23 PM
Realistically, I don't think it would be wise for either one of them to get into a heated debate. It will just lead to more tensions.

As for Chavez, his comments are all based on strategy.A form of distraction if you might. As long as he can continue to convince his people that Venezuela has enemies and make the poor feel that he is fighting for them, he will continue to be a dominant person in Venezuelan politics.

Almost forgot- Uribe by a mile.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by jam321]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by metalpr

I think oil prices are a little too high and maybe we need to go and liberate those poor Venezeuleans.
I don't know if Columbia could win on there own, but I am sure with just a tad of American support, training and equiptment it would be all good.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by Mr Sunchine]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Realistically, I don't think it would be wise for either one of them to get into a heated debate. It will just lead to more tensions.

As for Chavez, his comments are all based on strategy.A form of distraction if you might. As long as he can continue to convince his people that Venezuela has enemies and make the poor feel that he is fighting for them, he will continue to be a dominant person in Venezuelan politics.

I live in Puerto Rico and I think you're right, I can tell that Latin American people like politicians with attitude...even if the don't know a thing about diplomacy, economics or long as they project themselves like a person in control of those around them...many persons think he's the right person for the job....maybe that's why Latin America has a long history of dictators.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:32 PM
another vote for Uribe... in the 5th round by way of KO.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:51 PM
This is beginning to make sense. Those in the UK will be familiar with this. but for the rest of you. we have, in the UK a social group of people referred to as Chavs.

They too have no dress sense. Chavs Like stirring trouble wherever they can, like to shout insults from a distance then run off. if you accost a chav then the scream bullying and human rights abuses, then call you a f'ing "c" from 50 meters away. Chavs play the victim at every oppurtunity, becuase they know they can get away with it. and wil keep doing it, as long as they think chavs rule the street.

All that is missing is 1 letter E

I find that quite ironic really!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by metalpr

chavez called boosh a "drunk coward donkey', I dig him for that.. also because he must be doing something that pisses the oligarchs off, keeps them up at night, causes them just a little extra stress that may lead to alcoholism, heart attack, or seeking a diseased hooker.. so I wish chavez well in that regard.

"jew are a donkey!" lmao...

BTW the UK helped deprive iraqis of their lifestyle... by the time that english lap dog over there got done humping the borracho burros leg, millions of innocent souls lives were ruined. The falklanders deserve a taste of the medicine their govt dishes out.. lets see how they like armed occupation.. maybe chavez will build them a theme park like GITMO with water-boarding and luxury torture accommodations the whole family can enjoy..

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:55 AM
Chavez translated "burro" to English literally translating "burro" to "donkey"...he meant to say that Bush is a "dumbass" or a "jackass" or "not a very intelligent person" Spanish when you say that a person is not very intelligent you say he's a "burro"...but in English "donkey" refers to an other thing, proving that Chavez is a "burro". are... a Donkey!!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:03 AM

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:11 AM



Upper Cut

Upper Cut

Kidney shot

Right Cross

Elbow to the nose

knee to the groin

Chavez is down!

kick to the groin

kick to the groin

kick to the groin

kick to the groin

kick to the groin

Somebody stop him!

kick to the groin...


The Horror!

kick to the groin!

[edit on 24-2-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:36 AM
I love that video...

First: when Chavez calls Bush a "donkey" everybody laughed...I'm sure they were laughing at the already demonstrated ignorance of Chavez but he didn't notice.

Second: when he challenged Bush to invade Venezuela, all the Army officials in front of him were nervous, looking down...probably thinking "this guy have to be nut when he ask for something like that...the US blows things up just for fun".

Third: when Chavez ask the do you say "you are the worst" in English? the translator says "you are the last"
and he repeated it...those are the brilliant mind that Chavez has for advisers

and ignorants like that rule entire nations in South America!
what can you expect?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Does anyone know if perhaps Chavez is suffering from tertiary syphilis?

There has got to be some reason for his actions other than gross stupidity. I know his followers are destitute and ignorant, but he seems to be attracting other followers (Sean Penn, Danny Glover). Could this be a contagion?

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