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Obama using bribes to maintain Senate Majority

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:37 AM
Actually we are in a new era of political corruption. The idea is to get attention as a freedom fighter to stand with the people against the administration, then selling out to the ptb for a lucrative position. This is a different political creature. We've had rhinos, who sold out their party. But this creature sells out its promise. Look around, there are a lot of them running. This creature deserves a name. Someone should make a dictionary of political traitors. to categorize them. Before rhino we only named treasonous persons after previous traitors, like Benedict Arnold and Quisling. Rhino is cute. One entry I would suggest is a "Fabian," which would be the name for a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. The sheep-in-wolf's-clothing is actually the mascot of the London School of Economics Fabian Socialists which apparently are our ptb. At this point someone could write a Selling Out Your Country For Dummies

[edit on 24-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 08:44 AM
I am reminded that while bribing is indeed preferred to a firing squad, there can be no doubt that if the Obama regime were using firing squads to force their view that the firing squads would be conducted in a circle because of course the old way is no longer the way that the Obama regime desires. I can just see and hear Rahm Emanuel crying like some little girl saying, we can do it boss, we can do it in a circle and everyone will think you are the greatest leader of all time, next to Hugo Chavez of course.

I for one hope they have many a practice session with their firing squads in a circle because they need the practice and they need to figure out that the only group messed up in the head is the Obama regime and so far the public knows it with great clarity and with great sadness.

The Obama regime has shown the world that the White House is now run by a bunch of imbeciles and so far they are doing a bang up job of mucking up everything they touch. They are incapable of being productive because they don't know what productive means nor do they care what it means.

The Obama regime is a prime time media example of a "Circus of Imbeciles" that has drifted into town and is now robbing all of the paying customers while telling them he is helping them. So far, this bizarre circus is being led by the biggest clown in the circus, Obama himself.

Obama, the grocery boy sock puppet, is sacking groceries for a bunch of snot eared Zionist grocery clerks who also graduated from the Circus of Imbeciles. If it weren't so sad I would laugh, but so far this Circus of Imbeciles is booked into town for the next three years whether we want them to perform or not we are stuck with what is before us. Just because we cant get rid of them for a few years does not mean we must allow ourselves to be robbed by such criminal gangster politicians.

With so many imbeciles working is such close proximity to each other, it is a wonder that so far the Obama regime hasn't gotten himself and all of his Marxist colleges rounded up and led to a real firing squad where the bullets only go down range and into the intended target. If the Obama regime continues down this road, there just might be some firing squads in the future and I have no doubt that if and when such firing squads are used that they will be used correctly because the Obama regime method is going to be found unreliable and useful only for imbeciles that live in some alternative reality.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:07 AM
So many ad hominems and misdirected anger but no one even addresses the legality issue, which I would think would be the major concern—did the Obama administration commit a federal crime or not.

I guess that analyzing the facts and debating things based on them is not as fun as continuing to indulge fantasies and fabricated narratives, that will never be confirmed or disproved because the facts have become irrelevant.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Not even the 10 minutes required to research the critical info on this particular case...just a hey...someone said something bad about the administration, must be true...get the rope.

This happens so much here anymore that I just shake my head and move on (most of the time)

Converge brought some facts to the thread here, but facts just get in the way when a story like this takes flight. RIP, Critical Thought, Logic and Facts...
I loved you well...

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Listen, guys, we had Valerie Plame outed, u.s. attorneys fired, warrantless wiretaps, and blatant manipulation of the American people to support a war in Iraq... and that's the that sh*t actually made it to mainstream media. What was the end result? Nada...This Obama sh*t is so small by comparison... But good to know you guys suddenly care about such moralities.

So you were up in arms over Bush's illegal actions.

But when its Obama allegedly pulling stunts, its nada, no problem and "get over it."

Good to know you guys suddenly have no morals.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by GuyverUnit I]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Isn't the former Illinois governor - Blagojevich - currently on trial for doing the same thing with obama's old senate seat?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by johnny2127

If this news story is true, does it bother you that this is happening?

I find most bothering is people taking the word of anyone with no proof whatsoever and a backround showing he has nothing to lose and everything to gain in making up rumors.

Shows that some people will gladly accept any lie or innuendo from anyone to justify their blameseeking

Not even the 10 minutes required to research the critical info on this particular case...just a hey...someone said something bad about the administration, must be true...get the rope.

deny ignorance my arse.


But doesn't your description also PERFECTLY fit what people on the left post on all the Palin threads?

Were you over on those threads complaining about those posts as well?

If not, it is quite hypocritical to only be here on this thread complaining.

Deny ignorance AND hypocrisy ...

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Angus123
I'm not surprised either...
Wait... yes I am. I'm surprised he's not being accused of setting kittens on fire at midnight while he does the Naked Satan Dance in the Oval Office.

Those dang Muslim, Nazi, Socialist, Communists love the Naked Satan Dance.

So, when someone finally comes up with something obama could be nailed on, the way we can tell it IS serious is when his supporters begin posting mindless and nonsensical deflection attempts, such as the one quoted above.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
But doesn't your description also PERFECTLY fit what people on the left post on all the Palin threads?

No. The Palin threads have proof of what she's done. Videos, pictures, etc.
This thread is not about your beloved Sarah. Do you have anything to address the accusations made against Obama in THIS thread?

Originally posted by centurion1211
So, when someone finally comes up with something obama could be nailed on, the way we can tell it IS serious is when his supporters begin posting mindless and nonsensical deflection attempts, such as the one quoted above.

Once again, you have NO ROOM to be accusing others of "mindless and nonsensical deflection attempts" after your previous posts about Blagojevich and Palin!
Can you address the subject of THIS thread instead of other posters posts? Or not?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem


Just another in a long list of reasons why WE must eliminate ALL of these asshats sooner than later.

Viva la revolución. Peaceful first, if necessary further.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I did contribute to the thread topic in my post about the trial of the former Illinois governor for soliciting bribes for obama's old senate seat. In other words, obama is just doing what he was trained to do back in that cesspool called the Illinois democrat political machine.

High crimes and misdemeanors. Has an interesting sound to it, don't you think?

But no doubt because that post had substance and was damning to the president, you chose ignore that post in favor of commenting on me.

So, was I even wrong in my assessment of the post by angus123? Nah, didn't think so.

Typical for you ...

[edit on 2/24/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Its validated that this happened. What is alleged or not factual yet is whether or not this is criminal. Personally I think it technically is illegal, but is sadly so common that people have become desensitized to it. Regardless of legality, it is corrupt and wrong no matter who does it, or which party.

What's legal isn't always ethical, and what's ethical isn't always legal.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127
Its validated that this happened. What is alleged or not factual yet is whether or not this is criminal.

Right. And that's what the OP alleged. And that's what I'm addressing.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that, because I want to find the truth of the matter (whether or not this is legal), I automatically approve of these kinds of actions. I do not. I never have. It's no different because it's Obama.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Now I know what it all means.

The true meaning of "HOPE AND CHANGE":
"I HOPE this lttle bribe will help you CHANGE your mind"

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by johnny2127
Its validated that this happened. What is alleged or not factual yet is whether or not this is criminal.

Right. And that's what the OP alleged. And that's what I'm addressing.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that, because I want to find the truth of the matter (whether or not this is legal), I automatically approve of these kinds of actions. I do not. I never have. It's no different because it's Obama.

Agreed. I think what we are seeing with Obama is very similar to what we saw with Bush. What I mean by that is, both are losing or lost former supporters due to their actions and policies. I was a Bush supporter until he pushed for the Medicare expansion without a funding source. That and other things piled on top of each other and he lost me. I think Obama is making the same mistake of arrogance that Bush did, and is losing people.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:56 PM
Just to be clear, I still support Obama. I have never supported him unconditionally nor have I supported everything he said and did. I think he's a human being, prone to mistakes and bad decisions and he's doing the best he can with a very difficult situation. But that's another thread.
I just wanted to let you know that Obama hasn't "lost" me.
I just don't approve of everything he does. And bribery is something I don't approve of, no matter who is doing it.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Isn't using bribes in the white house illegal? Could this be used against obama in a court?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by Angus123
I'm not surprised either...
Wait... yes I am. I'm surprised he's not being accused of setting kittens on fire at midnight while he does the Naked Satan Dance in the Oval Office.

Those dang Muslim, Nazi, Socialist, Communists love the Naked Satan Dance.

So, when someone finally comes up with something obama could be nailed on, the way we can tell it IS serious is when his supporters begin posting mindless and nonsensical deflection attempts, such as the one quoted above.

As a trained vet I'm sorry to inform you that you have rabies. A series of 7 shots will be required to save your life, but only radical shock therapy will get over you hatred of the black man in the white house and your creepy crush on the lightweight in the boob tube with simpleton notes written on her hand.

P.S. He hasn't done anything to be nailed on, but I guess if a right wing rag says it it must be true. Elvis is alive and Hillary is really a Reptillian.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Angus123]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
reply to post by TwoTechnics

I've seen a few stories on this in the local news and NONE of them even mentions the fact that what Obama is trying to do is against the law.

The MSM might cover the story, but they'll never mention that the President is breaking the law. I didn't even realize it until I read this article.

Everyone wants to hump Obama...
Did you ever see the list of crimes commited by the Bush Family on mainstreeam media...FOX for example...NO

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:50 AM
Isn't bribery how the entire American political system functions? How would anyone get elected in this day without millions in campaign contributions from corporations? Those contributions aren't without cost down the line for the newly elected. Pay raises get tacked on to bills, shady lobbyist dealings behind closed doors, good job appointments for playing ball...

I'm not saying this story is or isn't true, but even if you're to believe that it is; how is that different than business as usual?

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