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Send radio signals to Mars Cities

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posted on May, 30 2004 @ 12:41 PM
The information made available at this web site:
should have decided for everyone that, yes,
aliens are real, UFOs are real, and they live on
at least Mars and the Moon.
If still in doubt then WHAT possibly could be
considered evidence, if you don't believe what
you can verify for yourself at the above web site??

But to the point. Given that aliens do exist and are
in our solar system.. what would be the problem
with amateur radio enthusiasts forming a project to
contact them?

Obviously the people here, like myself, would like to
learn more about them, and to know what earth people
have that can be used to either purchase, or trade, for
one of their spacecraft.

Governments have not, and do not, represent the people
of earth when it comes to contacting the aliens. This should
be obvious to everyone here. There is NO possibility that
governments are unaware of their existence. And since they
all have lied about the aliens existence, or simply ignore
making any comment about the evidence, it is clear they
do not represent the people of earth.

So what problems does anyone see about trying to contact
the aliens directly?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Number 1, this is nothing new and has been going on for some time. Look at the SETI program. I guess I'd like to see incontrovertible proof that aliens live on Mars and the moon. We didn't see any evidence on our trip to the moon or in the pictures from Mars. BTW, ham radio operators bounce radio signals off the moon everyday. It's called EME. I would think the aliens would have jumped into the conversation by now.

Edit: I just spent more time on the link!

Need one say more?

[Edited on 5/30/2004 by CommonSense]

[Edited on 5/30/2004 by CommonSense]

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 12:51 PM
If they are here it is messed up how the government is blocking their existance from being common information. If we are able to communicate with them and they are friendly then us ATSers should have an intergalactic kegger.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Number 1, this is nothing new and has been going on for some time. Look at the SETI program. I guess I'd like to see incontrovertible proof that aliens live on Mars and the moon. We didn't see any evidence on our trip to the moon or in the pictures from Mars. BTW, ham radio operators bounce radio signals off the moon everyday. It's called EME. I would think the aliens would have jumped into the conversation by now.

Edit: I just spent more time on the link!

Need one say more?

[Edited on 5/30/2004 by CommonSense]

[Edited on 5/30/2004 by CommonSense]

There is such an enormous disconnect
between what is officially reported
concerning images from the space probes
that have been sent to both the Moon and
Mars, and what is clearly evidence of
alien presence on both bodies by non-
government researchers who have, and are,
studying those images, that trying to make
sense of it requires more information..
preferably from the aliens themselves
since obviously our governments can not be
trusted when it comes to the subject of
aliens. For example, at the web site: on the
home page take a close look at the image
in the upper left corner. That is the one
showing the industrial processing plant on
the surface of Mars. After you study the
article associated with the images of that
facility, especially noting the evident
vapor leaving the stack over the roof, and
look closely at the images, clearly it is
an active facility. If you like click on
the government web site at the bottom of
the article where the images from the Mars
space probes are made available for
researchers on the Internet, and verify
for yourself that, yes, that is a real and
on Mars. Now, that industrial facility is
either being operated by aliens, or is
automated in some way. Maybe robots..
maybe there are no aliens there right now.
BUT, aliens had to have built it. Even so
notable an individual as Sir Arthur Clarke
has commented that the images that have
been taken from many of the space probes
that have been sent to Mars show life
there. When taken together with the other
evidence from that web site, and others,
as well as the ongoing and constant UFO
sightings, I believe it is way past time
to start efforts to contact the aliens
directly, and simply ignore everything
that governments have to say about the

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 01:46 PM
I don't know how much of this guys research you've read - but he comes across as a fruitcake to me - I've exchanged e-mails with one of these guys and he brings paranoia a whole new dimension.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Uuuhhh OKaaay,
Most people on ATS look for proof, verifiable proof. Unfortunately, your link does not provide that. Defy Ignornace! Humor - Well yes! BTW,

[Edited on 5/30/2004 by CommonSense]

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Trevor
I don't know how much of this guys research you've read - but he comes across as a fruitcake to me - I've exchanged e-mails with one of these guys and he brings paranoia a whole new dimension.

I've had a few email conversations with Skipper even from before the
new web site at was formed, and
I can say without qualification he is no fruit cake. After he explained
in detail why he is doing this research, and the methods he uses to
analyze space probe images and otherwise conduct his research, I
could only wish others were so careful and knowledgable about the
procedures of image processing. He is also extremely careful about
not presenting too much information that can easily cause people to
simply deny everything on his web site. Take a look at the section
he titles "commentary" from the web site home page and he better
tries to explain his position about the subjects he talks about.
As to how much of his research I've looked at.. all of it.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:05 PM
To quote a noted source - 'Blurry blob analysis'.

These guys claim the DOD is a regular visitor to the site. When they find him, they're sure to fire him!

Mockan wouldn't be Jeffrey McCann would he?

[Edited on 30-5-2004 by Trevor]

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:15 PM
LOL! No, I'm not McCann. Trevor your name sounds familiar but I
can't place it. Did you also frequent the EnterpriseMission forum
awhile back? Since they started charging for access I have not been

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 12:34 PM
Hi Mockan - oh yes, I was part of the enterprise mission when it went down - many moons ago now - posting as sceptical, those were the days.

It wasn't all mischief, there were some great images posted there.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 02:23 PM
This site has some fairly suspect "evidence". Blurs look like photoshopping and some of the "vehicle" or "metallic" objects seem to be nothing more than debris from the landing.


posted on May, 31 2004 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by mockan

Wow, if the pictures on that site are real that is some pretty serious stuff...

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 03:02 PM
...and if they aren't, the people saying they were won't admit they sounded stupid.

[Edited on 5/31/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by d1k

Originally posted by mockan

Wow, if the pictures on that site are real that is some pretty serious stuff...

All the images that Skipper researches are available from internet
government related web sites. To say "if the pictures are real.." is
to imply if they are not then departments of NASA and the government
are perpetrating one of the most expensive, long term, sophisticated
hoax of all time, dating back to the beginning of interplanetary probe
investigations of Mars and the Moon. The primary researcher at is J. Skipper. I have had emailed
conversations about this possibility with him. For a variety of reasons he discounts it. One of the best is the whole water related issue about Mars. He discovered one of the first lakes found on Mars. Since then
other non-governmental researchers have found not just water evidence like "seeps" in some of the images, but literally lakes, rivers, and
near the pole what can only be described as an ocean. Just recently even government researchers have admitted to the "possibility" that liquid water can exist on Mars. And one of the orbital probes doing a survey of the planet has found ample eveidence of "hydrogen bonded compounds"
covering the planet. That means either water, much underground, or
other compounds that usually can only be produced by living processes
characteristic of micro-organisms or plants. A book is in process and Skipper plans to publish soon.. see his web site for more information about it. As you say about the images at his web site.. WOW!
Take that head monument for example. Now WHAT is a humanoid head
monument doing on Mars? And as you study the articles you find that the VIKING spacecraft pictures of decades ago DID NOT show the monument!
Since nothing that enormous could have been made in just a few years then either the VIKING spacecraft pictures were doctored to NOT show it, or the more recent pictures were doctored TO show it. Either way the implication is a government condoned conspiracy on such a massive mind numbing scale that personally it makes me suspect ANYTHING the government has to say about aliens.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:15 PM
Personally, I find this evidence completely underwhelming, the domes are nothing of the sort. These are zoomed in so far that nothing can be taken for granted.

I've yet to see one credible report by one J Skipper - but that's just me I guess.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 04:27 PM
Yippy another web site with blurry images of far away dots.

mockan, I hope that is simply your site and you are trolling, otherwise, wake the f* up mockan.

If those images convince you that "aliens do exist and are in our solar system." you need to continue your research.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 04:56 PM
Aliens do exist, that's for sure. That's my opinion at least. And they come to earth, yes. So, ok, no problem with them coming to Mars also, but I have a great doubt about them setting up on Mars... Wouldn't it be more obvious then? I mean, I can really accept that our probes are being watched by UFOs on Mars, but I don't think they would install bases and the such...

I know some stories go about moon based aliens and so, and I would say that given the few stories about the astronauts on the moon, those are a bit more credible. Maybe if we send 4 or 5 manned missions to Mars those claims will be credible also, at least just a bit more than stupid. But for now, no: I don't buy that.

To corroborate the fact that aliens may also be around Mars, anyone remember the story of that probe (don't remember which?) that went faulty after having captured a picture of Deimos (I think, maybe Phobos??) together with an absolutely huge UFO next to it?

I'll post if I find anything about it...

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 05:10 PM
All right, I have it... Didn't take long, he?

This link should give you more info... Nice page, lots of links and lots of pics...

Actually it was a russian probe, Phobos 2, and the satellite involved is Phobos... lol I messed it up a bit!

If we want to "officialy" and definitely make contact with aliens, it is not by sending radio signals in space... They seem to visit us (on earth) quite often, and most of the times, the few contacts they have with people is them fleeing, or being abducted it seems. Maybe they do want to remain secret after all...

I think that if someone is to really make a good contact with aliens, it will happen with someone who wouldn't share it, who would be always honest and someone trustable on all aspects. That is, if they are benevolent to us, which is not proven... But if they were really malevolent, I think we would have noticed already the evil that they do... All the dark conspiracy theorists, such as John Lear and others, I think, are making their minds in such a paranoia!...

Anyway... There are no cities on Mars I'm afraid. Not yet at least. And I don't think either that there ever were.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 07:04 PM
I recently bought an interesting DVD that touches on the possibility of past Martian civilization/structures...Not sure personally which side of the fence I sit on this,but some of it is quite entertaining and interesting,real or not.

This is the site that puts it out:

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:41 PM
Project redstars writer sounds suspiciously like Skipper.

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