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What is wrong in Texas, in the USA?

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Not surprising.... seeing that all humankind, want so called "Reality" to be according to their own Rules, and have absolutely No regard whatsoever for Truth and Reality.

The Religious sector Pretend.... and the Scientific declare.... according to the rules or laws laid down my humanity...
So I guess all of humanity err sadly...

Perhaps we should look at the "rules" that humanity set in concrete???

As this is the foundation or Corner-stone of human understanding of themselves and the environment ???

Truth is more important, than human "religions" and "science" according to humankind Don't you agree ???

Perhaps the Foundation for human understanding should be based on Truth rather than Interpretations according to human ignorance ???

And I am also included in this as well... seeing I am also experiencing the Human Species..

Will we ever learn ???

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:16 AM
You sure about your numbers


It would be better stated that the Texans are speaking in ignorance not the accuracy of information. I am assuming this is what your speaking of.

Till the cowboys realize that those big belt buckles are tombstones for dead Di@#$. lmeao

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Will we ever learn ???

Sadly, probably not. Religion definitely doesn't have the Truth. Science definitely doesn't have the Truth. So, where does that leave us? I'll tell you where it leaves us. Not having the Truth.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Will we ever learn ???

Sadly, probably not. Religion definitely doesn't have the Truth. Science definitely doesn't have the Truth. So, where does that leave us? I'll tell you where it leaves us. Not having the Truth.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

Bingo.... Reality....

A Star 4 U...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
In their study, 60% of the population of Texas (that's about 15 MILLION people) either believe that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time, or are "Not Sure".

When pollsters asked Texans: Do You Agree or Disagree with this statement? --- "God created Human Beings pretty much in their present form about 10,000 years ago" --- 38% of Texans AGREED!!!!!!

Being a native Texan, I'm similarly puzzled by this poll result.

Texas, unlike most states, is populated by some of the most intelligent and technically-accomplished individuals you will ever meet.

The Texas Medical Center, in Houston, is literally a small city of the most advanced healthcare facilities in the world, including the most advanced cancer, heart transplant and neurological facilities.

Texas A&M University, in Bryan College Station, is the most advanced agricultural and veterinary institution of higher learning in the world. When scientists worldwide have questions regarding the agricultural and veterinary sciences, they consult Texas A&M first.

Texas Instruments, the home of the original transistor (invented there in 1947), designs and builds the most cutting-edge electronic components on the planet.

The University of Houston is where researchers invented the super-low-temperature super conductors, which are at the heart of the world's most advanced electronic components.

The manmade Houston Ship Channel, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico inland some 50 miles to the Port of Houston, aside from being one of the most incredible manmade channels on Earth, is also the center of petroleum refining in the USA — 65% of this nation's petroleum is refined by the numerous gigantic refineries all along the Houston Ship Channel.

And, of course, NASA's Johnson Space Center — popularly associated with Houston, Texas — is actually located in Webster, Texas, the home of Mission Control. The first human word transmitted from the Moon back to Earth was the word "Houston"... "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."

Now, given that the most brilliant minds in the world are found in Texas, I'm somewhat dismayed by the UT poll results. I would venture to say that much of this ignorance is imported from other lesser-developed countries in Central America.

Texas has possibly the largest population of illegal immigrants of any state in the Union, probably more so than that found in California, Arizona, and New Mexico — plus, Texas has had a huge illegal alien population for many, many decades.

The great majority of illegal immigrants are high school dropouts, which is why they can't find work aside from the most menial labor.

So, yes, I would point to the large and established population of poorly-educated illegal aliens in Texas as a primary reason for the ignorance regarding human evolution.

Is there any information in the poll explaining who was polled, by ethnic origin?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/23/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Doc, believe me, I am a native Texan myself. I hate to say this, but anywhere outside the metropolitan areas all you encounter is stupidity...I mean, let's be honest here, man.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Doc, believe me, I am a native Texan myself. I hate to say this, but anywhere outside the metropolitan areas all you encounter is stupidity...I mean, let's be honest here, man.

I am being honest.

I was academically educated at the University of Houston as well as at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas — I believe the latter university has changed its name since I attended there.

In all the many years I lived in and explored the badlands of Texas, I constantly encountered some of the most brilliant people I've ever met anywhere. I'm talking about archaeologists, paleontologists, photographers, geologists, hunters, ranchers, journalists, doctors, and homespun fundamental Christians, as well.

You don't survive long in the Texas outback without some level of intelligence, unless you're a dirt-poor illegal immigrant willing to work at the dirtiest jobs.

So, no, I don't accept the contention that those Texans living away from the metroplex are somehow inferior specimens. I know too many of them to accept that notion.

What I do know about the Hwy 35 corridor running through Austin and down to San Antonio is that it is heavily populated with Liberals attending the various colleges and universities of the area. And they are far from being the most intelligent people I've met.

In fact, some of the dumbest people I've met in Texas were right there in Austin, which is a cesspool of sanctimonious and pretentious Liberalism. Their educations are slight and politically biased, and I know that they are quite dumb when it comes to many areas of science. Most of them got their degrees in liberal arts, NOT in the hard sciences.

Again, I would be interested to know where this UT poll was conducted. If it was right there in Austin, I'm not at all surprised.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
In a University of Texas poll, an astonishing amount of those polled are woefully ignorant of basic science.

In their study, 60% of the population of Texas (that's about 15 MILLION people) either believe that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time, or are "Not Sure".

!!!! Why do I find no surprise in this???

68% DO 'believe' in evolution, but it's mitigated by the "with or without a guiding hand from god" proviso.

But, "Human Evolution"??? Drops to only 50%, and the same "with or without" restriction in thinking.

When pollsters asked Texans: Do You Agree or Disagree with this statement? --- "God created Human Beings pretty much in their present form about 10,000 years ago" ---

38% of Texans AGREED!!!!!!

NOT bashing on a particular state, in the USA here....BUT this sort of poll HAS TO BE taken seriously, as indicative of the woeful lack of education in the USA, and the possible insinuation OF RELIGION, into the educational and indoctronational fabric of society, and this is what causes such ignorance to perpetuate.

Some paraphrasing, for dramatic effect, read the full article here.

Thank you very much....

I suppose you can provide some solid proof that some type of humanoid did not walk side by side w/ dinosaurs? I'll be waiting.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by Ear-Responsible]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Ear-Responsible
I suppose you can provide some solid proof that some type of humanoid did not walk side by side w/ dinosaurs? I'll be waiting.

Now this is an interesting idea.

Rather than slapping our knees, guffawing along with the Texas-bashers, I think we should step outside the box of dogmatic Evolution theory and seriously open our minds to the possibility that we don't know jack about much of our natural history.

I remember reading a paleontological article many decades ago about a set of fossilized human leg bones with feet attached discovered in Utah, I think it was. These were the skeletal remains of two individuals, discovered out in the Utah badlands, and the leg bones appeared to be those of modern humans.

Which was extremely interesting, considering they were discovered in strata dated at 100 million years old. Which would place these "modern humans" dead in the middle of the Cretaceous Period, would it not?

The fossilized bones, as usual, were whisked away to a university in New York, and they've never resurfaced.

This ranks right along with the fossilized "human footprint" with a Trilobite embedded in the heel. Now, I understand that a lot of impressions can be mistaken for a "human footprint"; but how do you mistake two sets of human legs (with feet) for anything except modern humans?

If there is anything screwy about the way we date strata, then our entire paleontological database is screwy and must be reassessed and rewritten.

Which is something that the Old Guard of Science are loathe to contemplate.

They would disavow and sweep under the carpet the "curious findings" rather than rewrite natural history, yes?

Now, this doesn't acquit the Texans of the UT poll for their ignorance — but what if the Texans know something that dogmatic Science refuses to accept?

And how do they know it?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/23/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Doc, I thought I took great pains NOT to single out one state, that of Texas, for derision or ridicule.

When I heard of this, I immediately thought it a snapshot of the general state of poor education, in the USA as a whole.

Born and raised here, but I've travelled to many other countries on this planet, and have some life experience to give me a certain perspective....

YES there are ignorant people, everywhere, in every culture, in every country...

YES there are brilliant people, in every country, in every culture....

AND, NO I am not trying to throw down on just one state of the USA (Texas)***

***I was born, raised in California...sheesh, do you know how many jokes, jibes and whatnot are directed at Californians???

Anyway....I like that you contributed that 'story' about "human footprints" in tbe Cretaceaus Period....but I'm not buying into it.

Ever-increasing studies of the Human genome, and its progression, show pretty clearly how far back we (or branches that led to us) go....

HOWEVER, and this comment may take this into a whole NEW direction, maybe needs a thread of its the "Aliens and UFO" forum....

I am NOT averse to the possiblity of extraterrestial influence, even at some distant point in Earth's history, and that maybe, just maybe the basic primate/mammal body plan might have been introduced to this planet from OTHERS, who evolved elsewhere....

....but, that is just rampant speculation, at this point....

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Ear-Responsible
I suppose you can provide some solid proof that some type of humanoid did not walk side by side w/ dinosaurs? I'll be waiting.

How about you show us a 65 million year old (or older) humanoid fossil? Can't? Then you'll have explain why we've found 100s of thousands of 65 million year old dinosaur fossils but not a single 65 million year old humanoid fossil..

[edit on 23-2-2010 by rhinoceros]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:37 AM
Having spent a considerable time in Texas and the northern region of the country, I can share some unique characteristics of Texans for the OP.

First, Texans genuinely feel that their state and peoples are superior to any other states. Having lived elsewhere, I can certainly say this is inaccurate to say the least.

They do not take lightly to any anti-Texas comments. If natives there were given the opportunity to spend a few years outside of the southern region of the country, their attitude on this one would CHANGE.

There is NO middle class status there. Observations obviously reveal that folks in the ghettos up north have a MUCH better quality of life than the average working class family of the south.

ALL elected officials are elected with regards to ONE personal character trait. That trait is how Christian the official claims to be.

Despite the horrible poverty of the average working folks there (many having two jobs), the population will vote almost unanimously for officials whom are totally against the working middle class just because that official says the word "Jesus" every once in a while.

Getting married, playing house, and having babies takes precedence over finishing high school for teens. Oddly enough, the parents see nothing wrong with their young teen daughters having babies as if they were simply pets.

More can be added, but this should be sufficient for the OP regarding the state that was called into question.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Wait wait wait . . .

When did evolution become hard fact?

Is it not still a theory?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:45 AM
because people from texas are retarded, sorry, but true story.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Texas resident here, DFW area. I'm not surprised in the least. I'm pretty much disgusted by what I see on a daily basis. People around here are generally ignorant. I go to a couple of bars regularly. Talk to business men about various issues. To simply think independently of what MSM regurgitates will give you two polar opposite opinions the majority of the time. Either the people are fools and will label you an idiot right off the bat, or they'll think you're brilliant and some kind of genius. It's pretty hilarious to me that all you have to do these days to be labeled brilliant is have an independent view on things. If that doesn't say much for Americans being dumbed down, I don't know what else will!

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:52 AM
We can debate, ridicule, laugh at each other all our lives...
then one day we will all die, and we will all find out who was right all along.
I have a gut feeling the 'simple minded' will be vindicated....and my gut feeling has NEVER been wrong.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

When did evolution become hard fact?

Is it not still a theory?

Not to deflect my own thread....but this deserves some clarification.

Would help when people go and study the definitions of "theory", versus "hypothesis" (I put those in reverse order, on purpose).

When you research, you will understand why.

To paraphrase your query, "Lemon.Fresh" ---

"When did gravity become a hard fact?

Is it not still a theory?"

Getting my point, here? I hope so....

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Doc, First time I have read one of your posts and agreed.

Thank you for laying it out in a way that only you can.

I live in what many would consider backwoods Texas along 59, and yea, we got our fair share of dumbasses, but take a second to talk to some people, and they have a deep sense of knowing whats up. Yes, they have come out of the "simple southern" mindset, but they still have the idea that knowledge is power.

reply to post by pplrnuts

Where have you gotten these view points. They seem pretty ignorant. Especially the view on popping out babies. Everyone I know is completely against their teenager having babies and getting married. I'd suggest you get a wider view point on this state.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:19 AM
iamsupermanv2, I SUGGEST YOU LOOK AT THE STATE STATS. Which state do you think is NUMBER ONE for teen births? Ignorance rests on your side partner. I personally didnt need to see it documented to have claimed this based upon experiences living in Texas and elsewhere. Its clear if you open yuour eyes. If you have never been out of the south, you have no business debating me on this.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
Having spent a considerable time in Texas and the northern region of the country, I can share some unique characteristics of Texans for the OP.

I have spent 75% of my life in Texas. This should be interesting . . .

First, Texans genuinely feel that their state and peoples are superior to any other states.

What other STATE won their independence from a tyrannical government? What other state has beaches, hill country, plains, mountains, forests, deserts, and swamps . . . all within their border? What other state can literally support itself when TSHTF?

Having lived elsewhere, I can certainly say this is inaccurate to say the least.

Please back that up, or you are just talking out of your ass.

They do not take lightly to any anti-Texas comments.

Damn right. Ya'll are just jealous, IMO.

If natives there were given the opportunity to spend a few years outside of the southern region of the country, their attitude on this one would CHANGE.

Wrong! I have spent time outside of Texas. After awhile, I longed to return. Most people that come to Texas, stay in Texas . . . unless they are North-Eastern pansies.

More people move into Texas than move out. That should clue you in.

There is NO middle class status there.

Then WTF am I? lol

I am not rich, by any means . . . but I am not poor either.

Observations obviously reveal that folks in the ghettos up north have a MUCH better quality of life than the average working class family of the south.

And look where that better life in the ghetto has pushed those states . . .

People here in Texas believe in work. If you do not work (and are able to), you do not get the free ride that most states offer. Yes, you will get some assistance, but it comes with strings.

ALL elected officials are elected with regards to ONE personal character trait. That trait is how Christian the official claims to be.

lol . . . . no

Although Texas is a conservative state, no one really brings up the issue of religion.

Nice try, though.

Despite the horrible poverty of the average working folks there (many having two jobs),

No one I know has two jobs, and I live in the poorest area of Texas.

Oh, and we make less money, but the cost of living is way cheaper too. Perspective, son.

the population will vote almost unanimously for officials whom are totally against the working middle class just because that official says the word "Jesus" every once in a while.

Actually, no. People vote normally (except below San Antonio, where the vote depends on if you or anyone in your family knows or is related to a candidate. If so, that candidate gets your vote no matter what.)

Getting married, playing house, and having babies takes precedence over finishing high school for teens.

Texas has a 31% drop out rate. This could be drastically lowered if the USA would get some border security going. A good percentage of students in Texas are illegal residents who are also migrant workers.

Once again, get your facts straight.

Oddly enough, the parents see nothing wrong with their young teen daughters having babies as if they were simply pets.

My parents kicked my ass when my GF and I got pregnant . . . and that is because I was 24 lol

More can be added, but this should be sufficient for the OP regarding the state that was called into question.

Please continue . . .

But please keep in mind that Texas perfectly emulates what the United States of America was supposed to be before you northerners effed it up.

Texas is THE melting pot. Nowhere else can you find a Vietnamese born cowboy (boots jeans hat, the works) riding in a BMW, saying "orale'" (spanish . . . akin to saying "right on!") to everyone that talks to him . . . and no one questions it.

Yes, Texas has its issues, but we take care of ourselves. Those issues are usually ironed out pretty quickly.

Just the fact that Texas has more people in that moving out should prove your baseless claims as false.

Basically, in the immortal words of David Crockett . . .

You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas!

[edit on 2/23/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

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