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95-97% of Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming is caused by Water!

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:43 PM
That's right. Between 95-97% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is water vapor! Funny we don't hear about a cap and trade system for clouds! Oh and the amount of total greenhouse gases humans have added since the dawn of time? About 0.28% which is quickly scrubbed from the air by the plant life. I'm all for being responsible and for cleaning up after ourselves but don't be fooled people this new push of global warming in the media and governments is about control of you and me and nothing more.

And even though they try to scrub this fact from Google, you can still find it other places just by Googling it.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:45 PM
Kinda makes you wonder if hydrogen cars and there water vapor would actually add to global warming eh ?

I actually saw a pretty good documentary on this topic 2 years ago , was very interesting .

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

Yeah, makes a lot more sense than
the rubbish they want us to believe.

S & F

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:49 PM
While we're at it did you guys know that oxygen kills a lot of pathogens. It's a bio hazard. God think of the poor children why isn't this poison banned yet!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:50 PM
One of the things I've heard is quite common is that when TPTB speak of the greenhouse gases they just leave water out! Liie it isn't the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect which is truly just fiddling with the numbers to scare folks. Again we must take care of our home but this is just a lie about control!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:55 PM
I knew it. In my English class in school we had a Global warming project, or GW, and our teacher showed us the bs movie the Inconvenient truth, which quite frankly is full of LIES. Amazingly almost everyone believed in this. Almost. Me and this other kid.

I wanted to do the Jessie Ventura government thing on Global Warming, and she did not let me talk about it because Jessie Venture ( on TRUtv) because it is for entertainment. But what jessie found out is that the governemnt is making money from this. It is logical and simple. More panic=more money. Easy as that.
Jessie Ventura

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:58 PM
Another funny thing is a few years ago about the time that Al Gore's movie came out, I was at The University of Arizona attending college and there was a Dr. Overpeck, I believe was his name though I could be wrong. He was interviewed in the Daily Wildcat (school paper) and they were having a global warming conference on campus and he was the one who originally had stated these numbers in a speech and then was quoted in the paper. He had all kinds of other supporting numbers (that I wish I could have remembered for this thread) but basically said the same thing I'm saying, that while we must be responsible and care for our home, human contributions to a global warming problem were false and that it wasn't getting warmer anyways. Funny I think a year or two after this conference the university ran into some funding issues and now their story matches the governments that it is a problem. You wanna change a scientists tune, threaten to take away his government funding! Sheesh crooked Elites! It truly is about power in the end!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:03 PM
It's all about balance, because too much of one thing results in a shortage of another..

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

Thats is very true, and we have known for years

Contrails are a prime example of this

When 9/11 happened, and all airtraffic was grounded, the diurnal temperature was actually greater, as there were no contrails to keep cloud from reflecting long wave radiation out into space, and also keeping it trapped towards the ground during the night.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

etween 95-97% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is water vapor! Funny we don't hear about a cap and trade system for clouds!

The net amount of water vapour doesn't change, therefore the net effect of global warming due to vapour hasn't either. It's the other greenhouse gases which have increased, and so increases the overall greenhouse effects.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

I agree with that most certainly. And we need to do more to protect our home and free ourselves from the grips of fossil fuels (which again we probably would have a long time ago if not for TPTB!) as well. I would never question the need to clean up our act but I have zero problems questioning their motivation. Let's not forget for the longest time the government denied global warming was even an issue then they found a way to use it to better control the free people of the world and suddenly the world is going to die if we don't tax pollution and make more laws!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by john124

Ah but see that's not entirely true. It does change! Constantly. While this leads to an average amount of cloud cover overall that average does change based on things like the temperature! It then reflects more and cools things down! Also the more CO2 in the atmosphere, the more plants take in effectively limiting the amount in the atmosphere and keeping that from changing! Anyways I don't wanna get into this with the crowd of debunkers that will be along shortly. People I'm not saying to be irresponsible here! Just don't buy the government mandated control program! Go learn for yourselves the truth is out there so to speak!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Also the more CO2 in the atmosphere, the more plants take in effectively limiting the amount in the atmosphere and keeping that from changing!

ehh, but it has changed. What you are talking about is the biosphere carbon sink. Plants and animals are carbon based lifeforms. The accumulation of plant and animal matter acts as a carbon storage facility. Fossil fuels are simply the biosphere's carbon stored for millions of years. We are effectively diminishing the biosphere carbon sink and putting it into the atmosphere. Given the biomes on earth are actually in decay, I don't see how the living biosphere will be able to grow enough to sink enough carbon to offset the release of ancient stored carbon.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by ncb1397

Would it does be sufficient enough lol. No but seriously it truly is a tiny amount oveall we have added. It is tiny compared to the amount that is even added naturally by things like geothermal vents and active volcanoes. When you hear the numbers they spout it sounds massive but on our global scale again only .05% or so of the total CO2 is from man made sources and the rest again is from volcanoes etc...

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:37 PM
Reply to ncb1397

Decaying biomatter becomes oil - that is why they have to drill for it. Somewhere in the history of the earth, the artic was once a forest. Then for whatever reason, the forest died, the decaying biomatter became buried and turned into oil.

With trillions of barrels of oil buried in the earth's core, why would you question the ability of the earth to handle more decaying biomatter?


posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:44 PM
Oi... Scientists DO acknowledge this. Part of the problem with global warming is that higher temperatures will lead to more evaporated water which doesn't condense; this means more water vapor in the air, so more greenhouse gases, and more heat, and more water vapor, and more heat... The other greenhouse gases create a similar rise in water vapor which leads to a vicious cycle. If any of you "Oh my Jeebus, some scientists faked teh data so all scientists faked teh data!" iSNIP paid any attention to the actual science behind global warming, you would KNOW THAT.

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[edit on 23-2-2010 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Solasis

But the more water vapor in the atmosphere doesn't lead to more heat. It leads to more cloud cover which reflects the suns rays back into space and cooling the planet so oi bact at ya!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Solasis

No need for calling people idiots eh?

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Redwookieaz]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

A nice discussion of people who were all agreeing with each other without looking at the facts. I'm just tired of seeing all the "OMG Global wArming a mytthhhh" posts. Finally ticked me off watching all these people pat each other on the back without knowing anything. Maybe I went too far, but at the very least it wasn't an insult all on its own.

As to your other point -- the whole source of this post is "Water Vapor is a Greenhouse Gas." More water vapor in the air -> More Greenhouse Gases -> More Heat Retention. If you don't think that greenhouse gases cause the world to get hotter, then this topic is completely devoid of any meaning.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Solasis

Well what I am saying is that the system is self correcting and that the amount of greenhouse gases that are contributed by humans is tiny in comparison to what is contributed by naturally occuring events. Also cloud cover is part of that system and as the atmosphere becomes more cloudy from heating up it reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth and heating it up so things cool down. Thus man made global warming is a myth. What you are stating as facts is far from a froegon conclusion and I would say anyone who questions the powers that be are far from idiocy. Please instead of arguing with me because you aren't going to change my mind like this, look up what I say. There is truth to it.

Edit for spelling

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Redwookieaz]

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