posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:58 PM
Another funny thing is a few years ago about the time that Al Gore's movie came out, I was at The University of Arizona attending college and there
was a Dr. Overpeck, I believe was his name though I could be wrong. He was interviewed in the Daily Wildcat (school paper) and they were having a
global warming conference on campus and he was the one who originally had stated these numbers in a speech and then was quoted in the paper. He had
all kinds of other supporting numbers (that I wish I could have remembered for this thread) but basically said the same thing I'm saying, that while
we must be responsible and care for our home, human contributions to a global warming problem were false and that it wasn't getting warmer anyways.
Funny I think a year or two after this conference the university ran into some funding issues and now their story matches the governments that it is a
problem. You wanna change a scientists tune, threaten to take away his government funding! Sheesh crooked Elites! It truly is about power in the end!