First off, some of you may call them demons. I prefer to call them "Inter-dimensional Entities".
But this damn thing in my dreams really likes to scare the crap out of me. It's hard to explain without coming off COMPLETELY crazy, but I'll
I've been getting these dreams lately, and this "jerk" is showing itself more and more.
I'll be dreaming about whatever, and all of a sudden, it's like I'm being held down and tormented. When I say tormented, I mean that this entity
can somehow engage my sense of fear. I don't know how else to explain it.
This thing doesn't have a face, or even a form. It just likes to mess with me.
Now, as it's happening, I am scared crapless. But when I wake up, I say to myself, "You got me again - good one".
Last night, this thing got me again. I was semi lucid, so I tried to laugh and say stupid things like "I love you" (just to offset the "evil
Well, it didn't work too well. I tried to think of happy and funny things, but this entity is strong and somehow inhibited those thoughts. But this
was the first time that I was able to try... Maybe next time I'll get it back.
So yeah, some will say it's just my imagination, sleep paralysis (can't be! I'm always 100% unconscious when this happens!), or a demon.
I, myself, really believe in the infinite dimension-deal and stuff like that (astral plane, lower astral, etc.). I am by no means Christian, and I
don't fall for that religious BS, so please, Christians - don't even try.
I say that with as much respect as I can.
But this bugger is showing himself more and more, and one time I'm gonna be prepared for this jerk (or hive of jerks - whatever it is!).
I tried to write this thread in such a casual way, because it's really no big deal - only when it has it's tendrils in me.
Anyone else ever have to deal with this fear-loving piece of crap?
[edit on 2/22/2010 by impaired]