posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:42 PM
here's the answer. Your soul which is not a part of the universe, it's a part of God, is searching for more answers.
You have left the juvenile teen days behind and are now on your search.
Mostly once you get past the teens, you have two paths. One is to just accept evil and be lazy, and the other is to mature, grow, and search for more
what those answers are are up to your sincerity in asking God.
That happened to me when I was 20 too. But I was led to Catholicsm because of the miracles I learned about and what i felt from communion.
And btw, I know that awkardness. People tick me off sometimes how shallow their conversations can be. It's all about money, sports, video games,
being nice to each other in a mean way, shallow yadda yadda stuff.
dont get me wrong I like sports and stuff. But I dont wanna talk about those things all day and pass time talkin on the cell phone about NOTHING for
hours. It's a good sign of simplicity you have.
I like to talk about deep things like you.
So all i have to say about the OP, is ask God to show you the truth, and keep searching.
peace out
[edit on 23-2-2010 by JesusisTruth]