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Personal Thougts on 2012

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:03 AM
(This will be an excerpt of my own conclusions and ideas. I will not include any links, images and videos (at least not initially). It’s for reading and thinking over, nothing more, nothing less. These are words from my own mind and from what I am both thinking and feeling. Thoughts I carry each and every day, feelings that influence my everyday life.)

The Mayan calendar; one of the most mysterious and compelling ways of telling time.
It’s all built up on the idea that time moves in cycles (instead of linear), like gears; one enormous one, and connected to it smaller and smaller ones. The smallest one is just a normal 24h cycle.
The big one, the one that has not turned since the dawn of the universe, is about to turn on the 21st of December 2012.

21-12-2012 is a very loaded date and around it hovers lots of controversy. For the most part, it is due to the popular belief that this is the “end times”.
I vaguer to say that this is the wrong approach. The World is not coming to an end, and it might not ever do so (depending on what “end” you have in mind, that is).

Another popular belief about the Mayan calendar is also that it is a “prophecy”.
It is not.
However; one can interpret the calendar to foretell the future. Still, it speaks in mysterious ways.

From the most serious and professional interpretations, we can say that what is about to happen is more or less this;
The foretold happenings in the evolution of both mankind and our minds will end on that date, and the future after that will be determined solely by us ourselves.

This is where I’d like to pitch in the current “Climate debate”.
Mind you “climate sceptics”, that I do not need to be told about any “hoax” or “scam”, save it for another thread. I have studied and learned, and my conclusions are fixed (I am aware that this in the typical way to gain flames, but I really do not intend to).

Now, if there is a subject that has caught as much controversy as 2012, it’s this. And here, I’d also like to say that the approach has been wrong for most of the times.
The climate is changing per se, but whether this is man made or a natural process, or both, is yet to be determined.
What is happening though, is that we are depleting our resources, fast and with out the shadow of remorse it seems.
People are staring themselves blind upon the “climate change” and forgetting the real problems. The planet is overpopulated and both land and ocean can’t take it no more.
And (this is the important part) as the planet loses its influence over us, the foretelling of our fate is lost. We have ourselves taken that influence away from the World and into our own hands.
On the “climate side” of the coin, the increasing extreme weather around the globe might serve as one big wake-up call. A rude awakening, just as some beliefs say that Mother Earth shall rid herself of the disobedient mankind like a dog shakes of its fleas.
Yet, I don’t think that man doesn’t have a place in this world, quite the contrary; I think we have a place and a purpose. There is a cosmic plan of us, but we still have to live up to it and this will not be done by itself. We still have to get our hands dirty instead of waiting for some “redeemer” or “God” to set things straight for us. Kindergarten is over. This is life now.

The great shift of 2012 is taking place inside our heads, in our minds. We have now to decide whether we’d wish to stay on planet earth for generations to come, or if we should just drive it down the abyss.
No “God” or otherworldly species will come to our rescue. We can only depend on our own hands and mind. The problem is; can we do it?

There is so much greed and ignorance in this world. Blind as bats we keep going around thinking it is just “business as usual”. Well, it’s not. “Business as usual” is nothing less than an obsolete way of thinking.
We have up until 21-12-2012 to make up our minds.
I don’t think there will be any great revelation on that date though. No big show in the sky, no voice from the clouds. The sun will rise on the 22nd as usual and the stars will remain firmly in their place.
Here is also a time to reconsider the Mayan calendar and popular myths about it.
Why should 21-12-2012 be a big firework when none of the other events were?
It is all about the “from seed to flower” process. A cosmic shift takes place, something happens somewhere and everywhere at the same time. Some of us might be able to sense it, but for most of us, it will pass without a notice. Still, it happens. Even more so unnoticed for us who have been living in such busy times as the last 100 years or so, nothing really impresses us much. In 2012, they saying “you reap what you sow” couldn’t be truer.
On the “doom and gloom” side, I’d like to think that if we fail to straighten up by then, it is all irreversible. We might not all be doomed, but most certainly the great many, both man and beast, will have to succumb. Maybe there will be a new world after that, maybe the earth will be as barren and dead as the other planets in our solar system. Maybe it will take another 100 years when we reach that point, maybe it will go fast. I can’t say and I don’t think anyone really can.

Forget not that we still have time. We can very well turn this around.
We have the technology and I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that we have the willpower as well.

If we could just chose to lay down our hard earned cash to proper use, we can make ploughs instead of swords. If the companies and corporations are willing to make use of their vast fortunes we can invent new technology to sustain a decent way of life for millenniums to come. As long as we are willing to give away our stubborn chase for personal profit.
It looks like we have a long way to go, and we are meeting a lot of resistance.
People are sceptical, and that is not too hard to understand. The generations that are alive today have seen so much destruction, so much evil that we have almost lost all our faith.
Even faith itself has been exploited to the extreme, so I do not blame those who are in doubt.
Still, the word must be spread. There is a very real meaning to 2012, but as long as we think it will be “the end”, we will keep digging our own grave.
Why bother if it is all going to hell anyway, right?
Well, what about this; it doesn’t have to be that way.

One does not have to believe in the Mayan calendar. Besides, this is not a religious issue at all. What we have to understand is that time is running out now. We have been given all the tools to take care of ourselves now. It’s been a slow process, but the time is now. Mother Earth has to let go of her children now. We are out of the womb, we have been fed and clothed, now is the time to face the music and make the most of it.
The planet has emerged from it’s fiery creation, oceans have grown life. We have travelled from simple organisms to reptiles to mammals.
We have learned to master fire and crop. We have learned how to speak and write.
We have learned about our place among the stars and how it is all connected. We have turned to Gods and we have questioned their existence… All of this we take for granted, still we seldom give it a shadow of thought what it is all good for.
They are all tools for survival. First, it has been a tool to survive the harsh conditions that this planet throws at us, now we must survive ourselves and return the favour.

I have a hard time believing in “right or wrong”, but I am sure there is “good or bad”. And I am equally sure that there are evil forces trying to deprive us from thinking about these things.
The “old minds” are dying off. The mind that says nature is evil and should be feared and tamed, that the earth is a mere resource for our exploitation, that there is nothing more to life than work and obey. These forces are destructive and driven by some primeval darkness that once served its purpose. But now, the times are changing and dawn is coming.
Yet, this “dark force” will not step aside so easily, it will dig its rusted claws deep into the World and try do drag it down as it falls. These powers are the same that try to convince us that the World is either coming to “an end” to discourage us to fight for it, or that there is no such thing as any “2012 phenomena” and that it is still “business as usual”. How strong this darkness really is we will know by 2012. Are we ready to face our legacy and for once learn something from it, or will our minds be so hopelessly blurred that we can only wish for the next World to turn out better?

Note that I doubt that this “evil” is represented by men. Of course, there are those who fear independent and free thought, but they are under influence of an evil that is above them. No man is more than a man. We are all influenced by popular culture that tells us of clandestine organizations that want to “rule the world” and therefore we are time and again giving them credit for all oppression. This might be the case in some issues, but this is far greater.
However, there seems to be those in power (most of them) who are under this “dark spell” more than others, more than the common person. A spell that grows tighter the higher they rise in ranks. But what they win in personal fame and profit, they lose in insight.
This is a part in the “evolution of the mind”. Somehow, the ones at the top must start to look down at their works instead of staring themselves blind at the skies for which they reach but will never grasp.

(continued below...)

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:03 AM
Many of you might consider all of this some sort of “call to arms”, which are very popular these days. So maybe I am supposed to give some advice here, but I won’t.
I really don’t like telling people what to think, I don’t believe that is the proper way of going for it.
Those of you who get this probably already understand what I am trying to say. Some of you might have started thinking about ideas that were dormant or never thought of before (you people are the most important!). Some of you might just be having a laugh over all this, but I couldn’t care less about that even if all are entitled to their own opinion.
I just needed to get this off my chest, do my part in “spreading the word”.

Thank you for reading.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:19 AM
Personal thoughts maybe, but good thoughts they are. Fits in nicely what what I have been thinking in this subject matter. I can sense a change coming, for some, but not for all. The cycles you spoke of are everywhere, even we human beings follow one, we are born, we live for a time, we die. Everything on the planet does this, it is just redundant to say that everything ON Earth will change, but not Earth itself. Earth is school, no doubt of that in my mind. We are incarnated for the first few times in kindergarten, then we move on to grade school, there comes a time, when all of life's lessons are learned, and when all personal and family Karma has been served, when one can graduate to a higher plane. Some have figured out how to circumvent this default process, you have heard of these, St. Germain is one. From what I have heard of him he went before he was ready to go, that would explain a lot of the craziness surrounding him. I have lived out many lives here, I know it to be true. I am starting to remember past lives with recurring frequency these days, and it seems like it is all coming together for my Spirit. I wish you all well, Love and Light be with you.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Thank you for the kind word

I could have written the same OP in a much more "far out" manner, but I'd rather try to be as clear as possible without getting lost in graphs, links and crappy YouTube productions.

I must say, with full sincerity, that I do feel how time is accelerating.
This can be explained in two ways; both that my "personal time" alive is speeding up. This is natural by all means, since one year will represent a shorter and shorter period of my "entire life". The other explanation is how each "age" tends to be shorter. The stone age was longer than the bronzen age. The medieval times longer than the industrial age. Then, the "ages" just gets shorter and shorter; the "atomic age", the "space age", the "computer age"...(the last few ages have been so short we are not even talking about proper "ages" any more).

But there is also this uneasy feeling within me at all times. For the most part, I try not to think of it since I have other things to do (like the things I hate, such as work and get groceries and other boring stuff, oh the irony of it all...). But it is still there, especially if I "tune" into it. I can almost feel the wind in my hair as time rushes by. There is always this feeling of the things I should really get busy doing, like developing my mind and spirit...
You know what I'm talking about.

Time is not a fixed phenomenon, it's moving, changing, speeding up towards some sort of "goal".
It is strange, to say the least, and I wish I had all the time in the world to think about it, to feel it deep and try to understand it on a different level.

Time, time, time....baaah...
Stupid time.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:42 AM
Earth and Cosmos co-exist in the symbiotic All.

My feeling is that 2012 represents the cosmos turning at the same time as Earth experiences a geophysical event that I think will be plates shifting and the crust splitting. I think this will happen in America (San Andreas fault).

I think that human awareness will shift and grow toward something more evolved than it is now but not before a period of great unrest and uncertianty.

I think 2012 involves the Creator opening up the portals to fulfill the purpose of Creation.

I think that matter and anti-matter will change and I think that humanity, the human consciousness, or dualistic experience that is a mirror of all that is imbued with the Life Force of the Creator, has a purpose in this.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Raud

The great shift of 2012 is taking place inside our heads, in our minds.

I agree with this point. I don't know how tied to climate change it is, but consciousness certainly is changing at a rapid pace. I think that is true in a metaphysical sense but I am speaking of the practical sense. Modern technology is advancing remarkably fast. People all over the world now have access to information that they wouldn't have dreamed possible just a few decades ago.

I can see the possibility of a dynamic shift happening in the 2012 time frame. A shift from the old ways where the populace was able to be controlled through lies and fear. More people will be able to know the truth and hopefully that will topple the current climate of greed and corruption. I imagine that there will be a struggle but if things continue to progress as they have been, I see this as a real possibility.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Thank you for the input Karlzor!

To see more on how the evolution of humanity has kept pace with the Mayan calendar; check this out----->CLICK ME!

This is just sooo awesome!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I don't know how tied to climate change it is, but consciousness certainly is changing at a rapid pace.

I'd like to see it this way;
Solving all the problems we have caused by living like there was no tomorrow on earth is almost impossible to wrap one's mind around.
Pollution, deforestation, desertification, extinction of animals, overfishing, overpopulation, wars, nuclear waste, oceans filled with floating garbage heaps, (possible) climate change....the list goes on.
This is to me the greatest challenge that mankind has ever had to face.
These are the problems that must be sloved, otherwise we are pretty much done for. And they all have something in common: they were all perfectly fine until we screwed with them.

Therefore I believe that the 2012 "mind shift" is about "saving the world".

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Raud

To me, that seems like it is a ways down the road. The first step is that the world has to open their eyes. I believe that barrier could be crossed in the 2012 time-frame. People can start seeing how bad they are getting exploited. I think that a bi-product of that waking up could / should be saving the world though. I just happen to think that will be a ways down the line. The current system of control has to stop first and that wont happen before 2012.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

But isn't just that what is really happening? I mean with the internet and all?
Just look at this place, people are fed up all over. There are riots every day on the news because people are tired of all the BS out there. We question athority like never before, we even question God in a much larger scale than just 50 years ago.

The "man" is no longer a provider and protector, but looked upon as an oppressor and even as an enemy.
People trust nothing these days because we are waking up and have been waking up at a very rapid rate for the last few decades.

One must see this change over a long time span, even as long as the entire existance of mankind.

The problem right now is that the tool of fear is used by these "old minds" with such fierce efficiency. We are afraid of the confrontation with our own legacy. We are fed with fear to stay in place by the "old minds". We have been so entageled in it that some of us don't even think a change can take place.
This is just what the "old minds" wants us to; to think that there is no "other way", that we a destined to trample on this old path until the very end of all of us.

I mean, there are plenty of planets out there in the vast cosmos, and plenty of them contains intelligent life, I am fairly sure about that. Nothing says that our planet is the important one. To think that would be vain on an inter-galactic scale.
We can also fail this mission (of saving the World).

The time for waking up has been going on for long enough now, in my oppinion. And 2012 symbolizes that very last year in our long existance when we have to make up our minds for the final time.
I think reality is just as harsh as that.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:32 AM
Personally, I agree that the whole idea of the fall of
the world comes down to one date that a race that
died out due to possible over-populating their
surroundings, may be a little bit of a stretch.

This sort of 'waiting to happen' stuff has gone on
for ages, the internet has just spread it easier
(not unlike myself!)

I can not see any evidence to show why a '2012'
is important.

By the way, you're threads are great Raud!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:34 AM
the u.s. government has led us a stray
5 NASA satellites took photos of the earths magnetic Field at the north pole in 08 and it shows a breach in the earths magnetic field the size of California
yet that info was kept out of the public news media
the meeting in Copenhagen was to get all the leaders of each country together so they all could be informed about this huge breach.
that meeting had nothing to do with global warming,all that # on global warming was simply to lead the public to believe mankind caused the melting ice caps.
the real truth is it was to inform the leaders of each country of the real problem being the breach in the earths magnetic field.the poles are reversing.
why do you think all that stuff on global warming has suddenly stopped.
all that bull sht for months on global warming and suddenly after Copenhagen it has all disappeared and now no body is talking about global warming.
NASA has warned the gov about the solar storm that will take place between 2011 and 2012 but expects the solar storm to peek in DEC of 2012
the problem with the breach in the mag field is this.
normally it repels the solar radiation back away from earth
but being the field has this huge breach it is allowing solar radiation in that is bouncing off the polar ice sheets.
that is whats causing the ice caps to melt.
its nothing to do with pollution causing it.
its solar radiation doing it.
it was found in 08 but the only reason it was leaked out by NASA is because the solar storm that is expected in 2011 threw 2012 will make this event even worse
if this storm does happen as NASA expects a huge does of radiation will blanket the polar ice caps thus melting it.
this radiation will then bounce around under the magnetic field like a ball on a hamster cage. once that energy gets stuck inside the earths magnetic field it cant get out so it will simply bounce around like a microwave oven.this will fry every electric line in the u.s.any thing running by electricity will be shut down with thousands of transformers cooked by being over loaded.that will take years to replace.
thus sending the u.s.back 100 years,no power no satellites no nothing.back to the old horse and buggy days.
the melting ice caps are causing sea levels to rise just look at southern Louisiana
they are loosing a football Field size in land each day to rising seas that is caused by the melting poler ice..
so if it happens like they all expect in 2011 threw 2012 the sea Laval will rise by 200 feet thus flooding every coast line in the u.s.
so for those living near the sea will be up sht creak.
if you are not 1000 feet above sea leval you are basicly going to be swimming.
you would have to grow your own food because you sure as wont wont be able to but it.

yep it all adds up if you do some research.
pulling troops out in 2011 from Afghan
for months all we watched on the news and tv was global warming.
the day after copenhagon it all stoped instently.
because the was no reson to keep the bull sht going.
people were convensed that we caused the ice caps to melt.
it took millions on commercials to convence the public but as soon as each of the leaders of each country attended the copenhagon meeting it all stoped instently.
now why do you sopose that happened.
million to convence people they caused global warming and sudenly non of it matters.
it was a huge smoke sceen to keep the public thinking we caused it when all along they dident want the public to know about the hole in the magnetic field.
the same solar flare storm happened in the 1800;s and it melted telagraph lines starting fires from the the uk
but back then all they had were telagraph lines.
these days there are millions of transformers and thousands of miles of power lines.
nasa claims the same storm that happened in the 1800's is going to happen again between 2011 and 2012
what makes this storm greater is the huge hole in the earths magnetic field.
in the 1800's there was no hole in the field,now there is a breach the size of ca
so it wont bounce back a any of the radiation like it did in the 1800's
it will aloow it to slam directly into the poler regon.
it will then bounce off the planet and hit the inside of the magnetic field that is not breached.
this will cause all that power to bounce around inside the magnetic field and earth just like the microwaves in a microwave oven.
when that happens it is expected to fry all the power grid by shorting out transformers.
so we o 100 years back into the stone age.
no power no nothing.
and those near the sea it will be just like the Tsunami striking Thailand in 2004
they expect a complete breakdown of human society.
no food,no power,no hospitals no would be just like it was back before electricity.
those who live in the city would have to go into urban battle to survive,those who can live of what they grow would stand a chance.,basicly we all would be screwed.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:38 AM
The revelations in the bible told us about a 7 year tribulation period, I believe the period to be from 2010-2017.
Which means that we have already entered it.
Many people view this period of time with death and destruction, yes it is inevitable that this does happen.

But this is also the time of the earths SAC(stellar activation cycle).
The SAC is a natural activation of stargates in order to fulfill their objectives that where set when they where created 25 million years ago.
Last time the SAC happened was about 22 000 years ago, the Illuminati faction forced this cycle to halt, in a attempt to enter the underworld(halls of amenti) and use the stargates for their own purposes.
That failed because genetics of the annu/atlantian races where not recognized by the stargates programs
(12 strain DNA genetics are required to use the stargates of amenti)
Thus having to wait until the next SAC to complete their final objectives.
Human DNA has the potential for having 12 strains
Most humans today have 2 strains of DNA
While indigo children have 3 strains.
During this SAC (2010-2017) humans will begin to evolve to 4 strain DNA.
SAC dissolves old energies and codes that we have been living by for countless ages, mankind will begin to stop looking for truth outside of themselves and begin the use the infinite universe which is inside of them, and now longer fear.
This makes room for new codes to be created.
The Annu/atlantian/illuminati objective, is to mutate us so we never reach this point of evolution, so they can keep the higher strains of DNA to their own family linage's.
By 2012 few humans on earth will awaken their avatar identity(begin evolving towards 12 DNA strains.)

Secret organizations like the Guardian Alliance have now begun to reveal themselves,they have been competing with Annunaki/Atlantians for countless generations for the position as planetary Templar.

2012 is the final conflict for this position.
If the human race as a collective is able to see passed and remove the shadow that has shrouded us for thousands of years,
and begin embracing a higher vibration within ourselves.
(which has already happened)
Then we can allow the manifestation of the Guardian Alliance as planetary Templar.
When that happens society on Earth will no longer consume, there will no longer be lies, spiritual sciences will spread like a wildfire and we will truly move on too our out most potential!

Although the ones currently in control will use any means necessary to prevent that from happening.
but what they don't know, is that they have already lost.

All eyes in the universe are watching us now.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by RadicalDreamersoahcof]

[edit on 22-2-2010 by RadicalDreamersoahcof]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:49 AM
This is truly worth of a S&F.

Your post seems to be, in my opinion, accurate.

They are all tools for survival. First, it has been a tool to survive the harsh conditions that this planet throws at us, now we must survive ourselves and return the favour.

It seems in such a short time we have developed understanding of our planet and I don't believe this was for no reason. The planet allowed us to inhabit here and I don't think we're showing the same respect to it.

I think that in 2012, something or someone could occur, unveiling as you said, to the rest of mankind.

Let's just hope that we do have the willpower and the wit to drive us out of whatever occurs.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by RadicalDreamersoahcof

Do you really think we're sliding into a time of the 'End'?
I for one, won't be looking forward to that... I can't see
me being looked on favourably by higher powers dressed
like this.

I know that with access to a greater gamut of information,
we tend to look for patterns in the chaos of how we treat
each other, the world and ourselves, but I doubt that all
the news (which in most cases, has a tendency to suit a
marketing ploy) and so-called internet facts would show a
pre-destined catastrophe on the horizon.

But back to my dress-sense.
When 'the big boys' come, will I get a place on the team?
Or will it be like at school, where the choice is me or the fat
... at a push, I have some loon-jeans?

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

If your attached too the old world then your world will end.
Whether you like it or not, tarot card # 13 is right over the horizon.
And if your into that kind of thing you should know that there is no end in death.
But Rebirth.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by RadicalDreamersoahcof]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by RadicalDreamersoahcof
reply to post by A boy in a dress

If your attached too the old world then your world will end.
Whether you like it or not, tarot card # 13 is right over the horizon.
And if your into that kind of thing you should know that there is no end in death.
But Rebirth.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by RadicalDreamersoahcof]

Thank you Mr. Radical.
I do feel a little better now.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Raud
reply to post by autowrench

Thank you for the kind word

I could have written the same OP in a much more "far out" manner, but I'd rather try to be as clear as possible without getting lost in graphs, links and crappy YouTube productions.

But there is also this uneasy feeling within me at all times. For the most part, I try not to think of it since I have other things to do (like the things I hate, such as work and get groceries and other boring stuff, oh the irony of it all...). But it is still there, especially if I "tune" into it. I can almost feel the wind in my hair as time rushes by. There is always this feeling of the things I should really get busy doing, like developing my mind and spirit...
You know what I'm talking about.

Time is not a fixed phenomenon, it's moving, changing, speeding up towards some sort of "goal".
It is strange, to say the least, and I wish I had all the time in the world to think about it, to feel it deep and try to understand it on a different level.

Time, time, time....baaah...
Stupid time.

I hear that!!! Time/Space (the same thing) is a Dynamic thing, not a Static thing, the Universe is always in motion, and few of you remember this, but our Sun is actually in orbit around another, bigger Sun, but the "ages" are so long, and as our human memories are wiped when we incarnate here, there is only a faint, but solid collective memory. Like the De luge, or the Flood. None us remember it first hand, but we do remember it. I too feel the compulsion to ready myself, and to stop worrying about those who I love, everybody is on our own here, don't you know. Soon we have the chance to ascend to a higher plane, or to stay in this one, and we will be forced to make that choice, make no mistake here. One is expected to educate themselves to the highest degree possible, and to train their minds to reject fear and greed, and to embrace the Golden Rule. One is excepted to serve the other humans, and to serve the Earth by taking really good care of Her. We are also charged with taking care of ourselves, but alas, even I have failed at this one. I know that I cannot be killed, that I must stay here long enough to see "IT" when it happens, I suppose for another memory burn. Love and Light to all Travellers.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:39 AM
I say just get on with it, I could use the change in my life.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:02 PM
Maybe these Earth changes happends very often and they tell us it takes millions of years between each event.

I just saw an 3 hour video on the Mammoths and how they have found them flash frozen and even torn appart, how there are entire landscapes under the ice caps, that says it happend pretty quick..

Now, also as a surprise, they started talking about planetx and the bible and popel vhu or what the names was, they talk about the days when the sun didnt rise for 3 days in one part of the world and didnt set for 3 days on the other side of the Earth, the Flood and shifting of the poles, very cool video..

What if the huge ice caps are water from the great flood that flash-froze back then ? the ice caps are miles high and didnt build up over millions of years, they came in just a few years...

The comet, the red dragon nibiru , all talked about all over the globe, even the Vikings speak of this, and there must be areason, not just coincidences like they are trying to tell us, that is why they Lie about most things, even the global warming, planetx changes the weather on the planes, Red Dust, rivers turned to blood, Sidney 2009 , alot of red dust ...

Just speculating...Any ways, the 'dragon' is the tail of debri following planetx which we will travel thru, I'm guessing that is the time for us to get bombarded with 'stars from heaven' ..

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