posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:14 AM
Here I am getting ready to go do the immigration process on the third, and I lost my wallet! So now I have NO ID, i'm stuck here in Michigan and i'm
a Canadian, with no ID!!
The appointment is on the third and I just lost it this past week.
We're in bettween moves so I have two houses to turn upside down and on top of it i've had to call 4 different police departments because i've been
in 4 different counties. Restaurants don't have it, stores don't, I don't know where it is, and i'm so stressed to think so asshole took it and it
using it..
I have no credit cards in there thank god.
But my birth certificate, social insurance card, driver's liscence, health card, ect ect...
Life sucks right now ........:bash: