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Glenn Beck's powerful speech at CPAC. - must watch!

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Walkswithfish
Glenn Beck has done far more than expose facts and truth.

He has exposed the extreme gullibility of a vast number of Americans.

For that, we should at least thank him.

Just one thing.
What are we being gullable about?

Exactly what are we believing in that's not happening, economically?
Explain. Because this peaks my curiousity.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Sarcasm is hidden in alot of my posts.

Here's the thing.
When you realize what we do in America, its make MONEY.
Yes, greed is a part of that.

I can guarantee that 80-90% of people only do one thing in life.
Try to make more money.

So if this guy can at least show more people about what's wrong with the spending habits of this gov't then I am all for it.

Listen, i am a Texan and am pretty conservative. I think Beck does provide thought provoking material. I understand why people like him...although i can't stand his mannerisms so don't really watch him much.

I am not bashing Beck or promoting any political ideology.

I just wanted to point out that there may be some strange logic used.

I understand that people want to make more money and all that. I hope they do good at it, and have money start falling out their butts. I will cheer them all on.

But if Beck wants to make more money AND keep his credibility, he might choose better bed fellows. This is one conservative that is turned off by his choices in regards to this.

I just want to point out:

- survivalism is a mormon edict. it is part of their faith. church members are encouraged to keep a sizable stock of water/foodgear in case of some survival need. Beck being a mormon, i expect him to have some survivalist bents.

- encouraging people to buy crap they don't need by exploiting fear is not a way to improve our country. encouraging people to stop spending, and to live within their means IS a way to improve this country.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Remember gold...lots of gold.

Not that there is a message behind this...I mean, America is falling, everyone will have to use gold buy it up now...quick...the major right wingers are saying you need to because of erm...liberals are going to put vchips in money and track you.

btw, dont look at whom are major holders in the gold market...dont look!...and erm...

Conservative party, now brought to you by Goldline...get your gold at back to your propaganda.

ok, lemme find my tin foil hat and shotgun and watch this tool scare the crap out of the ignorant...oh goodie, he brought is chalk board...nothing like the subliminal image of a teacher to really get the subconscious to accept his teachings and dogma as truth..

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Spot on.
I agree with you.
Mannerisms aside, anyone who explains, to the TV watching public, that spending money is NOT the way to save our nation is doing the right thing.

If it was another person making the speech, like Ron Paul, I'd get varied reactions too.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by DJM8507
Glenn Beck is a devout Mormon and he believes what the church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) teaches. This alone should be reason enough for most people to doubt what he says.

For a sample of some of these beliefs you can read about them here:

This is the second thread where you have brought this up. Please answer one simple question. Why the heck does it matter, Would it be better if he were Catholic or Jewish? What if he was a Hindu?

I don't see why what you pointed is supposed to point to a defect in character.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Remember gold...lots of gold.

Not that there is a message behind this...I mean, America is falling, everyone will have to use gold buy it up now...quick...the major right wingers are saying you need to because of erm...liberals are going to put vchips in money and track you.

btw, dont look at whom are major holders in the gold market...dont look!...and erm...

Conservative party, now brought to you by Goldline...get your gold at back to your propaganda.

ok, lemme find my tin foil hat and shotgun and watch this tool scare the crap out of the ignorant...oh goodie, he brought is chalk board...nothing like the subliminal image of a teacher to really get the subconscious to accept his teachings and dogma as truth..

I watched the entire speech.
There wasn't any reference to Goldline by Beck.

No one is forcing you to buy anything.
How many times did you see a commercial to buy something and immediately go buy it?

If a person can't control what he/she buys, they shouldn't be watching TV.
Radio and TV personalities are paid by SPONSORS.
Sponsors like Goldline, and Lifelock.

So what?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by havok

Just posted this on other thread but it can help you with "hard work". In fact it doesn't matter how hard you work in this times.

The Economic Elite have escalated their attack on US workers over the past few years; however, this attack began to build intensity in the 1970s. In 1970, CEOs made $25 for every $1 the average worker made. Due to technological advancements, production and profit levels exploded from 1970 - 2000. With the lion’s share of increased profits going to the CEOs, this pay ratio dramatically rose to $90 for CEOs to $1 for the average worker. As ridiculous as that seems, an in-depth study in 2004 on the explosion of CEO pay revealed that, including stock options and other benefits, CEO pay is more accurately $500 to $1. Paul Buchheit, from DePaul University, revealed, “From 1980 to 2006 the richest 1% of America tripled their after-tax percentage of our nation’s total income, while the bottom 90% have seen their share drop over 20%.” Robert Freeman added, “Between 2002 and 2006, it was even worse: an astounding three quarters of all the economy’s growth was captured by the top 1%.”
You can have 3 jobs and still you have 0.01% chance that you will get rich out of nothing. If you have no capital (lot of money, not education or skills!), you are almost doomed.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by zeddissad]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:22 AM
First clip starts with music from Muse and everyone knows that muse is very conspiratorial and incorporates these ideas into there music.

just note worthy i believe

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:25 AM
Oh and btw, maybe you guys havn't noticed because America is full of fakeness and you have already grown acostum to it, but when i look at Beck I see a back stabbing actor trying to be a hero.

I hope you Americans see this too.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by zeddissad
In fact it doesn't matter how hard you work in this times.

If this gov't keeps spending money we don't have, nothing will matter.
You're right.
But realize that you don't get anything by easy work.
Anything in life, that's worth keeping, is produced by hard work.
A garden, a house, etc... cannot be built by lazy, "entitled" workers.

Good job.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by havok]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
Oh and btw, maybe you guys havn't noticed because America is full of fakeness and you have already grown acostum to it, but when i look at Beck I see a back stabbing actor trying to be a hero.

I hope you Americans see this too.

Who is he back stabbing?

He's not running for president, or any office for that matter.
What's he gonna do, tell us to be conservative and then steal and spend our money?
Come on.

[Edited for spelling]

[edit on 21-2-2010 by havok]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:39 AM
Something was mentioned about mannerisms-He crosses his arms across his chest, a sign of defensiveness. He puts his hand in his pocket, a sign of insecurity. These signals don't instill a sense of confidence. His speech didn't come off as sincere to me because of this.

Side note-I noticed Ms. Palin was a distant third in the straw poll.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by havok

Sometimes I find myself listening to the man he wants attention so badly sometimes he does hit on just the right words. I have noticed a change in Beck the past few months as if he has been coached. His voice used to go all over the place where lately he is calmly modulated.
I heard he and Sarah Palin offer to host a show for MSNBC. Seriously. He said they should take him up on it and I am surprised MSNBC didn't offer them something yet. I would like to see it.

I have a sneaking suspicion Glen Beck is grooming himself to take and hold some elected office. Caveat Emptor.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by havok

We are in accord - you are probably leaning to libertarian (as understood in US) end of political spectrum and same with me - I'm anarchist in European discourse. Still you need well established society otherwise you can't fulfill your personal potential. I'm arguing that such social background doesn't exist (or is rapidly diminishing at least) in western societies from 70's. And it have nothing to do with "socialist Obama" - this trend started long time ago. Obama is not socialist because (sorry for obvious shorthand) he gives money of poor to wealthy class.
If you are slave, than it doesn't matter how hard you work ... And all western society is on course of enslavement.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Glenn Beck is a disinfo agent, and he's getting paid to DIVIDE the people with left and right paradigms.

He should be censored in the media and shut down.

Useless liar.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Thank you havok,

when I have time this week i will come back and watch his speach.. Or listening while writing.

star and flag

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:07 PM
I have two comments about people who LOVE Glenn Beck

1) Can't you see the laughter in his eyes as he lies to you? Everything that he is saying is "bad" about this country are the exact same things making him rich.

2) He LAUGHS when he bashes main stream media...knowing that you are going to parrot his ridiculous rhetoric about the "main stream media". He does this because he IS the mainstream media...he even brags about his ratings being the highest only minutes after he bashes "main stream media". And you guys buy it.

I generally write off people who follow someone so blindly as idiots...but the problem is that there are a lot of idiots lately.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:11 PM
people that censor where they get their information are the ones that always think they know it all.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by havok

Here's a Beck video you should watch.

Its a short one , sums Beck up nicely.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I love how anyone that listens and agrees to something that the man has to say means they are in love with him. There are some things I don't agree with when he says them. I do not blindly follow anyone.

The speech he gave was great, in my opinion. OH NOES I'M BLIND! WHERE'S MY WALKING STICK?!

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