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Important Issue Here, and it Involves All of US...MIND POWER.

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:58 AM
I cannot stress enough how important learning about this is for all of us, the whole that is human kind. As our resources are depleting, we are involved in wars that seem to be never ending, 2012 and our current economic crisis.

So, to start off with-

Among the most marvelous, most frightening and certainly most unbelievable possibilities suggested by psychic folklore is that human beings may be able to exert an observable influence upon the physical world -- simply through the power of conscious intention; or unconscious intention, or; by some accounts, through the assistance of spiritual intelligences; or as a result of a mysterious principle known as synchronicity.

Why are we kept in the dark when it comes to mind power? Why? Someone, somewhere knows the power we have, and is hell bent on making sure that we don't have the time, (or the interest) in practicing this. Learning about it, etc. Which leads me to believe that the media, wars, constant doom and gloom being advertised, is all there to KEEP US OCCUPIED. And not to mention, UNINTERESTED.

But thanks to whatever goodness there is, we have some people who will not give up their research & thankfully, are not interested in trends, celebrity news gossip etc. Instead, they have been doing some really good work, in supplying us with information which leads our curiosity....I give you, Prof. Stephen Braude

I have spent more than five years carefully studying the non-experimental evidence of parapsychology -- in fact, just that portion of it which is most contemptuously and adamantly dismissed by those academics....I started with the expectation that the received wisdom would be supported, and that my belief in the relative worthlessness of the material would merely be better-informed. But the evidence bowled me over. The more I learned about it, the weaker the traditional skeptical counter-hypotheses seemed, and the more clearly I realized to which extent skepticism may be fueled by ignorance. I was forced to confront the fact that I could find no decent reasons for doubting a great deal of strange testimony. It became clear to me that the primary source of my reluctance to embrace the evidence was my discomfort with it. I knew that I had to accept the evidence, or else admit that my avowed philosophical commitment to the truth was a sham.

Now, with that being said... I will ask you this. Is it really possible to bend a spoon with your mind? The thing is, anybody can do anything. And until we fully understand and believe that, nothing is going to change.

I suppose things work the same with prayer, and I've said this a couple of times...I believe that 'prayer' is just mind power, pure power of thought to change a situation. But, the fact that we do not realize, that it is truly our minds changing a situation...we will never be able to enjoy it to it's full extent.

Now, the information I am putting into this thread is all quite scrambled, I know. But, so is my mind...just so many things fitting together, I'm just not sure in what order, so please just bear with me.

A very interesting videos about the change in behavior of matter when there is an observer (you).

That was take from - "What the Bleep do we Know" I believe everybody should watch it, if they would like to gain a better understanding of our physical world. Interesting stuff.

Really people, it is time that we start focusing more attention on this. And stop focusing on the negative!!!

More from Prof. Stephen Braude -

I am hardly comfortable about announcing to my academic colleagues that I believe, for example, that accordians can float in mid-air playing melodies, or that hands may materialize, move objects, and then dissolve or disappear....But I have reached my recent conclusions only after satisfying myself that no reasonable options remain.

Skeptics (as well as most psi researchers) adamantly insist that it is absurd to give any credence to such reports until they meet the highest scientific standards. (Ironically, why would anyone bother to expend the large amounts of time and money required for meticulous scientific testing of such claims unless they were to give some credence to the non-scientific accounts?)

Prof. Stephen Braud

I could go into what matter is but this is not a physics lesson, the vid posted above should be sufficient in outlining the important information on matter. To anyone who hasn't seen What the Bleep do we know, I would suggest you watch the entire movie (as linked above) To grasp the fact.

In any case, My whole point is this... We have the power to change everything. We are not powerless to TPTB..we greatly outnumber them & I don't get why people feel as though they are powerless..It actually makes me angry. And we can do GREAT things... Just Imagine, the possibilities.

Anyway, I just wanted to make those of you who aren't familiar with this, well, familiar with it. Now please, read the article by Prof. Stephen Braud, and watch the vid posted... if possible, I linked the entire movie from the play list in you tube, so do yourself a favor.

And please feel free any other info here if you would like to add anything.

*edit to fix link*

[edit on 23/01/2010 by jinx880101]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

Good thread.
I believe as soon as Humans realized we only use 10% of our brain, we soon realized how important the mind was. As soon as TPTB realized there's more to the brain than the 1st 10%, they dumbed society down.

Wouldn't want the servants to cause an uprising now would we?

I personally believe our mind makes up the other 90%.

Which, in turn, gives us our great mind power, and strength.
Maybe to others, even psychic abilities and ESP.

BTW, we are not powerless, you are right.
But, those that never stop to move their collective eyes off the TV, are.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by havok

Good thread. I believe as soon as Humans realized we only use 10% of our brain, we soon realized how important the mind was.

Thank you. I'm sure I read somewhere that we can unlock 'dormant' DNA by using frequency... And, what is thought? It's frequency...

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by havok

Actually, the using 10% of our brains is a myth.
Grab your favorite Internet search engine and enter:

myth + "use 10 percent of brain"

There are so many well-known and credible hits that I decided it would be best to let you choose the source you prefer.

Irrelevant Comment:
Now, even though we use all of our brain - I don't think it's limited the way people currently believe. A smaller brain isn't actually less intelligent in many cases. It's more a matter of HOW the brain is used. - Personal Opinion, not science.

Reference the original post - yes - we can indeed do some pretty wild things with our minds. Faith (not related to religious sense of the term) as in 100% belief is the key. If you 100% BELIEVE you will find a $20 bill tomorrow, you will ... only problem is ... the mind doesn't separate the legal and or morality issues and takes things literal. Example of the $20 bill scenario - worked in 15 minutes - BUT! The $20 was LITERALLY plucked from an open cash register drawer by a 3 year old who was NOT told of the ahem $20 bill experiment. So, there are some serious drawbacks to "imagining up something out of nothing". And yes, the 3 year old's parent returned the "plucked" $20.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:40 AM
I personally believe that it should be taken a step farther. Research psi potential until a method has been discovered to awaken its full potential in everyone, without living as a monk for 50 years first. If we were all so empowered, the people behind the scenes would be powerless.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by Trexter Ziam

BUT! The $20 was LITERALLY plucked from an open cash register drawer by a 3 year old who was NOT told of the ahem $20 bill experiment. So, there are some serious drawbacks to "imagining up something out of nothing". And yes, the 3 year old's parent returned the "plucked" $20.

I think you are looking at it on the wrong scale...If we look at things at a molecular level, you will realize how something like an observer, can affect matter. (Which is what everything is comprised of, right?) Putting thought there, determines where the particles will come together, it's like they are waiting for a command... And when you realize that, you will realize that thought put's everything into action. So yes, you can be the 'composer' of actions. Even the actions of others.
Watch the vid, it really is a good explanation. And put pretty simply too. Because it is actually quite simple if you think of it.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:55 AM
Those that believe that humans only use 10% of their brain probably are only using 10% of their brains. As stated earlier it is indeed a myth. I have seen "What The Bleep" and found it to be the biggest let-down ever. It's what we should be very wary of: people using the mysteries of quantum mechanics as a license for any bizarre claims they could dream up. And as far as Prof Stephen Braude's statement goes I'd have to strongly disagree that "skepticism is fueled by ignorance". In fact, skepticism should be the first course of action against a guy who profits from selling parapsychology books to people who most likely are ignorant. And just before it gets away, I'll go ahead and say that nobody, I mean nobody, can "bend a spoon with their mind". We should be extremely wary of these pseudoscientific hucksters lest we find ourselves believing in whatever kinds of nonsense they push our way.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
Putting thought there, determines where the particles will come together, it's like they are waiting for a command... And when you realize that,

How exactly does thought determine where "particles" come together? What particles?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

Sorry, I wish I could get videos but I can't - dialup.

I'm not clear what 'wrong scale' I'm on ... but, I usually am a bit off the track. Psycho-Cybernetics, positive-thinking, affirmations, mind-over-matter, visualization is the track I was on. I know it can be used to heal others too; not just ourselves.

I also read about that quantum whatever it was (mechanics or theory or whatever) experiment on the "observed" making a different outcome - and a scientist telling us it did not apply to "mind-over-matter"; but that, it only applied to physics.

Though, I figure if a scientific law is accurate, it should also be accurate in an abstraction. A scientific law should be universal - my opinion.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:03 AM
I so agree with you on all those views, i just think that the reason why people are so set in their ways are because of the media, news, governments.

Most people are scared to be leaders, so that just asume the role as a follower.
Most of the people who are leaders are the ones that realise the secret to understanding and use it to there own advantage to create them wealth and power... as you said keep us entertained and occupied.....

If you think about it, our lifestyles are divided up into 3 sections...

- 8hour Work
- 8hour Play
- 8hour Sleep

So out of those 3 stages of our daily life how much time do we actually have to ourselves?

Not alot we see, so we are govered by the work which pays a salary, so the work governs our time and salary governs our earnings.

How do we ever expect to get ahead in life, by following the same basic routine from the day we start working until the day we retire, and then what have you got , OLD AGE , cant be given back, Mabye a house and all those nice things, but for what and to take where, we do not need all these THINGS they we so urgently crave aaaaaallll the time.

I personally would live in the mountains, Free from this Materialism and all the Other Cr@p that goes with society. and have more FREE time to myself, and self sustain myself, growing my own food and just getting to know my inner self


Here clearly proves how the media keeps us occupied with SH!T.

And all psychedelics are banned because they might let us percieve a higher inner self, and that would destroy the system.

People would not be able to handle the complete shift, so the only way to sort our the problem is to wipe out and start a new game but with a shifted reality where we arent controlled by other human beings, but that everyone would think for themselves....

If images like this exist so should the reality of it, because everything that we can percieve is possible, SO LET IT BE


I sign of with a flag and a star for you my friend, for helping to contibute to the awareness of the inner concioussness.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam

Faith (not related to religious sense of the term) as in 100% belief is the key. If you 100% BELIEVE you will find a $20 bill tomorrow, you will ...

I would have to strongly disagree. Strong sense of belief or "100% faith" does not make money come your way.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

We should be extremely wary of these pseudoscientific hucksters lest we find ourselves believing in whatever kinds of nonsense they push our way.

What is wrong with exploring new possibilities? I find your statement a way of thinking, we should all be 'extremely wary' of. In my opinion, this way of thinking is detrimental to the spiritual evolution and true self realization of the human species as a whole.

edit to add-

And as far as Prof Stephen Braude's statement goes I'd have to strongly disagree that "skepticism is fueled by ignorance". In fact, skepticism should be the first course of action against a guy who profits from selling parapsychology books to people who most likely are ignorant.

I believe that one should first and foremost keep an open mind, rather than first denying the possibility of something.

[edit on 23/01/2010 by jinx880101]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by psy_smurf
I so agree with you on all those views, i just think that the reason why people are so set in their ways are because of the media, news, governments.

Most people are scared to be leaders, so that just asume the role as a follower.
Most of the people who are leaders are the ones that realise the secret to understanding and use it to there own advantage to create them wealth and power... as you said keep us entertained and occupied.....

If you think about it, our lifestyles are divided up into 3 sections...

- 8hour Work
- 8hour Play
- 8hour Sleep

So out of those 3 stages of our daily life how much time do we actually have to ourselves?

Not alot we see, so we are govered by the work which pays a salary, so the work governs our time and salary governs our earnings.

How do we ever expect to get ahead in life, by following the same basic routine from the day we start working until the day we retire, and then what have you got , OLD AGE , cant be given back, Mabye a house and all those nice things, but for what and to take where, we do not need all these THINGS they we so urgently crave aaaaaallll the time.

I personally would live in the mountains, Free from this Materialism and all the Other Cr@p that goes with society. and have more FREE time to myself, and self sustain myself, growing my own food and just getting to know my inner self


Here clearly proves how the media keeps us occupied with SH!T.

And all psychedelics are banned because they might let us percieve a higher inner self, and that would destroy the system.

People would not be able to handle the complete shift, so the only way to sort our the problem is to wipe out and start a new game but with a shifted reality where we arent controlled by other human beings, but that everyone would think for themselves....

If images like this exist so should the reality of it, because everything that we can percieve is possible, SO LET IT BE


I sign of with a flag and a star for you my friend, for helping to contibute to the awareness of the inner concioussness.

This is classic divide and conquer mentality. Those guys (the media and governments) are bad for you and these guys (the gurus, parapsychologists, the psychedelic drugs) are good for you. THOSE GUYS keep you a slave but THESE GUYS are here to help you. And once you've freed yourself from THOSE GUYS, anything is possible! This is the same line of thinking that works for every cult there has ever been.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

We should be extremely wary of these pseudoscientific hucksters lest we find ourselves believing in whatever kinds of nonsense they push our way.

What is wrong with exploring new possibilities? I find your statement a way of thinking, we should all be 'extremely wary' of. In my opinion, this way of thinking is detrimental to the spiritual evolution and true self realization of the human species as a whole.

Explore pseudoscience if you wish but in the end essentially everyone ensnared in it finds themselves parting with their cash whether it goes to the "spiritual advisor", bookseller or drug dealer. And you often end up with a mind clogged with beliefs that run counter to actual science and physics and politics, which can take a long time to undo. Skepticism should be the first order of business when exploring any "alternate claims" to established facts, especially those relying on the mysteries of the sciences, i.e. quantum physics, to sell you their claims.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:23 AM
Good thread but, this is only a repetition of many many other threads. Its good we have them but...I would rather see OP or any one else actually PROOV this. Make a video, document some kind of "experiment" that shows this is really possible.

What the bleep and Nassim Haramein and many others are great videos. Anyone know about a compilation of some kind please link.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101

I believe that one should first and foremost keep an open mind, rather than first denying the possibility of something.

Then you run the possibility of being easily tricked. Just like those PhDs who actually were tricked into believing Uri Geller was "bending spoons with his mind".

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Explore pseudoscience if you wish but in the end essentially everyone ensnared in it finds themselves parting with their cash whether it goes to the "spiritual advisor", bookseller or drug dealer. And you often end up with a mind clogged with beliefs that run counter to actual science and physics and politics, which can take a long time to undo. Skepticism should be the first order of business when exploring any "alternate claims" to established facts, especially those relying on the mysteries of the sciences, i.e. quantum physics, to sell you their claims.

No one there is trying to sell you anything... They merely stating what they have observed from their research. All they are telling you is that you are in fact creating reality as you go along.

As for the rest of your post, if you can't provide me with specific points on a scientific basis, to which you are in disagreement with, then I'm sorry, but we have nothing more to talk about.

Trust people to take something good, worth taking a time to understand before you jump to conclusions, and label it a cult...

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:33 AM
to: traditionaldrummer

Clearly you dont share any of the views expressed in this thread, so whats the point, these are our expressed views,

This is classic divide and conquer mentality. Says you....

Those guys (the media and governments) are bad for you. we all know they are...

and "THESE GUYS" (the gurus, parapsychologists, the psychedelic drugs) are good for you. no one said anything about these people you mention......

No one said anything about them, they are not the ones standing up infront of nations telling us to do psychedelic drugs.But we do have Governments standing up there sending troops to war.

THOSE GUYS do keep you a slave

but THESE GUYS are here to help you.

And once you've freed yourself from THOSE GUYS, anything IS possible!

This is the same line of thinking that works for every cult there has ever been. - Yes if they or we where telling you to actually do something, all we are telling you to do is take a look around you, is this what YOU think it is all about.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Explore pseudoscience if you wish but in the end essentially everyone ensnared in it finds themselves parting with their cash whether it goes to the "spiritual advisor", bookseller or drug dealer. And you often end up with a mind clogged with beliefs that run counter to actual science and physics and politics, which can take a long time to undo. Skepticism should be the first order of business when exploring any "alternate claims" to established facts, especially those relying on the mysteries of the sciences, i.e. quantum physics, to sell you their claims.

No one there is trying to sell you anything... They merely stating what they have observed from their research. All they are telling you is that you are in fact creating reality as you go along.

As for the rest of your post, if you can't provide me with specific points on a scientific basis, to which you are in disagreement with, then I'm sorry, but we have nothing more to talk about.

Trust people to take something good, worth taking a time to understand before you jump to conclusions, and label it a cult...

So what you're saying is that you need me to provide a complete education of the sciences otherwise you won't discuss anything further? Presumably this lack of understanding is what produced the false beliefs that "reality is created as you go along" and that "thought moves particles". It seems to me you've either already bought into some of this pseudoscience or you're just making stuff up to go along with your preconceived notions.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by gusan

Actually, I don't know if you have heard about how thoughts affect water? It actually changes the structure of the ice crystal when the water is frozen. This also means that water is capable of storing information as such.

Have you seen kymatica? It's not exactly the same thing, but deals with unlocking DNA, etc.

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