posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:50 PM
There is nothing new under the Sun but in case you like what you read here its fun, if not sorry. We are fortunate to live in this time and space,
change will occure and it does all the time. Evolution is inevitable , no1 can stop it. Higher joy and bliss will be enjoyed through the Universe ,
only we dont know when!
Aliens will come and introduce themselfs soon openly , they will show us many things what they have and what we can use for
advancement. But all knowledge is structured in consciousness so tru meditation my goal is Enlightenment regain the memory of all that. I joined this
site cos Ilove all these topics, to read and answere on some. Another law which is indestructable is as you soo so shal you reap. Whatever you do it
creates an effect and you will reap the reaction in do time sooner or later, so be aware and do your best to reduce the bad and increase the good in
your life. Change yourself and the world will change. We are small but with great potential. "On the image of God" so harness all the potential and
live in accord with all the laws of nature , and you will see and live all the infinite creativity in displey of the whole universe and fullfill all
your dreams and desires! Love to use PC , internet, photography, drive ma bike ,motorcycle, sport, walk , just be in silence, watch others , nature ,
see the change from an inner silent non change. Enjoy everithing around as much as I can, share and help if I can. Best regards! Jozef