This is not intended to give information on any particular conspiracy. This is a brief history of the conspiracy theories in general that is being
used as an intro for part of a small series. With this being said lets starts.
Main Entry: conspiracy theory
Function: noun
Date: 1909
Definition: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators
(This definition was taken from
"Conspiracism serves the needs of diverse political and social groups in America and elsewhere. It identifies elites, blames them for economic and
social catastrophes, and assumes that things will be better once popular action can remove them from positions of power. As such, conspiracy theories
do not typify a particular epoch or ideology".
-Mintz, Frank P.
2012, JFK, UFOs, ETs, New World Order, H.A.A.R.P., The Illuminati, Project Bluebeam, The Freemasons, 9/11 and Elite Bankers. All of these are
examples of what a conspiracy theory is. Though these are some of the more famous ones, there are hundreds more conspiracies that exist today, having
to deal with anything from the government and banking to Paul McCartney dying years ago and being replaced by a look-a-like. We all know what
conspiracies are but we don't know if they have existed throughout history or when in history conspiracy theories really started becoming popular.
According to most the first time the term "conspiracy theory" was used can be dated back to 1909 but didn't get its current image until sometime
during the 1960s and 70s. Actually up until the 60s we didn't really see many conspiracies at all outside of banking and ww2. Around the time JFK was
assassinated america loved the idea of the government being involved in foul play and having someone bigger and more important to blame. From that
moment on almost everything that could be twisted into a clever story has become a conspiracy.
Skeptics, Believers and Debunkers.
The conspiracy world depends on these 3 type of people. Without them conspiracies would never be created, tested, or debated. Basically they are the 3
types of people you will find on this website.
(The following are opinions and stereotypes created by me based on many conversations, debates, reading and so on. If you don't like them get over
it. It's all part of the conspiracy.)
Believers, for the most part, not only choose to believe in one or two conspiracies but it seems they actually have a harder time turning down the
idea of a conspiracy. Many of the true believers I have had the pleasure of knowing or talking to, read their first conspiracy and couldn't get away.
Some will become paranoid without realizing, and a rare few will eventually develop some type of disorder haha. Not all believers are this extreme so
please don't take offensive if you aren't so bad. Most will argue the existence or validity of something using the bigger arguments from
conspiracies even if at a certain point logic is no longer respected.
Skeptics are the type of people who sit at the sideline and read the conspiracies and won't completely ignore the idea but won't completely accept
the idea as is either. They find parts from both sides of the argument that sound logical to them and then play a neutral role in things. Not much
else to say about them.
Debunkers are the people who completely ridicule most conspiracy believers. They are known and hated for the "No picture, no proof" philosophy by
believers. Though from a logical stand point that phrase has a lot of truth, faith is a big part of conspiracies and most debunkers place faith
elsewhere. They sometimes are very stubborn and believe their country is the best regardless of any fact. A good percentage, I'm sure, are probably
close minded in other areas of life many wouldn't agree with as well.
"“A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit in public” -Mark
Many conspiracy theories that exist today focus on financial, political, religious and military/alien related topics. With the rise in popularity over
the past 40 years many conspiracy theories have been over exaggerated, over creative and many people want so bad for something to be wrong they come
up with stories that completely defy logic.
This is part of a series I will be writing about conspiracies.
I wanted to write this to let people know how young the idea of conspiracy theories are and also to aid me in my next part of series which will focus
on paranoia amongst theorists and if maybe some people are taking it to far and luring others in as well.
If this taught you anything little at all awesome, it was more of a base for future topics, but please read the next one which will be out within the
next week.
Coming Next Week......"Paranoiamerica"
[edit on 20-2-2010 by seangkt]