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Where's the alien mother ship?

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posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Iridium 90
If our own police cannot identify, or our highest classed pilots, or most decorated naval officials why the hell are they doing the jobs they are. They should be sacked if its Mars, Swamp Gas, or low level Pigeons

[Edited on 30-5-2004 by Iridium 90]

brilliant point.

also in reference to the UFOs not appearing at strategic locations i have a book in my possession that states that in America a UFO appeared and scrambled the launch codes for a full nuclear base's arsenal rendering them useless.there is another more scary incident when a UFO appeared over a Russian nuclear base and started to arm the missiles!with only one minute to launch the UFO dissappeared and the nukes stopped arming.i cant give any names/places as i have leant the book to a friend.

also if there really are aliens at Dulce then they would only need to use small craft wouldn't they?also the whole thing of the size of the craft being relative to the fuel wouldn't make sense as UFOs have been proven to use Gravitic (or Anti-Gravity) turbines.

also the cow mutilation thing.ive read the same thing.blood being entirely removed (same as with Chupacabras) and the cells removed using a laser and by cutting between the cells,not through them.while we do possess the technology to do this it is very new technology and cannot be performed in the field.

also on a slightly more spooky note.(this may not seem completely relevant but i think it should be posted here) during the Vietnam war a B52 bomber went was found in Laos which was weird as that was forbidden airspace.what was weirder was that it was in a clearing but as if it had been placed there not as if it had landed.a search party was sent to investigate and they found the crew there mutilated and with no blood what im putting now is just to make the account complete and as some of you may find this of the search party took photos of the crew.these photos were confiscated when he returned to base.he was later given a copy of Blue Book/Grudge 13 to "evaluate".he found his own photos in there and when he said this he had the document taken off him and was told to forget about it.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 05:17 AM
A violent species is likely to wipe itself out before it has the chance to wipe out another species. I myslef do not belive in aliens, but this was something i would like to point out.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 01:18 PM
Oh, I believe that there's lots of life out there in the universe, and in our Galaxy in particular... but I don't know if anyone is visiting Earth right now. The jury's still out on that one in my mind...

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Sinobyte
It's the moon. It's already been "debunked".

I have only seen a few of your posts mate but they are all extremely dismissive.

You have heard of a theory but also this dubunking theory has been debunked to a certain extent.

I dont know either way, it could be the moon but surely if it was it woudl have been seen for what it actually was.

ANyway, it is a very interesting picture (not that you would realise this by Sinobytes tone) and very worth looking at. The UFo/Moon/whatever is in the top left hand corner, over Alaska if I remember correctly (I am not looking at the photo now)

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:38 PM
The thread started asked "Where's the Mothership" I don't think there is one. It's more probable that instead of travelling Trillions of miles through space, the visitors are here already, existing alongside us but in another dimension. they may have developed the necessary technology to be able to move between dimensions.

It's already been postulated that we may have up to 11 dimensions (see string theory)

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:54 PM
First off we are assuming that this alien race needs sustenance and sleep the way we do. (Otherwise there would be no need for a mothership).

Secondly who is to say that the flying saucers are manned and not just probes.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:56 PM

I have only seen a few of your posts mate but they are all extremely dismissive.

lol , its not dismissive , its being realistic - ITS THE MOON !!!!


IF aliens are visiting us from another star system - wouldnt it be more energy efficiant to send a smaller craft ?

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by acidhead]

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by echosounder
First off we are assuming that this alien race needs sustenance and sleep the way we do. (Otherwise there would be no need for a mothership).

Secondly who is to say that the flying saucers are manned and not just probes.

Thats a very good point.

NOt only could teh Aliens be so set up biologically that they can cope but, what if these Greys or whatever (i dont actually believe in greys) are AI.

Further more, what if these ships are unmanned. What would be the need for such a superier race to have to personallyu travel here?

And acid-head. I have also read that before and seen the picture the guy mocked up. And I will say again, I am not convinced at all that this is a pic of an alien mothership but I do think it is very interesting. This other guy WAS dissmissive, he chimed in, all smug thinking he got teh answer so that is the be all and end all. Why not explain what he thinks it is in a way so as to not dismiss so bluntly and also noty take away any interest any other posters may have in the picture in one fell but incredibly smug swoop.

And, thank # you have got rid of that ugly, stupid avator you used to have, Acidhead. I know at least a handful of people here found it as annoying as I did. By the sounds of your other posts, it was probably a famous DJ or something, whoever it was, he looked like a proper nob!

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
IF aliens are visiting us from another star system - wouldnt it be more energy efficiant to send a smaller craft ?
[Edited on 4-6-2004 by acidhead]

Based on public known sources of propulsion, that would be true. And by that statement, you are assuming that this is the case.

Based on the majority of information on supposed UFO technology, anti-gravity plays a major role in the propulsion used. Hence, size would not be a limitation.


posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:35 PM
If these ships had the capability to warp space/time, and travel through wormholes, they wouldn't need the archaic need of a "mothership"....
as travel time is about nil.... Heck, you wouldn't even need to pack another set of clothes......

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