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Where's the alien mother ship?

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posted on May, 30 2004 @ 05:03 AM
One thing that's always bugged me about UFOs... they seem to be flying around random locations, for one thing (why not strategic ones?). But, more importantly, they seem to always be small craft (comparable to the planes that chase them when they're spotted on radar). I think it would be wildly impractical to take such small spacecraft such vast astronomical distances to come to Earth to abduct a human and mutilate a cow!

Now, if the aliens had a mother ship or permanant base nearby... that would be a different matter. Then all the small craft we see would make sense -- they're doing sorties to and from the mother ship or permanant base. That's a much more practical idea.

But this begs the question -- where is this mother ship, or permanant base, at? I don't think it's on Earth or in orbit or even on the other side of Earth's moon -- we have the technology now to see them, or at least know they're there. Maybe they've established a permanant colony on Mars, or one of Jupiter's moons, or a permanant space station around Mars from which to observe us closely and have a base of operations? What do you think?
And how could we find such a thing and go "Gotcha!"

Side note: I don't think crop circles are caused by ETs either. It's not only impractical, it's just plain stupid. Surely ETs have at least e-mail they can send from ship to ship if they want to communicate with each other? Besides, even IF crop circles were ETs communicating with each other, why do it in something as temporary as cropland? I'd at least be making my symbols on the sides of mountains and in other rock...

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 05:20 AM
This is what i think is going on.

If there is a mother ship, it probably isnt that far away. I mean the Aliens cant be in this galaxy, so if they can travel this far, maybe they're hiding (Hanging) just beyond our reach. They dont want us to see that they are there, they give us small glimpses in hope of getting us confused.

As for the crop circles, they may not be for communication, if there is a Mother-ship, maybe the crop cricles are signals, or as in the movie "Signs" they are mapping devices. And maybe they purposly did them on crop circles so that they wouldn't be there for a long time. If they didnt want it to be worked out. It could be just as easy as the Historians that worked out Heiroglyphics off the Rosetta Stone. If we worked out their navigational pattern, we may find the Mother-ship.

And as for the cow mutilations and abductions, i've been reading up and i have read that when the cows are abducted, they are put back down, completely empty. No blood in them what so ever. And they usually have organs that have been removed by what "they" say was heat. "They" also say that the incisions are so neat and fine that no metal object could have created it. And the possibility of wild animals was ruled out because the parts/bits were removed without the ripping of vital arteries.

All in all, i think they are out there. But that's just me.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 05:25 AM
Actually, some of the most credible sightings reports happen at strategic locations. Either due to the UFOs being experimental craft or aliens checking out nuclear arms. These things fly around with real purpose. They just do it incredibly secretively. Not that our governments are any help in telling us what actually is taking place when this type of thing happens.

Heck. Roswell, the most famous of all UFO events, was where the U.S. had its atomic bomb squadron stationed. Then there are many others like the two Bentwaters/Woodbridge AFB events (nuclear arms location), and multiple SAC base nuclear ICBM silo encounters with UFOs over the years.

[Edited on 30-5-2004 by heelstone]

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 05:34 AM
****beings with
a advanced technology have a very advanced mind. Do we really think that they have any desire to hurt any human being. Imagine if we had the capacity to use the technoglgy they have - would we really feed of "Aliens" out there?
-----Yes they have been here. They took seamen, blood... but only for change in their genetics. They have outbread their emotion and need to get get the DNA pool back from humans but they have never
mutelated anything here. Text
----and by the way these far distances can be overcome through portals in space

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 06:32 AM
They are blatantly violating the Prime Directive which clearly states that they cannot interfere with humanity until we discover Warp Drive.


posted on May, 30 2004 @ 08:11 AM
Well... there's a really odd concept that I came up with (partially). First, comes the concept of Earth (2). Now imagine there is another planet that is moving at the exact other side of the sun rotating at the same exact speed as this Earth. It would be earth, just all over again! With a few changes of course... now imagine that Earth was a base for the Aliens?

Whatever... seems implausible.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:04 PM
I agree small ships are not the ideal thing to invent if your going to travel long distances. However, if you had the capability of sending anything from a car to a plane with many people to some planet you didnt know, Id send the car.

I believe there are larger craft out there, people have reported huge ships.
There probably about, just staying away from most peoples eyes.

I heard an interesting statment last night, from a paranormal investigator on TV. He said some words that kind dismiss all the crap you hear from the Government. He probably didnt reliase the context he was saying them in, but what he said, being ANTI paranormal kind of gave me the shivers.

From the show investigating Ghosts, he said a statment, that went something like "If one persons sees something they cannot explain, it could very well be a mistake, but when more than one persons sees something they cannot ecplain it equals undistibutable evidence they saw something they couldnt explain".

Many reports have shown many witnesses from many different locations witnessing the same thing.

These people are not all crazy. they dont take drugs (at least most I guess
) but they all witness the strange pheonomen.

Eyes can be deceiving, but when you see something that should be there, you know its not normal. You cannot explain it, you just know. Simple as that.

Normal people, pilots, navy, rescue, police, you name it, have all witnessed stupid events, that some class as insane.

If our own police cannot identify, or our highest classed pilots, or most decorated naval officials why the hell are they doing the jobs they are. They should be sacked if its Mars, Swamp Gas, or low level Pigeons. Somethings out there, something I believe is a very scary threat. If it wasn't we would be told.

A Race that could consume us, live off us, take our unborn.........who knows. I bet a few people do know. Thats why there not telling.

We probably wont ever know unless public transport into space becomes the main thing, and / or something unexpected happens that cannot be swept under the rug.

I dont believe there friendly, I dont belive they want to help. They are here for there own agenda, nothing more or less. Whatever that is, its a scary thought.


"Theres 10 kinds of people whom understand binary, those that do and those that don't"

[Edited on 30-5-2004 by Iridium 90]

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:33 PM
It is a common misconception that ETs in the small UFOs are on visits from their planets. They don't need larger vehicles than those that have been observed because they have been living in underground bases here for thousands of years and fly about the world in only the small craft. Some abductees claim that the Greys possess space-time wormhole technology enabling them to travel interstellar distances in a much shorter time than would be required even if they could travel at the speed of light. These wormholes are stabilised against their throats collapsing with Element 115 (recently produced in minute quantities by Russian scientists in nuclear fusion experiments, although it is rumoured that a stockpile of this stable element has existed secretly at Los Alamos Labs for some years). Occasionally, very large 'mother ships' are spotted with the smaller craft coming and going in their vicinity. These are usually cigar-shaped. They are used for interplanetary travel.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:43 PM
Bob Lazar....truth/fiction, Element 115..............

I cant say your ideas are any wackier than my own mate, but you seem to be talking in a sense that you know for a fact whats going on and how there doing it.

Now Im sounding nutty.

I belive in ETs, possibly been here, possbily crashed, and possibily more than one country has proof.

Thats about all I can add, I know what Ive seen, scared the hell out of me. Im an IT Software & Hardware Manager for a Norsk company. I know what Ive seen, they were no stars or me crazy, dont care to be honest. It wont effect my job talking about it here under an alias name, so who cares,....

Just, I do think people get carried away with it all, so, cut the rubbish, unless you have something to say that youve seen, heard, or witnessed in one way or another, lets leave the likes of BOB on TV.


"Theres 10 kinds of people whom understand binary, those that do and those that don't"

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 10:07 PM
Well, don't forget -- technology and practicality are not one and the same thing; in fact, they exist independent of each other. For example, just because we have the technology to make our shoes with electronics that remind us when our shoelaces are untied, doesn't mean that it's practical!

Practicality applies to everyone, everywhere. It doesn't matter if you're a medieval pre-industrial civilization or an advanced spacefaring civilization, if something isn't practical, it still won't make sense when there's a better way.

You know, some people theorize that this mothership is a permanant colony station on Mars, and that this is why all our probes have been destroyed soon after they arrived... hmmm.... (then again, maybe not)

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by ameoba23
They are blatantly violating the Prime Directive which clearly states that they cannot interfere with humanity until we discover Warp Drive.


Who says they have to obey the Prime Directives?
sheesh, when did they pay attention to that?

Originally posted by Iridium 90
Bob Lazar....truth/fiction, Element 115..............

I cant say your ideas are any wackier than my own mate, but you seem to be talking in a sense that you know for a fact whats going on and how there doing it.

Actually it is proof that Element 115 is man made. Scientists are experementing with it. All it is, is a superheavy metal. It's not very special at all. Do a google search, you'll find enough information that'll tell you that.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 10:30 PM

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 09:05 AM
There is a quite well known picture of a UFO hanging over NOrthern America.

This picture is different because it was actually taken by one of our weather sattelites.

One thing that really stands out about this UFO is the size, it was so immense that it would be as big as one of the Smaller states in the US! If it is an Alien SHip, as it does look, it would be a mother-ship, capable of carrying hundreds, if not thousands of smaller earth to orbit craft.

If anyone knows where to find this pic, please show it in this thread. I have had a look through google to no avail. I and I am sure the thread starter and others would be very grateful to see this pic.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 04:53 PM
Wouldn't a ship of that size -- to be easily spotted by a weather satellite -- be seen in the sky with the naked eye by thousands and thousands of people??

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 05:06 PM
hmm wasnt there a incident in 1996? not sure what it was joust come up in my mind...

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 05:46 PM
found something...


[Edited on 1-6-2004 by Cardu]

[Edited on 1-6-2004 by Cardu]

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 07:36 PM
If you believe aliens are from another planet why would it be strange that the ships are small. If earthlings were to send a ship to another planet why would it be a big one. Size is relative.
Maybe to them what we think is small for space travel is actually big for them. They could be working on smaller ones as we speak.
We have a shuttle that goes into earths orbit, but only a capsule that goes into space. It's a fuel thing.
We have ships on the ocean surface but only subs beneath.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Here is the mothership picture i was talking about!

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:49 PM
I know I am sounding thick here, but in that Mothership photo - I can't see anything. Where on the picture, is it supposed to be?

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:51 PM
It's the moon. It's already been "debunked".

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