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Compelling evidence for extraterrestrial existence.

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:21 PM

This video is by NASA, it shows dozens of floating objects in space that quickly zoom around a 12 mile long object they lost into space. This tether floated around these suspicious objects. The video was officially released by NASA and is great argument for proof of UFO’s. But to me it is not good enough; I want to hear from the astronauts themselves.

This video is done by astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the Science Channel. He states that while he was on a space mission the crew saw an eerie green object not far from their ship. They did not report this object to Houston due to fear that others would have overheard their conversations and serious consequences could have followed.

The conversation on this video that intrigued me the most was the one with Edgar Mitchell. And the key part of the speech I would like to share with you is when he stated that the reason our government will not reveal UFO information is because it is contrary to modern science and theology. We have always been told we are alone in the world, so this would prove that absolutely wrong. Not to mention we did not reach the moon until the ‘60s and these extraterrestrial being are zipping through space and visiting our planet which is centuries beyond our technology.

If this video is real all I have to say is WOW! It claims it was filmed by Armstrong on the moon in 1969. There are structures on the moon at the time and they look old and abandoned. It also raises the question, what are they made from. It looks like a form of ruff sandy surface, or maybe a type of rock/concrete.

In this video there are many strange sounds coming from the depths of space. They sound almost like a signal, but this is unprovable. But ominous none the less. Plus there are beautiful pictures of galaxies and stars. I recommend everyone listen very closely.

Buzz Aldrin says there is a monolith on mars. He insists that the universe put it there, is he referring to aliens or just natural forces?

I hope everyone enjoyed this assortment of videos on the possibilities of alien life. I personally believe this and hope to at least see a UFO one day.

-I apologize the videos aren't shown on this screen because I do not know how to put them on ATS. Please watch them anyway.

[edit on 2/19/10 by Misoir]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:42 PM
The universe is infinity. There wasn't a start and there will not be an end. The Universe are the creators.

As one benevolent contactee reached out to me and said that imagine our solar system as a picture surrounded by a frame positioned onto a wall and in that room there are plenty of these pictures of our galaxies, solar systems, and all of the galaxies put together is like the nature presented in the back gardens of our creator's.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:45 PM
There are plenty of NASA videos that show evidence of UFO's in space.

I hope this thread gets noticed!

Anything is possible.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Astranaughts are speaking out edgar is v public with what he believes to be true, which is we are not alone and our primative species has never been alone. Peace out...

Replied via mobile

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:22 PM
theres no way in hell we are alone! if you watch travelers guide to the planets they've already discovered that comets and the oribting rocks in the kiper belt have elements to build life so therefore life on earth formed because of comets hitting the earth

if moons on some of the other planets are being examined for life..Titan,Europa,Escladeus or howerver you spell it then theres no doubt there life outside the solar system! if we find other life within our own thats 2 lifes in just ours that means life is common in space! why would our solar system be so special..nature isnt favoring like that!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Then how do you explain Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?? Obviously there was a beginning. This is basically a fact.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:45 PM
I am particularly interested in knowing about the video said to be filmed by Neil Armstrong in ruins on the Moon. Has this been debunked? It looked like it would have been very difficult to hoax..and the space suit on the other astronaut shown appears to be like the one used then.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

If this video is real all I have to say is WOW! It claims it was filmed by Armstrong on the moon in 1969. There are structures on the moon at the time and they look old and abandoned. It also raises the question, what are they made from. It looks like a form of ruff sandy surface, or maybe a type of rock/concrete.
No "WOW!", it's a fake, made for Spanish television, if I am not mistaken. It has appeared many times on ATS.

And yes, there are many compelling evidences for extraterrestrial existence of objects, but there aren't any evidences that I know that point to artificial objects or living creatures, at least not yet.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by expat2368

I only saw 1 person try and debunk the video. It does look real though.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Try a search with the words "Armstrong", "Spanish" and "Moon" and you will see two things:

1. there are several threads about this video.
2. it was made by a Spanish company for a supposed documentary, one of those things pretending to be a documentary but that are really fiction.

And if you look carefully you will see that the astronaut's equipment is different from the one really used.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Then how do you explain Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?? Obviously there was a beginning. This is basically a fact.

You are saying that the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation being based on the big bang theory which I was told didn't ever happen. I will find you the source of information and let you decide for yourself.

Here below as quoted from ET_MAN as I hope he doesn't mind me using this snippet of information.

There was never a beginning to the Universe and there will never be an ending. Galaxies, Stars, planets come and go and everything is "Infinite/Eternal" "Light/Energy/Matter." (Call it what you will) All things are recycled, renewed, changed, altered and re-assembled/created/setup/designed.

There was no "Big Bang" Beginning and there will be no "Big Bang" ending.

You have always existed in one form or another and you will always exist in one form or another and so will everything.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 19-2-2010 by DClairvoyant]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 07:43 PM
I believe we have reams of compelling evidence. We keep collecting more.
We're just preaching to the choir.

The real question is why the concerted effort to deny.

It's gotta be a doozy, whatever it is, to involve so much effort, money, and time.
And lives.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

I appreciate the reply, but where is the evidence to prove that?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 07:58 AM
I personally thought the best was video #2 because it was Buzz Aldrin speaking about UFO's. Who would know more about that stuff than astronaughts? How could you argue against them, have all the deniers been in space before!?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:18 AM
There is evidence to strongly suggest the likely hood of extraterrestrial life but not in a 'look, there's an Et' sort of way. We are finding the building blocks of life on planets, water where we thought there wasn't any, possible microbes etc etc.

As for what Buzz etc know or knew, we have no proof one way or another. I trust their honesty in speaking up but as good as their word is to me it's nothing concrete in proof.

Unfortunately there were people like Gordon Cooper who although being a great astronaut I feel he suffered some form of mental illness towards the end of his life, statements were made and contradicted.

Mathematically we are pretty much sure there is life elsewhere, to what state we have no idea..

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 02:31 AM
Here's a video that fits well with the others..

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