posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:00 PM
so i had this strange dream a few weeks ago. its one of those dreams that starts as one then, then randomly turns to another, ill start off where it
well t goes :me and an old friend of mine from middle school were playing on some random street. when we see this plane flying low. so i be the
dumbass i usually am and yell "its gonna drop a bomb!!!"
then to my surprise. it did. if youve ever seen the movie terminator 2, at the point where sarah conner is dreaming, and shes outside of a park,
behind the fence, and then theres that huge explosion, thats what kind of bomb it was in my dream. at first me and my friend ranin the oppisite
direction, (reflex?) then another bomb went off in the direction we were going. so from there, we get hit by the "wave"/"pulse" idk what to call
it, but i think you understand what im talking about. and then everything went bright fire orange for a second, then everything went black, andi
couldnt feel anything. and i was thinking to myself something along the lines of "well i guess nothing left to do now but wait to die" then i woke
i dont know, i just found this dream very strange, so i wanted to post here for some opinions.
sorry for not being clear enough and not being very descriptive. im pretty tired right now, and ive been kinda sick lateley.