posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:34 AM
Recently, one of the advertisers on this site used ActiveX controls to install a Trojan Horse on your computer.
A Trojan Horse is a virus which lets another person access your computer.
Since I know we all like free things, I'd like to tell you about a free anti-virus program I use.
It's called AntiVir and is located at .
Downloading virus definitions and updates are both completely free, as long as it's used only for home.
I'm not affiliated with them in any way; I just think they make a good product and that everyone should be running anti-virus.
I definatelly recommend installing some type of anti-virus. If you can afford paying for Norton or Symantec anti-virus solutions, go with those as
they're usually up to date on virus definitions. It takes AntiVir a day or so to keep up, but they are free as opposed to $40-$50 (not counting
Note to new members and visitors this is an old thread and this problem has been dealt with by staff
[edit on 8-6-2004 by John bull 1]