posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by starshiner
Since I have joined I have had a mixture of great conversations and I have also had my share of snide comments too. The way to deal with it is to deny
the trolls the power to get to you and just slap them with ignore.
One thing I have noticed about ATS is that there are many here who are prolific and have much fascinating things to say but sadly there are also many
prolific posters that have nothing to say but are determined to say it anyway because their ego demands it.
Do yourself a favour and do not try to reason with these types, just stick them on ignore and move on because once you start to use this feature on
these types then you will find that ATS is a much friendlier place but to keep it friendly you must keep weeding the garden.
As to swearing, I have not seen much of it and if there is any swearing or if anyone tries to get around the swear filter then they run the risk of
getting some rather negative attention from the moderators because to my experience they seem to take a very strict view as to bad language.
So man, woman, alien, and demon if they swear on ATS they swear at their peril and in that regard ATS is an equal opportunities punisher in my