posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:15 AM
I noticed after watching todays Anderson cooper he wasted no time on attacking Iran nuclear program and supporting IAEA so called evidence, but one
just has to question the timing of the so called evidence, lets be reasonable were talking about iran.
A full military strike on iran will have dire consequences, not just in the middle east region, but everywhere! with so many PRO Iran War supporting
articles i have seen today, it really reminds like that time when they attack iraq, with such fake evidence.
Heres a hit piece calling for more sanctions or war? you decide
And also on CNN Anderson cooper he brought someone from GPS network i forget which name was it, but he states how a threat iran really is for middle
east not just the east but also eupore
He stated thats why both administrations wanted the missile defense shield which i think those things are really aiming at russia.
If there will be a war on iran, this will be the worst thing, any administrations would do, if you ask me i believe Anderson cooper is an plant, a
CIA spokeman? maybe.
Do i believe he went to Haiti ? no i do not after watching this clip.
remember that one? i mean how hard can it be to fake an Haiti place?
since after watching his special on Haiti, i noticed on the background shots, the people around Anderson cooper never noticed him, and yet we see
people and lights aiming and people walking around him.
I dont know about you but i smell a plant.