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CHANNEL 4 to Crash 300-Seat Jet into Desert - 911 Style

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posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Two pilots will parachute from a passenger jet before it crash-lands at high speed in an empty desert as part of a scientific experiment to be screened on television next year.

Viewers will be able to watch as the pilots board the plane before setting it on a collision course for the Channel 4 documentary.

Plane Crash is expected to give scientists invaluable information about how aircraft react in potentially fatal accidents.
The 300-seat wide-bodied passenger jet will be loaded with cameras and sensors, along with crash test dummies taking the place of passengers and crew.

The landing site will be filmed from every angle.

Broadcasters expect the footage and data will give scientists an "unprecedented insight" into what happens when a plane crashes, enabling experts to study how areas such as seatbelt design, seat arrangement and overhead baggage can have an impact on passenger safety.

I have been looking into update to this story. One this this will prove is that Airplanes leave wreckage behind no matter what speed. Especially a craft as large as a Boeing 757.

This will answer some questions. Namely the Shanksville incident where no Boeing 757 was found to have crashed. What is considered to be proof that a massive Boeing 757 crashed in that little 10 foot hole was supplied by the GoV in 2006 which only showed a small piece of fuselage, and other various scrap with no context as to where it was found or when. Most likely just planted evidence especially the pristine condition red bandana or the passport from the 'hijacker' which survived the 200+ seat, miles of wires, tons of titanium and heavy metals, aluminum, tires, windows, carpeting, luggage consuming impact into soft dirt.

Upon digging into the crater.... No plane or evidence of a plane (Boeing 757) was found.

Here is a video of a REAL plane crash that happened recently.

and an image of the alleged Boeing 757 crash

Another image of a Real plane crash that crashed similar to the flight 93 scenario minus the uncorroborated story that passengers or hijackers slammed it into the ground. Regardless the iranian plane crash was similar.

If anyone can find updates on this Channel 4 documentary, please post it.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

[edit on 18-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:10 PM
All for nothing.

If they don't use the exact model of plane, exact amount of fuel, exact weight, crashing it into the exact soil, then it's all for nothing. IMO of course.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:26 PM
It is expected that response will be used widely after they crash it and prove flight 93 did not crash in shanksville due to the lack of cratering and wreckage let alone fire.

To have the same variables will be a little difficult but using debunkers logic nothing will prove the official story untrue and once admitted or found out to be fabricated they will all disappear or claim that they had to keep the lie going for some weak reason.

The people who caused and sold the 9/11 story have without a doubt not stopped their terrorism and continue it to this day on forums, news media, tv etc... You can see their efforts in play here today. Dont for one minute think that 'they' did not think of the internet and coverup tactics well in advanced before 9/11. The terrorists are here among us posing as skeptics, pilots, debunkers, truthers, scientists etc. Its going according to plan.

Why is it concerning 911 there has to be magical and contrived responses to explain such stupid, unbelievable, science-bending, theories? (the official story ) When common sense destroys the official accounts. Even the officials have recanted on some of their initial explanations.

Even if they did crash a Boeing 757 with exactly the same variables as the Official account of Ua93 and wreckage consistent with a boeing 757 is found and the crater left behind will without a shadow of a doubt prove it.... Deniers of truth better known as official story sellers (duhbunkers) will hand wave it away claiming that there wasn't terrorists with intentions to crash it, or the ground was harder/softer or the plane was made at a different factory which they used a different alloy for the rivets which allowed the plane to break up and not atomize.

There will always be some excuse.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

[edit on 18-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

I do not see it as "all for nothing", Channel 4 is a well watched channel in England and we know that they always show the more 'contraversial' programs.

I think that it will at least open a few more eyes and that for me is a step in the right direction.
For example my mother turned to me just yesterday and started to ask questions regarding the validity of the official story, tonight we are going to watch loose change and ripple effect. I do not believe they hold all the answers but it does show another point view that people who are not internet savy will not have had the opportunity to see.

Hopefully this will do the same. Any effort is better than none.


[edit on 18/2/2010 by LestatG]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Why didn't you post more of that article??

No, instead you want to rant about UAL 93???

The aircraft, a secondhand plane, will crash-land in such a way that it will not be completely destroyed, simulating the most common type of serious - and survivable - incident.

This has been done before, in the late 1980s with an old Boeing 720. THAT test was designed to see if a new fuel additive would help suppress post-impact fires (miserable failure) and, as added bonus, they equipped with crash-test dummies, multiple cameras, all to get data on 'survivable' accidents (such as low-speed landing accidents, or 'CFIT'-type accidents).

A lot of data from that test has led to better passenger seats, even today, so when you fly you are better protected (within reason) than 20 years ago. Also, interior materials (fire retardant), overhead bins latching mechanisms, seat and seatbelt attachment points, etc, etc, etc.

This Channel 4 event will have NO relevance whatsoever to the events of 9/11...

Allow me to tell you, this will be VERY dangerous for the pilots...the only way (depending on the airplane they use) that I can envision them being able to exit safely, whilst in flight, is going to be from the E&E access hatch, located on the bottom of the fuselage, under the cockpit/forward area on most widebodies nowadays. This hatch is accessible from inside the cabin, in most cases.

ALSO, they will have to exit at a fairly low airspeed. Anyone who knows anything about skydiving will understand this.

SO, that means setting up in the landing configuration, gear down, flaps/slats this will well simulate a typical landing accident.

All they have to do is program the Autoflight System, leave the Autopilot engaged after setting everything up, and escape prior to impact.

Pretty audacious plan, mates!!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Uh, this is all happening in England, right? I hope so, I am not crazy about the idea of an unmanned plane flying around anywhere near me.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by hooper

More from the article:

Programme makers are keeping the location of the crash under wraps but say they have overcome the "known obstacles" and are ready to press ahead with the purchase of the passenger jet.

They planned it for "in a desert" and I know of no deserts in the UK....maybe one of their former colonies??

(Guess that might also include us, in the US!!!)

Also said it'd be two US Navy pilots, so....Western US has plenty of room!!!

That's where the B-720 test was conducted, near the Edwards AFB.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Broadcasters expect the footage and data will give scientists an "unprecedented insight" into what happens when a plane crashes, enabling experts to study how areas such as seatbelt design, seat arrangement and overhead baggage can have an impact on passenger safety.

Having that as the reason for the crash it will not be like anything to do with 911 so the point of this thread topic should be:
"Crash test for airline industry;'s safety concerns" instead of trying to tie this into 911 in any manner. There are already tons of commercial airliner crash videos on You Tube, Google including the one NASA did with multiple cam angles etc etc.

I agree, this will not be like Shanksville because flight 93 was shot down. Thats why there were three debris locales and why the "no plane" clique uses the only released photo of the hole in the ground to bolster their absurd claim and because if the other debris fields were released, it would blow the OS wide open.

[edit on 2/18/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Think I may reconsider that Vegas trip.

Do you think something like this will produce anything useful? I imagine the plane will be an old or obsolete model and we already know quite a bit from real crashes.

And did it say that the test privately or publically funded?

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Mods should consider moving this thread out of the 911 conspiracies as it has nothing to do with 911. It clearly states they are doing this for "safety concerns & research for such aspects".

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by hooper

And did it say that the test privately or publically funded?

Good question(s).

I'm gonna guess "privately" until I re-read more closely. Guessing Channel 4 might be financing it...they are for-profit, right? And seek advertising money?

A "300-seat widebody", also....that is likely a generalization figure. A DC-10 comes to mind...but they're quite old, and have been retired for quite some time.

However, I have lots of experience in the DC-10, and the access I mentioned, below the cockpit to the E&E compartment, and the Equipment Access door in the belly makes it a good candidate...LOTS of room down there...(Flight Attendants used to go down, with pillow and blanket, for naps on the long-hauls. Of course, I suppose other hanky-panky occured too, but I was never privvy...)

The fact that there are dozens of "boneyard" sites in the deserts of the Western USA makes me think they're going to 'un-mothball' something from one of those locations.

I don't know how many Boeing 767s have been sent to the 'boneyard', but I can research it. Also occurs to me, the Lockheed L-10-11 is a good candidate for this test. (767s don't hold "300" pax, unless in an all-coach class configuration).

Again, depending on the avionics that they use (and will have to re-install) including the autoflight systems, there can be a certain measure of accuracy as to pre-determined impact point --- which they would want, because they intend to film it from outside, as well as inside.

Not pin-point accuracy, will be interesting!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Hope they remember to include a passport to see it's shape and if it remains unsigned.A koran as well,no?

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by trueforger

GREAT idea!!!!!

In fact, each crash-test dummy should have, equipped, what you'd expect a normal human being airline passenger carry.

They are planning to test carry-on baggage behaviour, as well....let's also make sure that EVERYTHING resembles what people normally carry.

Don't know about you, but I ALWAYS have my Passport with me, when I travel by air....of course, most Americans don't understand that, since MOST of them have never even had a Passport!!!

So, so sad...

(The Koran???? Nah, don't wanna get in trouble, like that Danish cartoonist a few years ago...substitute a bible. After all, a book is a book is a book right?).

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Why does Channel 4 need to do such a demonstration? Just wait for some
nut in Texas to do for them - Free!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

According to what I found the show will be financially sponsored by National Geographic and a German media company, the owners of Channel 4.

Supposedly it was inspired by an accident at Heathrow involving a 777 where the plane did behave the way that engineers thought it would.

The spokesman for Channel 4 was a little fuzzy on details, he said it was going to be a high speed crash but not so much so that the plane would atomize. They are working on the environmental permits now dealing with the clean up, but based on my experience in construction management if they just started doing the permitting process now, good luck seeing this happen before 2015. Thats presupposing that someone at the FAA (if they do it in the US) doesn't just tell them to go packing, which I have a sneaking suspicion they will. I mean can you imagine that phone call - "yeah, we're just going to fuel up a 707, put it on autopilot, have the pilot parachute out and see where it crashes". Don't think its going to happen, at least not in the US.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by hooper

[Supposedly it was inspired by an accident at Heathrow involving a 777 where the plane did behave the way that engineers thought it would.

Yeah, I remember that one --- need to look it up again, the details are fuzzy.

Basically, the pilots tried to add thrust, on approach, and the engines did not spool up from idle.

Of course, everyone points fingers --- Boeing blames GE everyone looks at the pilots....etc.

One thing that stands out, without having all of the facts yet, is the concept taught and demanded of us, at my airline --- the 'stabilized approach' requirement. This demands that the airplane be fully configured for landing, on speed, with engines spooled up by 1,000 feet above touchdown zone height.

I'm not sure about the specifics of that flight....

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Fair enough,a Bible AND a Koran.And a cartoon of The Prophet,why not?
Hell,let's put in a cask of Nano Thermite and see if it is found throughout the rubble.I'd pay $50 for the DVD and a T-shirt.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Sorry I think I might have a typo - I think the controversy was about how the plane did not behave in the crash - more to do with how the airframe broke or something on those lines. I got the impression it was about the "post impact" behavior of the structure if you know what I mean.

Personally, as a US citizen I would say no. The idea of an unmanned and antiquated plane flying around just doesn't sit well with me.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by hooper

Thanks for clearing that up, now I'm more interested in the BA accident.

The idea of an unmanned and antiquated plane flying around just doesn't sit well with me.

I wouldn't worry.

Lots and lots of wide open area, in the deserts....military operations areas (MOAs) where they practice all sorts of cool stuff, and no one ever sees it but the military folks involved.

They can exit the airplane at just a few thousand feet, and it will certainly be fitted with latest avionics (since finding one in the boneyards, it would already have been stripped of any electronics).

They just aim it, set up for a descent to be sure it impacts the ground in the general area where they've set up the cameras....

Still, I'm not holding my breath on actually seeing this "experiment" make it to completion.

Gonna cost a butt load of money and red tape.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:30 PM
Well to add to this 2 year thread in the making the video we have all been waiting for.

911 was an outsourced job!
edit on 3-5-2012 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

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