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How does a cow catch a hare? 911 related.

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posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:54 AM
With reference to the thread of JaxonRoberts,

-You all seem to have theories on HOW it was done, but what about WHO and WHY???-

and many other threads, I think that we all know by now that there is enough reason for having a new 911 investigation.

The way I understand it there are no legal paths to go in appal against the findings of the 911 commision. I am not a jurist so forgive me if I am wrong about that.

The Warren commision at the time with Kennedy has been just like the 911 commision. Their word is final and a wish for a new investigation is shut off.

It looks like as if this procedure of White House investigating commisions is constructed on purpose in a way to protect criminals from being reveiled as such and to protect them from further investigation.

If you ask me these kind of commisions are used as a 'get away free' tool by the people responsible and in power.

There must be a legal way for the people of the US to be granted a new investigation when there are reasonable arguments or wish by the people for it.

Now there is nothing to get a new investigation on the way...and time is passing by . Not will this be important for the families who lost their love ones but also for the selfrespect of the entire nation.

If nothing will change in the juridical system that deals with the procedure of how such investigating commisions works, killers will walk away freely, just like it happened with Kennedy and now probably with 911.

How does a cow catch a hare?....very difficult....
Which steps must be taken to have legal right to start an independent investigation after having enough and reasonable reasons to reject the offical 'White House' commision report.

Does is take a senator to propose such a juridical procedure to the congress?
I do not have a clue because as I said, I am not a jurist and not even american.

Somebody MUST work on such a legal change because otherwise such a commision as the 911 one is too easy accessible for corruption and abuse.

I have said what I think that must be done to make a new 911 investigation reality.

Do you guys have any ideas or facts about the chances for closure?

[edit on 18-2-2010 by zatara]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:25 PM
There wont be an investigation until all branches of the government have basically fallen apart, so there will be nobody left to blame.

Until then, they will lie through their teeth.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by gandhi

Yep...that is what is happening.......

Is there nobody?...not even a young ambitious lawyer who is crazy enough to risk his life and represent the families and to fight for some change somewhere?

Is it just Charley Sheen, Alex Jones and a lot of hot air of the truth-movement that is threatening the freedom of the killers?

Is there nobody with some spunk who knows which ways to walk?

What is the most promising undertaking for a new investigation at the moment......somebody?

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:37 PM
There is a very easy way to get an investigation. There are law enforcement agencies that operate 24/7. There is a justice system. There are elements of the msm who would love to sink their teeth into any politicians, past or present.

All you have to do is come up with some evidence that stands scrutiny and stop making increasingly bizzare stuff up.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

That is interesting....So you say there is no evidence ......for example..uhmmm....that there where other forces at work than the planes which took the WTC down? Or that there isn't some other evidence worth investigating related to what happened that day?

Did you know that the evidence is not even bothered to be officially tested to see if it would stand the scrutiny?

Don't tell me you are a Tread are pulling my leg...right?

[edit on 18-2-2010 by zatara]

[edit on 18-2-2010 by zatara]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by zatara
reply to post by Alfie1

That is interesting....So you say there is no evidence ......for example..uhmmm....that there where other forces at work than the planes which took the WTC down? Or that there isn't some other evidence worth investigating related to what happened that day?

You are pulling my leg...right?

No, I am not pulling your leg at all. You have nothing beyond speculation and suspicion. If you did, you would not be whingeing about how can we ever get an investigation, you would be in court with it.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:07 AM
I am very disappointed...not only by what you say but also about the little response.....

There are tons with treads about indications that it was a setup from other forces than (only) Bin Laden. There are independent investigations made by serious scientist.

I talking about the thermite, building structure, timelines and who was where doing what at the time.

The incomplete commision report should be enough reason to demand a new investigation.

It is clear that you either agree with the findings of the commision report or do want an new investigation but have no faith in the evidence that can be presented in court and that it will not hold water.

The very disappointing response does give me the idea that the american people are subliminal conditioned not to think about finding legal ways to have a new investigation.

An other explanation for the passive atitude to find concrete legal ways is maybe everybody lies the responsiblity to the guy standing next to him. Or maybe it is just one word ...fear.

Paralysed, like a rabbit in the headlights of a car.

The only thing that pops up here and there is armed revolution...... Asking the ones who made serious mistakes or are maybe part of it for approval to start a new thorough investigation that will ruin their carreer or sent them behind bars is also not very promising.

I am trying to help out here and my tread is just an idea to get some things going or done.

Even if all the evidence will not hold up in court, what happened has caused so much grief and a negative impact on the US nation and world that it is worth to find unanswered answers/questions or to clear the doubt of people who think there is more to it.

And hoping there is someone outthere who .....whatever.....never mind.....what am I trying to do anyway......nothing will ever happen, everybody tries to keep it alive but rather forget.

Edit.....I am exhausted..
Edit: Didn't change any of my previous edit
Edit: some grammer/spelling and some less strong language.
[edit on 19-2-2010 by zatara]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by zatara]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by zatara]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by zatara]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by zatara]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:16 AM
A day has passed since I posted this thread and now I wish I didn't.

No interest by people who know something about law. Not even by people who are seriously into studying what did't make any sence that day.

It feels as if I am making an ass of myself because nobody understand my question or because it is a stupid fantasy to find legal ground to have a new 911 investigation.

Or is it because everybody knows the answer except me.....Should I just shut up because it is not my fight, being a not american?

Can at least somebody be so kind to inform me what it wrong with this thread? Did I miss something....or do you all agree with what Alfie1 said, should I too?

Edit Spelling
[edit on 20-2-2010 by zatara]

[edit on 20-2-2010 by zatara]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 06:32 AM
The basic premise is good but can only be acted on if some new evidence comes to light. It'll have to be huge, totally unambiguous, absolutely conclusive and a bunch of other superlatives to have a chance of going anywhere but, as yet, it simply doesn't exist.

Without that kickass new evidence there's no grounds to act on.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 06:32 AM
Dreaded double post

[edit on 20/2/2010 by Pilgrum]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Pilgrum
The basic premise is good but can only be acted on if some new evidence comes to light. It'll have to be huge, totally unambiguous, absolutely conclusive and a bunch of other superlatives to have a chance of going anywhere but, as yet, it simply doesn't exist.

Without that kickass new evidence there's no grounds to act on.

Well thanks Pilgrum,.....Evidence like what for example? Like Rumsfeld stepping forward and spilling the beans?

Ofcourse you are right.....

I do not understand that molten steel and straight cut off steel constructiom beams will not do among other evidence that clearly say....... something doesn't add up here.

Not by me, but by the testemony of people who are experts on the matter.

Yesterday I heared that a 1000 architects have given officially their doubts about...for one.. the commision repport collaps theory.

If you'd ask me it is not a question of evidence but has it all to do with be granted a new investigation.

An other day has passed and I must say that I, as a conspiracy disciple, am beginning to become a little paranoid about why there is still so very little response....from both sides of the fence.

Anyways, thanks for your reply Pilgrum

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by zatara

Originally posted by Pilgrum
The basic premise is good but can only be acted on if some new evidence comes to light. It'll have to be huge, totally unambiguous, absolutely conclusive and a bunch of other superlatives to have a chance of going anywhere but, as yet, it simply doesn't exist.

Without that kickass new evidence there's no grounds to act on.

Well thanks Pilgrum,.....Evidence like what for example? Like Rumsfeld stepping forward and spilling the beans?

Ofcourse you are right.....

I do not understand that molten steel and straight cut off steel constructiom beams will not do among other evidence that clearly say....... something doesn't add up here.

Not by me, but by the testemony of people who are experts on the matter.

Yesterday I heared that a 1000 architects have given officially their doubts about...for one.. the commision repport collaps theory.

If you'd ask me it is not a question of evidence but has it all to do with be granted a new investigation.

An other day has passed and I must say that I, as a conspiracy disciple, am beginning to become a little paranoid about why there is still so very little response....from both sides of the fence.

Anyways, thanks for your reply Pilgrum

I am sorry you have had a disappointing response to your thread. I would have thought some truthers would have made a few posts.

For me, as a non-truther, the weakness of your position is revealed in your latest post. I am not aware of any "experts" who have confirmed the presence of molten steel at the WTC site and all the cut steel I have seen has been easily attributable to the clean-up operation.

You need some firm evidence, not speculation, and an investigation will follow. Ever considered that it was muslim hi-jackers ?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by zatara
I do not understand that molten steel and straight cut off steel constructiom beams will not do among other evidence that clearly say....... something doesn't add up here.

Maybe this post just looks at 1 tiny aspect of the overall picture but it all needs up close individual inspection to make any progress at all.
What are your impressions of the column ends in this picture (IE how did they get that way) ?

Any sort of 'thermal cutting' is the least likely explanation IMHO

There's more of those ends in this pic, they were quite common.

I know it's all looking at minutia through a microscope but I don't see any way around that if getting to the facts is the ultimate goal.

[edit on 24/2/2010 by Pilgrum]

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