posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by trig_grl
I believe what we are seeing in this type of crescent moon is anything but normal. The moon has its phases and there is no phase that looks like a
crescent smiley face at the bottom. Take a look at the moon phases jpeg that someone posted and you will see what we should see when we look up at
the moon at any given time of the month.
Not even an eclipse would show us such a sight. So, if this is not normal then what could be going on is indeed a legitimate question.
Well, lets think about this for just a second and realize that if the moon phases are not showing as they should be then something must have happened
to our polar axis or our rotation around the sun. If such a change has occurred, then I believe it can be detected and if we can can get someone to
actually tell us the truth we may just find that some strange things are occurring that is physically changing what we view from day to day.
While I personally believe such an event is part of a continuing time line disruption that is getting out of control. While the changes are not
always permanent from time to time there are those like yourself and that includes myself that viewed the moon and wondered what was going on that
would allow me to see such a view of the moon.
I am confident more incidents will be captured and witnessed by enough people to begin to see that what we see today we may not see tomorrow. While
we may have witnessed something unusual, I feel it is related to much more than we are suppose to know about.
Thanks for your posting and I for one totally agree that what you saw was not normal by any sense of the imagination.