posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:48 PM
As a person ignorant of why the Palestinians cause so much trouble for the Israelis who are trying to put the horrors of WW2 behind them, I find this
person to be perhaps soft in the head?
Hitler I think from history lessons killed the Jews en masse?
I cannot recall millions of these Palestinian people dying in concentration camps by virue of gas or bullets, so where is this going?
The Israelis have enough nuclear missiles to wipe out most of the world , but guess what, they have never sent even one into Paletsine.
People seem to like bagging the Israelis and all, but hey they didnt kill the Palestinians in gas chambers or such like.
Hitler hated the jews in Europe because he thought they were all communists and wanted athiesm to replace christianity, yet he was the most anti
christian of them all.
The Jews in Israel just want peace and to be able to work for the appearance of their messiah.
Lay off these folk they are nothing like Nazis.