I'll tell you why the "science experiment" thing is most probably a flawed correlation.
First and foremost, the UZB-76* (S28) has changed carrier frequency multiple times throughout its life. During the 90's it was known to transmit on
5310 and 5211kHz for example. Next, it currently transmits from two locations (one approximately south of St. Petersburg, the second one northeast of
Pskov) on two different frequencies (4622 and 4625 kHz respectively).
Also, it's hardly a very scientific set up for the broadcast signal being fed from a constantly live microphone placed in front of a speaker (the
buzzer unit). It gives you a very dirty signal, quite unlike actual ionospheric experiments that uses very clean signals in order to study their
propagation and interactions (excitations and secondary emissions for example) in high detail. Also, the radio in question uses an omnidirectional
horizontal dipole (VGDSh:
files.radioscanner.ru...). For ionospheric experiments you use a completely different
transmitter layout (which is also one of the reasons why all the HAARP conspiracy talk is utterly and inherently flawed its the very core, together
with the entire framework of matter/EM interaction mechanisms (which obviously has to account for broadcasting as well, it works both ways) that also
completely disqualifies it, but that's a different story).
The messages it occasionally broadcasts follow the same pattern/format as other Russian number stations (for example S30 on 5448 and 3756kHz, S32 on
3828 and 5473kHz, S06 through S21 on between 3181 to 7472kHz, changes all the time). This would suggest that it is following number station practice.
If you compare to Western stations, such as the mysterious Yosemite Sam, that would indeed seem to be the case as we are dealing with the very same
bands there.
Typically, hanging around that frequency neighborhood
can be a benefit with the ionosphere in mind, of course. But now we're talking the same
things as radio amateurs has been using to their advantage since time immemorial. As far as that goes the OP has a point (but not the one he/she
*The "UVB" thing is an old Western transcription error that has been perpetuated for some reason. The station was never called UVB (УВБ) but UZB
(УЗБ). This can be confirmed on early recordings, though granted the Z sounds very V-like to Western ears (and from a lo-fi radio voice).
Nowadays the callsign is МДЖБ/MDZhB (Mikhail, Dmitri, Zhenya, Boris) though, The callsign suddenly changed in between the message broadcasts of
September 5th and 7th, 2010. For unknown reasons (a pretty superfluous statement when we're dealing with this subject...) it momentarily switched back
to the UZB-76 callsign on September 10th that year, but that was the last time anybody heard that callsign.
It has also used temporary callsigns such as ЦЛИМ/TsLIM and Ц38М/Ts38M, nobody knows why.
It also occasionally changes buzz length, introduces odd whistly overtones and subtle buzz harmonic changes. Also, fast Morse code can be heard in the
"background" sometimes (could be something accidentally picked up/leakage, or it could be an actual reciever within audible range to the
aforementioned microphone that is occasionally heard).
Anyway, I hope that clears things up a bit!
edit on 15-3-2013 by entoman because: (no reason given)