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Who got to Beck? What threats?

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:01 PM
I've been thinking.

Yeah. Thats pretty dangerous at best!

Beck was going full guns a few years back. Remember the Teri Shiavo thing? That was class.

He used to be funny all the time. Moron Football? That proves so much about the education of our populous!

When it was serious, he got serious.

Then he had some sort of epiphany. He started going "conspiratorial". That kinda made my ears perk up.

Then the fatefull story on the death all changed.

They got to him. Come after a mans family? well, you know. what would you do?

The point is I'm wondering if its like he's "behind enemy lines" so to speak. He wants to put out the info but has to do it via "back channels" sort of. A mans heart doesnt change that much (I hope).

I'm not saying that he is innocent by any means. His "complicity" may be necessary to keep info going. I'm going on a limb here but I wonder if Pat Gray is his "handler"?

I hope I dont come across as an apologist. I was listening a few days ago and it pissed me off to no extent. His stand against "truthers" is direct contradiction to everything else he says and does.

He does everything that he should and then not only "puts the breaks on" but he slams the transmission into reverse and strips every gear out! It doesn't make sense.

How much good info has he put out? He encourages folks to read and study for themselves. He brings little known info of history out. It just doesnt jive!

Give me your input. Pro AND CON! (please, no neoCON

It could just be what it seems but it may not be.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:03 PM
[snip] If your family is threatened resign. He is a traitor, and a money whore. Let me re-empahsize [snip]


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[edit on 16/2/10 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:06 PM
I think they got to him. Here is the thing about Beck, he cries when he is telling the absolute truth. I have the same condition apparently. If I truly believe something and speak it I will be on the verge of tears. I've noticed him going to far on a conspiracy topic and he puts the breaks on. He is on the verge of saying what he knows about a topic and stops, glaces around and changes subjects.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:13 PM
I agree. # Him. I have met him, he is an entertainer, period. He is just a regular guy with a quick mind and a smart mouth. He would do equally well if he hosted Talk Soup. A friend of mine who is unemployed and does nothing but watch Faux news all day said that Beck is part of the MSM. Murrow and Cronkite would smack this ratings whore into next week. I despise that loud mouth whack job.

Jesus. he makes O'reilly seem sane.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:24 PM
I use to love him....watched him all the time. But I too noticed the complete shift. I was shocked when he took the stance against the 9-11 Truthers. Oddly, a lot of the Tea Party folks are 9-11 Truthers as well, but he supports that like he's wanting to be the next president.

He's a devout Mormon, and while I'm not Mormon, I know a lot of them. They are genuinely good people, and some of the kindest and most generous people I know. As always, I seek to understand other religions, especially if I have friends that belong to them. I learned a lot about what Mormons believe and practice, and I tend to agree that it's possible someone got hold of him. It doesn't make sense to me.

Now, he just seems to me to be a rabid dog with a bone at times, just simply appealing to his base with what they want to hear, (and of course, what the network will allow him to say).

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by emeraldzeus
He's a devout Mormon, and while I'm not Mormon, I know a lot of them. They are genuinely good people, and some of the kindest and most generous people I know. As always, I seek to understand other religions, especially if I have friends that belong to them. I learned a lot about what Mormons believe and practice, and I tend to agree that it's possible someone got hold of him. It doesn't make sense to me.

Of course he can be gotten to. First it was drugs, then it was the church of LDS, now its Faux news. this guy will will latch onto anything, no matter how harmful, so he doesn't have to think for himself. Period. He is a leech on the butt of humanity.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by jacksmoke]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
I think they got to him. Here is the thing about Beck, he cries when he is telling the absolute truth.

Yes he does cry. Haven't you seen this? He is a fool and a charlatan.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:40 PM
yeah i agree maybe they are threatening him and his family or maybe hes part of the whole mind control media game?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by whaaa

lol yeah I saw that. I think it was done for a commercial right?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Dude that was a photoshoot, he was making fun of himself. Get it? Beck is a funny man, listen to him on the radio; he's a comedian who has some serious points.

He makes fun of himself with his chalkboard, his weight, his eccentricities and his crying. He does it all the time. It was a goof.

Quit being ignorant by trying to discredit him with anything you can get your hands on.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Mr Headshot

Quit being ignorant by trying to discredit him with anything you can get your hands on.

I don't have to discredit Mr. Beck. He is doing a great job of discrediting himself all on his own.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Really the whole use of that video is tired and drawl now. It has been cleared that it was indeed for a photo shoot and shots no merits for or against the man's credibility or sincerity.

As for what Beck USED to be like, I couldn't tell you. I have never even heard of the man until last year and I took a bit of an interest. I remember I liked the subjects he spoke of because they were those that other media wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.

Regardless of his sensationalist nature, I was intrigued until the first time I heard him bash 9/11 truthers. It turned me off a bit but I took it as his personal opinion.

Regardless, to each his own I always say. I watch his show occasionally but I don't take it to heart. I do what I feel Beck wants people to do and that is to research subjects for themselves. If he is under an agenda, I think it is honestly doing more harm than good to the PTB in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:07 AM
My take on Mr. Glen Beck is such. He makes a very large sum of money to do the show he does. Therefore he has to answer to whomever is paying him his salary. And if the money trail if followed it's fairly obvious Fox is not an independent news source.
I mean call me whatever you want, and I don't really wanna see the guy fail, he is bringing attention to some much needed minds out there, but I turn the channel on any show with an opening line "Live from high atop Rockefeller Center."

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:09 AM
I used to love to listen to Beck. Not any more. Like others said he used to be funny. When I watched him he was on a different channel, and despite my liberalism, I found myself agreeing with somethings he said.

I always like finding a KY connection to things. Did yall know Glenn Beck used to Host a morning drive radio show right here in Louisville KY?

"In mid-1985, Beck was hired away from KZFM to be the lead DJ for the morning-drive radio broadcast by WRKA in Louisville, Kentucky.[14] His four-hour weekday show was called Captain Beck and the A-Team.[41] Beck had a reputation as a "young up-and-comer". The show was not political and included tasteless jokes. One of his competitors, Terry Meiners, was critical of Beck for jokes regarding another competitor who was overweight. The show slipped to third in the market and Beck left abruptly in 1987 amid a dispute with WRKA management.[42]"


Maybe the money got to him. Maybe fame went to his head.

Or maybe this isnt any fun for him any more.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by emeraldzeus

Yeah. When he was just on radio, he seemed much more open about things. Since he was put on television, he seems disheveled or something. I tend to think that he is looking down the barrel of a proverbial gun, maybe literally, but that is just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:11 AM
C'mon, people, Beck is just another talking head. I used to listen to him on the radio years ago, and he infuriated me until I realized he was performing a routine, a script. This guy doesn't believe anything he says — he's just doing a job, appeasing some folks and pissing off the rest, same as Howard Stern used to do (when Stern was decent). I mean, damn, you never mistook Howard Stern for a political activist, did you?

Beck is no more and no less an entertainment property, just like all the other entertainers out there.

However, the fact that he pisses you off means he's doing his job. An entertainer has to work both sides of the fence, both the Love and the Hate. It's all about ratings, baby, and selling zit cream.

Beck obviously knows his business. The worst thing you can say to Beck is "Eh who cares?" Neutrality is his worst enemy and his worst nightmare.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/17/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:22 AM
There is no conspiracy here, you are finally waking up to the fact that Glenn Beck is a fraud. He is a shill for the powers that be.

Beck like most Americans, most humans, would do anything for a paycheck.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:49 AM
Well, I don't think he's a "fraud" as much as he's just doing his job.

As I visualize it, Beck gets called into a meeting at FOX, and they admonish him that his "911 Truther" thing is a little too fringe, it's a "downer," it causes viewership to drop off.

Beck complies and does a flip on his conspiratorial audience, which FOX obviously doesn't mind offending. They want the viewers, and they'll tailor their on-air personalities as necessary to achieve that end.

The majority of FOX viewers don't want to hear "911 Truther" babble. They want to hear "The Liberals and Democrats are Wrong Wrong Wrong!" That's FOX's audience, okay? It's a huge audience, apparently, so they're doing something right. Decidedly Right.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:53 AM

He is an ENTERTAINER, with advertisers

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Mr Headshot
reply to post by whaaa

Dude that was a photoshoot, he was making fun of himself. Get it? Beck is a funny man, listen to him on the radio; he's a comedian who has some serious points.

He makes fun of himself with his chalkboard, his weight, his eccentricities and his crying. He does it all the time. It was a goof.

Quit being ignorant by trying to discredit him with anything you can get your hands on.

Friend, he pretty much has discredited himself (bloody sure here in Texas).
Do you have any insight into what "snapped"? His mind or someone elses fingers?

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