posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:21 PM
This isn't just a gut feeling. There are many things that can come into play in the next months. Two months gives just enough for things to
Bad relations with Iran, China, and many other countries are given just enough time to get worse in two months. I feel that something big is going to
happen in April... I don't think it is something mysterious... but something catastrophic.
I think things will pull together in the next months, and something will happen... I just don't know what.
Does anyone have this feeling? I've never felt a bad feeling about a particular time or anything, but this one just feels weird... any psychics out
there that would like to make a "prediction"?
I always have doubted things like gut feelings, but April seems like it could be the month where everything goes bad...
Edit for typos.
[edit on 16-2-2010 by Phlynx]
[edit on 16-2-2010 by Phlynx]