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HPV Vaccine to turn People into Trees

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:25 PM
If you have HPV and your immune system is switched off, this is what happens. (see links below) There is evidence that this is what the cervical cancer vaccine will do (after a few years). Think of the money that they could charge for treatment to keep the tree growth at bay? People will hand over their full salary

Tree Man has HPV with Immune System Off

Photo Of Tree Man

For more on the issue read here Dr Carley

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:14 PM
Man this is disturbing.
But how do you turn off your immune system? Does that mean your just not eating properly? HPV is everywhere unfotunately.

and btw i have not heard of a vaccine for HPV unless it has already developed into cancer, but if you catch it early it can be treated with this acidic treatment they put on your symptoms and it basically burns it off over a few days...

[edit on 10/13/2009 by Zeta Reticuli]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Zeta Reticuli
Man this is disturbing.
But how do you turn off your immune system? Does that mean your just not eating properly? HPV is everywhere unfotunately.

and btw i have not heard of a vaccine for HPV unless it has already developed into cancer, but if you catch it early it can be treated with this acidic treatment they put on your symptoms and it basically burns it off over a few days...

[edit on 10/13/2009 by Zeta Reticuli]

Zeta Reticuli,

Vaccines damage the immune system. The UN/WHO have long been doing experiments on how to disable the immune system. Some have said that the Swine Flu Vaccine disables the immune system whilst inserting 1918 Spanish Influenza.

As for HPV, there is a huge vaccination program well underway, going from school to school in the US/UK. It's also known as the Cervical cancer vaccine.

HPV isn't a big issue if your immune system is healthy, however if it's been damaged or disabled by a vaccine you're in trouble (like Tree Man).

As for how many people already have HPV, according to the CDC

"It is a common virus that approximately 20 million Americans live with, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some without even knowing it."

Though of course now millions of more of having HPV put into their systems from the vaccine

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:50 PM
I thought treeman had HPV ... and i was quite sure that he never had a vaccination for HPV. And if this was the result of HPV vaccination then why arent there growing numbers of "tree people" due to the vaccinations widespread availability and marketing campaigns?

and to OP there is a vaccination for HPV search "one less" in google

[edit on 16-2-2010 by conspiracyrus]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:04 PM
Dude, how do you get from Dede having a very rare immunity deficiency, and then contracting HPV... to anyone having a Gardacil shot turning into human trees, essentially becoming another Dede???
It takes a lot to destroy an immune system and shut it off.
Oh, you jumped to a conclusion and your mind wandered--
and you never read the entire article!
I am inclined to believe you read the accompanying conspiracy theory and preferred that version of the truth...

Knowledge is power, a little knowledge is dangerous...

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