posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Hello, i have been a browser of this website for a few days now and wasnt sure how to work my way around! But i have paid alot of thought to this
thread, Sometimes when im at home just chilling out, All of a sudden i will be thinking of any random person and sometimes that person will call my
mobile phone about 10seconds after?!? Is it coincidence or something different?
Another time when this caught my attention ALOT, i was on the promenade where i live, and there was a man and his wife sat down next to their
motorbike, then some other man turned up in his car and started chatting, they obviously knew one an other, i was waiting for the bus at the time and
was bored so i was being nosy and looking in on the scene when the guy who turned up in his car asked if he could have a go on the motorbike ( i think
he turned up to have a look at his mates new ride ) few minuted past and he put the crash helmet on and rode away, few minutes later you could hear
the bike on its way back when all of a sudden i thought to myself ' hes going to come off the bike ' and in my shock it happened right before my
eyes, the guy came round the corner at a pretty slow speed , lost controll and skidded about 100m along the floor with the bike sliding along the
I really dont know if its coincidence or not but i tend to guess things on gameshows 8-10 times correct not knowing the answer! if any body has any
info i would appreciate it