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Area 51 base commander

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posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by hiluxxulih

The U.S. Air Force , CIA and the Department of Energy run Area 51.
Lockheed Martin builds the aircraft and CIA personnel fly them.

Don't forget Wackenhut.

Second line.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Wackenhut is just the contractor that provides the "cammo dudes"
running around the base perimeter. They chase off the UFO nuts.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Wackenhut is just the contractor that provides the "cammo dudes"
running around the base perimeter. They chase off the UFO nuts.

1)The 'cammo dudes' are still in the chain of command
2)If you start looking into Wackenhuts contracts a bit, you find that they do more than just provide security....

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by leftystrat

Originally posted by minkey53
If I was the President, I would say to them "Hang on a minute chaps, I am the Boss. Tell me everything or you're all fired!"

That might do the trick?

That might get him dead.

The president is a short-termer. To get a step closer to real power, look at who the long-termers are. Look at how long people like Cheney and Kissinger have been around.


Cheney and Kissinger, hummmmm, now there's a couple of long-haulers.

Every book on the ET/UFO issue has these two up to their eyeballs in controversy, especially Mr K.

I'd like to get these two in the same room with Bassett and Greer, just imagine the chit chat.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by downunderET]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Security on the range is compartmentalized. It was EG&G at Groom, but EG&G is now totally folded into URS. I don't know how the Groom security forces "address" their owner these day. Wackenhut is security for the Nevada Test Site. The Tonopah Test Range used to be under ASI, but I believe now the Washington Group does their security. At Groom and the TTR, there is most likely real military there as well.

I placed a photograph of the TTR welcoming committee at the top of this page:
TTR odds and ends

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:57 AM
According to Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso the first CIA director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter ran the original reverse engineering project.

You'll have to judge the credibility of the man yourself, but I found his book to be fairly convincing and the government did go to a lot of effort to discredit him, which would seem unnecessary if it were all made-up nonsense. Kind of like all the effort they spend on advancing bogus al-Qaeda conspiracy theories and slandering the leaders of the 9/11 scientific truth movement.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by gariac

Why every few minutes changing the safety manner or hire any other private corporation for the perimeter security of TTR, NTS or Groom?

So we're talking that Groom does not depend on outward civilian contractor for the security of its facilities. Anyway I hear the safety is a joint and comprised of DET 3 Air Force Flight Test Center (Groom lake facility) security forces and a private company.

Sandia, TTR, NTS, TPECR, NTTR. Guidelines of all these facilities is draw upon civilian contractors and military air forces in perimeter security, but at Groom lake this method may not be exactly so.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by Groomforce]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Groomforce

I kind of gather English is not your first language, which is OK, but your questions don't make much sense.

Groom, the NTS, and the TTR DO use outside contractors for security, but each group uses different contractors. It could be a coincidence that one contractor doesn't provide security for all three facilities, or it could be intentional so that no contractor gets to see the full scope of the operations.

Groom and the TTR most likely have additional military security. The idea behind the outside contractors is the "visitors" are not greeted with a MP carrying a fully auto rifle, but a somewhat nebulous private security guard wearing two guns. ;-) But you could find that kind of security at major hotels in Vegas.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:56 PM
Good lord this is an incredible amount of ignorance in this thread. It's a military base, people. It has a base commander, just as every other military installation has a base commander. He's a very high ranking official in the United States Air Force. His identity is kept a secret just the same as every other employee. It's not nearly as interesting or out of the ordinary as you may like to believe.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:58 AM
SmittyPuffs is right! (except for a few minor details)

I already addressed this in an earlier post. Why is this thread still going?

The Groom Lake facility is operated as Detachment 3 of the Air Force Flight Test Center (DET3, AFFTC). The organization is a Test Wing, based on the "objective wing" model established in the early 1990s. The wing commander (DET3/CC) is a USAF colonel. He reports to the AFFTC/CC at Edwards Air Force Base who, in turn, reports to the commander of Air Force Materiel Command.

The name of the DET3/CC is not classified, though it is not widely publicized. Having his name posted all over the Internet might interfere with his ability to effectively do his job.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by sd7000

Well even if there are no UFOs or Aliens that sounds a very odd situation. THe President of the USA is seen rightly or wrongly to be the epitomy of the democratic process. It means that all the BS about conspiracies is not so far fetched.

Who are these faceless beings anyway.


posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by sd7000

That would do nothing. The President is basically the middle man. And everyone looks at him, but in fact you don't see the whole picture. The people that run the Base are basically running the Military. Which is the United States. The President has no power to over run them. Look at what Kennedy tried to do and look at what happened to him.

Not necessarily. The president has the power to dismantle the Special Operations Coordinating Committee. The last person to do that was Kennedy. It doesn't necessarily rule out that a current president couldn't do the same, if the proper barriers were in place.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Shadowhawk

Since we know the Groom Lake trunk radio system has a site at Nellis AFB, can you have a detachment of a detachment? That is, is there a group of sorts from Groom at Nellis, or is the Groom Lake repeater at Nellis just there for logistics?

The other interesting thing is once you leave DET3, it seems to be perfectly OK to have DET3 on your resume.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by hiluxxulih
Who is the actual person that runs Area 51 ? I am assuming there is a General or someone of that rank there , lucky bastard , if I ran that place I would be going on explorations daily .

For the actual administrative post? Yeah, I'd imagine it was an Air Force General. His superiors? Heck if I know.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:56 AM
Believe it or not. I know someone that was in the service and I know a civilian aeronautical employee. Both sources have told me that Area 51 is actually funded by the Department of the Navy. Think it would partly have to do with the "secret" Space Program and the technology used there. All the intelligence is gathered by the US Naval Intelligence services. The external operations such as guarding the base and running experimental aircraft is through the US AirForce.

When I first heard this I thought it was kinda odd. it makes sense though since the secret space program is run by the Navy... Funny.. I mean Star Trek is based and run under Navy protocol. Alot that goes one there is so compartmentalized its ridiculous. Thats the one thing about the US Military is one high ranking official may know didley squat whats going on the other half o the say at Area 51.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Fireball69
Believe it or not. I know someone that was in the service and I know a civilian aeronautical employee. Both sources have told me that Area 51 is actually funded by the Department of the Navy.

I'll give u the benefit of the doubt that what you're saying is true. However, coming on ATS and claiming you 'know' a guy who's got 'inside info.' is asking for trouble.

Idea: you could always have your 'guy' post here.

Just saying...

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by leftystrat

The president is a short-termer. To get a step closer to real power, look at who the long-termers are. Look at how long people like Cheney and Kissinger have been around.

I liken the situation to back in Boy Scouts.
Every six months, the boys would elect eachother to troop offices.
You might get elected Senior Patrol Leader and be in charge of the other boys until the next election.
But no illusions were kept, and the boys knew the Scoutmaster and his Senior Leadership Council were really in charge, even though the boys couldn't vote on this.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Ah, the ignorance festival continues. This thread should have ended some time ago. Why is it still going?

The originator of this thread asked a simple question: "Who is the actual person in charge of Area 51?"

It was a simple question with a simple answer and I have posted that answer twice, with some variation and additional detail each time. I'll try again.

The Groom Lake facility is commanded by a USAF colonel assigned to Detachment 3 of the Air Force Flight Test Center. The average tour of duty lasts two years. I have personally known eight people who have served in this position.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Shadowhawk

Ok Shadow, I'll bite! Can you u2u me any juicy tidbits?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:23 AM


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