posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:00 AM
When people are babbling on mutter while looking at it in recent posts and in the actual threads that they are reading,they sometime observe that
there is a conversation going on and at times,they (the lurker as you call them) sometimes get involved,or don't.
There are people that often enjoy watching mutter as there are times when it is quite amusing in many ways.
Being an avid mutterist,there are times that I don't care to partake in the conversations that are going on as I am engrossed in reading a
thread,have walk away from my computer,and other distractions that occur.
I don't often "LURK" as it were,although,there are those who do and all I can say is I hope you enjoy Mutter and ATS CHAT and join in as well.
ATS Recent Posts
...and instead of naming people to your thread PSY_SMURF,maybe you should let them participate in your thread if they wish.
...and A special message to the unknown lurkers...
Thanks for reading my post.