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Isn't it true...

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posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:11 PM
...that when the astral plane is no more that there will be no longer any dreams for anyone who goes to sleep?

The astral plane will expire some day soon. What will people do with no more dreams at night? Prolly get a more refreshing feeling upon waking up from a dreamless sleep. Just my opinion, what's yours?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:29 PM
What makes you think that the Astral Plane is on the verge of expiring?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

why do you feel that our dreams are connected to the astral plane?

and why do you feel we will wake more refreshed after dreamless sleep?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
What makes you think that the Astral Plane is on the verge of expiring?

The bible says it shall pass away. The bible calls it heaven.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

repeat of a question from your other thread:

Why is the Bible correct, which parts predict things that really happened?

Further more, where does anything show that the astral plane is real?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Actually my understanding is that when we are in a deep enough sleep to dream we have the most restful sleep.

As we grow older we start to lose the time we spend in a deep sleep and actually get a less restful sleep. So dreaming might actually make you more rested.


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:49 PM
i have never actually heard of it expiring and if what your referring to is the merging of the astral plane and our dimension then well on my opinion a lot of "imagine it and make it happen" will go down. you know what i mean. but in your case of the astral plane just disappearing or ending, i guess people would have empty no dream sleeps but i believe that might bring an unbalance to the way humans are supposed to be dont you think?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
reply to post by Tormentations

why do you feel that our dreams are connected to the astral plane?

and why do you feel we will wake more refreshed after dreamless sleep?

1. Because the astral plane is the source of all dreams says these astral projectors I know.

2. Because no strain on the conscious awareness. Sleep will be 100% sleep with no chance of a dream to take from that percent. So in turn we will be more resheshed upon waking up I would think, and not feeling like we've gotten no sleep because of too many stranger dreams.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

"I would think"

That is a telling part.

My experience, when I have dreams I remember, I feel more rested. I haven't remembered a dream in a while, and have felt fatigue.

If you can show me where any of this is true, please do.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:01 PM
so the bible is telling you that the astral plane is about to go away?!? could you point that verse out?

The astral plane is highly intangible, and quite likely only exists in the imagination of others. I mean, you cant visit it unless your asleep, right?

I doubt EVERY-BODIES Pineal glands would stop working at once, which is what it would take, because the pineal gland is believed by most to be where in your mind your dreams originate from.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:07 PM
The only way to destroy your dreams is to destroy your subconscious.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:25 PM
Your preachings are nothing more than spawns of unintelligent daydreams and sheep like prophecies from your silly book. There is no evidence suggesting an astral plane or that it will cease to exist.

As well your ideal about us getting better sleeps without dreams is uninformed garbage. A beginners level psychology course teaches that deep sleep or REM sleep ( when dreams occur) is when our brain produces high magnitude delta waves. These sessions of delta waves (which occur in cycles throughout the night) have shown to function in the cementing of neural connections. In short if we don't get our REM
sleep our brain lacks that ability and eventually our memory suffers because of this. We need deep sleep and the sleep cycle to live and be the intelligent mamals we are. So please inform yourself before you make these ridiculous claims.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:35 AM
The Astral Plane and the dreaming-unconscious are not the same thing. Here, let me explain:


Ever sleeper dreams something every night, usually we have between 2 and 4 dreams. Often we remember none of them, usually we remember vague details from one of them. Sleep occurs in five stages:

• Stage 1: the sleeper's muscles relax, eye's shift, and occasionally you experience a "falling sensation" called a Hypnic Jerk caused by your brain misinterpreting the new relaxation as you tumbling through nothingness.

• Stage 2: the eyes stop moving. Brain waves slow down, but occasionally there are bursts of brain waves.

• Stage 3: Delta brainwaves (extremely slow brain waves) are interspersed with the faster brain waves.

• Stage 4: the brain only produces Delta Waves now.

• REM Sleep: Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Brain waves, breathing, blood pressure, heart rate all increase, guys get erections, and dreams occur here. If woken up from this stage, a person can remember their dreams.

This cycle occurs naturally between 3 and 5 times every night for a person. There's nothing "spiritual" about it. Sleeping, and dreaming, are naturally occurring events in every person's evening.


The Astral Plane is a metaphysical state of mind experienced not during sleep-dreaming, but instead during intense meditation, or surgical anesthesia. The conscious mind disconnects with the physical body. This process creates an ethereal "Body of Light" phantom, or double, of the physical human body.

The process of disconnecting is commonly called an OBE, or Out of Body Experience. This alone is not enough to "travel in the Astral" though. No, your new "Body of Light" must be trained to control itself, otherwise the Silver Chord talked about in the Bible and other places tries to pull the "Body of Light" back into the physical body.

Only once trained can the "Body of Light" then move beyond the seeming limitations of the Silver Chord. The Chord is actually quite malleable. Once mobility is attained it must then be mastered as well before anyone can truly travel on the Astral Plane.

Therefore, no, the Astral Plane is not ending since it exists as a kind of noumenal-metaphysical world alongside out own. As well, dreaming reduction will NOT produce more fulfilling sleeps, and neither are our days of dreaming ending either.

OP, you are wrong on every count. Study dreams. Study OBE's, study Astral Projection. But most of all - READ THE LITERATURE on all of these things.

~ Wandering Scribe

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