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Looking to turn on my Enlightenment, can someone help me?

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

Fasting 24 hours before hand and flexing the pineal gland in full lotus is the way to do it in my opinion. 5 hours of post-death fun. I call it the "rainbow vortex of reality" but it's equivalent to the Level 4 Spring Forest Qigong rainbow meditation.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:44 PM
If you continue desiring to be awakened, dont never stop continue and research research research practice and practice.

When i was little all of it was hitting me, the visions, spirits, dimensional beings, all of it. I started my research alone just at the age of 12 (17 now) and i found many teachers and people that accepted me and helped me. How ever it isnt a game once you become awakened. The danger is real and it can make your life a living hell, saying this from personal experience.

If you need any help or some one to talk to about this stuff just message me

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Let go of everything and only observe.

Let go of this world, and you will see it for its illusion, than you must let go of the self in order to shed the layers of ego-centric consciousness.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by KennyRJR

You make an excellent point.

If you truly want to be awakened, than you must be willing to uphold the responsibility and everything of which it entails.

It means you are willing to allow the will of God to act through you.

Once that third eye opens, there is no going back.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Troy_

The first cause of energy blockage is emotional -- this is electrochemical energy.

The second cause is nutritional -- which can also cause electrochemical blockages.

So that's why monks eat very little -- in fact that's the hardest part about the pineal gland enlightenment -- once it's permanently magnetized then the vagus nerve automatically transduces lower body energy up into the brain (that's where the serotonin bliss comes from).

Anyway so anger is a liver blockage, worry is a pancreas blockage, fear is a kidney blockage, sadness is a lung blockage and heart is an overexcitement blockage.

But if you have too much booze it causes anger, too much smoke causes sadness, too much sugar causes worry, too much meat causes overexcitement, too much coffee causes fear.

If you sit in full lotus it quickly clears out these blockages and each organ will be felt as hot as the blockage clears out. So if someone around you have a liver blockage from drinking too much then as you clear our THEIR blockage then your own liver will get hot.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 12:29 AM
i guess you can try despotism within your body and see how that effects "enlightenment" if that is not favorable for you after you try you can then check out other expressions from others and see how that can be incorporated for you.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by RRokkyy

Oh really?One should only speak of one's actual experiences.As do I.
Nonsense is a pejorative term denoting words with no reasoning.None.
Most.if not all,religions have a weak place where the questions are hand waved.
Transubstantiation is a classic.It requires faith to think you're actually eating your deity.
Which itself is not a sensible thing if you think about it.
So my question to you is how did the shamen all over the world and in all times past to present acquire their vast knowledge of the medicinal uses of the plants that they themselves claim was imparted by those very plants themselves?With the aid of Ayahuasca?Trial and error is usually the incorrect answer given,but when the error means death,how's that work?

[edit on 15-2-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by themuse

Holy Moly methinks a re-read of my post will reveal my intent is NOT to say doing these unnamed ''agents'' is for everyone nor that s/he should just sally forth and do whatever comes into their posession.Nor did Terrence.Shallow?HA the sign of a not too experienced one who has read and believe what others have said,without actual exploration.Confusing the serious explorations of a shaman with the dabblings of a stoner is what's shallow.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 09:03 AM
And furthermore,what are you so afraid of?We have all seen what abuse does,we all know burned out people,unable to cope,etc.These are worst case scenarios,brought to you by lack of guidance and cocktailing various things in an uncontrolled setting.NOT the shaman way.Ayahuasca is so safe that even here in the US it is on the fast track to becoming completely unemcumbered by prohibition.In a Church setting.I have found that those who are the most afraid are the very ones who need the help the most."Sweeping up around the ashram"means doing whatever you're told by some supposed authority.Meanwhile they themselves know these agents are real.Patanjali,the origional Yogi,says enlightenment is found in light filled plants.
PS.Any dope can sit and count breaths,look at the sun,do yoga,walk in the woods or go to a white bread church accepting the teachings handed on down,but it takes real courage and dedication to go the shaman route.One often trembles in anticipation,and not for 'looking forward'to some pretty inner mind candy,that's for dabblers.One never knows.When you ''push the start button'',there's no turning back,and you are made aware of that fact and must deal with it.Not easy,shallow,cheap or any of the other perjoratives tossed by the uninitiated.Dangerous?I suppose,especially when just blundering onward,looking for a thrill.But,again,ya never know.
I know a cheap,very fast method to awaken Kundalini but it is EXTREMELY dangerous.So fraught with danger,I will only say it involves actual electricity.I found out by accident.But are there any ''accidents''?
These things are rooted in the body,which supports the brain,then mind.YOUR body,brain,mind.Not so esoteric.No 'faith'required,nor correct mantra or actual name of god invoked.Just ''is-ness''.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by drew hempel
Well fair enough. I find fasting on its own to be a great way of being in touch with my physical self.
My point was that, especially if someone has never tried any ethnobotanicals before, ayahuasca is a bit of a potential head f#. Be honest, even an experienced person could easily make a mess of themselves, eh? Remember 'no personal use' stories...

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

Honestly I call it a "post-death" experience. Others have said the same. A full on mimosa is stronger '___' than ayahausca.

Here's my latest thread on this topic of enlightenment, fasting, meditation, '___', etc.:'___'-and-spirits?p=83204

[edit on 15-2-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Fasting,stilling mind and body are essential requisites.Some Ayahuasca circles or whatever self titled also have you recite your sexual contacts,as well as having you be celibate/continent beforehand and if that's not enough to disuade the merely curious I don't know what would.Huxters and frauds seem to be the biggest hazard.PS I'll also add,we're somehow marked,either near death illness of crazy in the good way.Needing healing to the max at one time or another.Not for even the few.One per village,like as not.On the edge.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
You don't have to realize anything special. Just focus on what is happening in the present moment and trying to understand what is immediately before you. That is the real mystery.

A Zen Buddhist sentiment is that the harder you try, the farther you are from it. Rather than simply being in the moment. A classic parable is a student asking a teacher how long it'll take to become enlightened. The teacher spouts off an arbitrary amount of time. But the student says he will try VERY hard. So the teacher responds, it'll take you twice as long then.

I concur and would like to add that one cannot search for or "do" enlightenment. Enlightenment comes to you in recognition when you are humble in knowing that you dont know anything and are thus are willing for it to come to you when you finally understand that anything external in this world will not make you enlightened. As the light always come from within the internal spirit mind of oneself shining out its golden rays in a renewed perception of everything in pure infinite love of all that is

[edit on 15-2-2010 by Epsillion70]

[edit on 15-2-2010 by Epsillion70]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:47 PM
Cultivate the body, mind, and soul.
The rest will fall into place.

My signature has links to a lot of resources for doing so if you'd like to use them.
(No, I'm not advertising, it really is to help people, ahha.)

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:56 PM
One's ''inside'' is based on the body/brain/mind and all that is the body originates from the outside.If a Creator is involved in all this,and I do think so,how is the plant you eat better than the other?Because some pharmo-lobbyist has convinced some politico that being hard on plants is how to get re-elected...?Cause a church wants a monopoly on faith?Because uncontrolled kids went the worst case scenario route?

At one time,Willie Nelson was at the side of the road in a very uncomfortable position answering to the law.They had pulled his bus and when he was asked about the fungus and herbs in his posession,he answered ,"Good thing it wasn't spinach,I mighta died"

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by trueforger

Hi Trueforger,

While I can see and understand where you are coming from, please, don’t assume the perception I brought forth to be an uneducated dismissive and malevolent one. And therefore perhaps there are areas you may not delved into regarding this subject.

I understand the neuroendocrinology of the matter as I am currently completing my Ba in Health Science/Naturopathy/Herbalism/Chinese Medicine etc. And I am a student also in energy healing taught from an exceptional shaman. and so you see, the nature of plants and energetic vibration are kinda my thing. I love string theory also for bringing the 2 sides together. What you can see and what you cant. Faith/Science.

I also have ‘way’ I live by, which makes me responsible for my actions and consequences towards others, therefore I honour myself enough to not be the catalyst for something that definitely has a dark side and could swing a person off their path. I move forward in the most benevolent and just way for all involved. I try on every level to only resonate Love. I am human though so definitely not infallible to and of emotion.

IF you understand the way of the warrior or shaman as much as you spruik their greatness, I’m sure you will find there may be some information on the subject that you may not be aware of.

U2U me if you want to know where Im coming from.

Have the best day

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:14 PM
We're all in this together.My mission is to translate what I have seen into metal objects which enrich lives and I hope outlive us all to bring a new perspective of beauty to mundane tasks like poking a fire in the stove.Causing a distinct pause as new facets are revealed,as Art does.
Has anyone spoken of Pranayana?Alternate nostril breathing has shown to me unusual mental effects.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:59 PM
There is little doubt in my mind that a key feature to begin with is dumping the ego. Once that has been realised the path turns to asphalt and easier to walk on. Other things to consider is becoming aware of what your body is telling you all the time. That will eventually lead one away from enticements like junk food and the like. We are what we allow ourselves to be. If we allow ourselves to be controlled by others, we become a stranger to ourselves. A good friend of mine long ago compared it to knowing the difference between a dog turd and a rose if all we had was smell.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 09:16 PM
I came to this site for the very reason you did, advice but knowing all real advice ultimately comes from within. I will not suggest, but you may be willing to try what I have been doing. A lot of what you are going through, research and reading parallels my own experience. I feel I was led to a simple device kids are playing with called the psi wheel which you can find on you tube. Be aware that some of what you see may in fact be staged, trust no one and believe little of what you hear. Find the answers inside yourself.

I took on the fun of making a few several weeks ago and got some movement from them right away and progressed to getting a lot of movement. So far this sounds like "what's this got to do with spiritual growth?". A lot for it suddenly got better and this part you can believe or not for what is real for me won't be changed by another's belief or not. I walked away after getting two wheels spinning using proximal hands which I proved to myself had nothing to do with heat from the hands. I turned around and noticed that both wheels were still moving, but slower. I walked around the home and kept them in mind and they continued. The short of it is I can pay them attention and get movement whenever I like.

So I starting wondering what this was that allowed me to do this and it was a catharsis as I am an ex science teacher and it goes against the grain, but then I am also an artist which allowed right lobe manifestation. The short story is, this life force that inhabits this body can reach out, can garner enough force to move things and can be measured somewhat. When you realize this you have taken a quantum step to self recognition as a greater being. Now my wife whom thinks this is silly on three occasion tried it and could do all that I can do, all without any practice which raised questions. Her sister last night arrived here and wondered about it, so I place a set of 5 wheels on her lap and they all began moving. Now it has extended to three and these girls are very powerful at it, even from a distance.

On another site I am discussing this and attempting to understand how something on the mental/spiritual level can be so easily transferred to others just by our life force being near one another.

What this is like, is using the wheels as a means to relax, concentrate like some use prayer wheels and to find that you are more than you are, a multiple being, not just a body glove as someone else put it. Good luck and know there are a lot of others going along your path.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:44 AM
All these esoteric techniques are good practice.Preparation,but for what?Individually,these remind me of musicians practicing,alone.May be great talents and have a pitch perfect ear and playing on a tuned instrument,but incomplete.A quantum leap or phase change in consciousness does require a catalyst.Something from the external environment,the Natural World,the Plant World.WHY NOT?Every thought you express is made possible by words you have been taught to assimilate,from the outside.

Why would you play without a full deck?None of these techniques,from breath to body control,sex yoga,fasting,coffee enemas,chant,dance,rapid eye movement,psi wheels,prayer wheels,mantra,yantra,tonka,etc.,preclude shamanistic exploration except by some arbitrary authority.Usually of recent vintage,not experienced,really,just vocal.
"Cultural Sanction" is the millennia long successful relationship between humans and certain plants.I'd say the TV makes more people crazy and out of touch with reality than ALL my allies.Shamen DO things,by the way not just rant.

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