posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:14 PM
This is one of my first real threads so bare with me i guess.
My cat is very odd indeed, i got him when he was less than a year old. His previous owner didn't have time for him so gave him to my relatives who
gave him to us. By the time I got him he was extremely traumatized, flinchy, jumpy and all around sketchy to say the least. He hid in a very tight
space in my basement for about 2 days not drinking or eating or wanting to be touched. I finally crawled back there and carried him out and he found
a more suitable small space on the main floor to occupy while drinking out of a close jug of water used for watering plants. (which he still only
drinks out of? i guess its what he learned and what hes used to) Its been about 5 years now and hes just becoming somewhat "normal". His
personality is very odd, to put it bluntly he acts like lazy person or dog more than a cat. never exhibits any usual cat like traits. And the weird
thing is, He only meows (and its more of a squeak like he has a frog in his throat) After someone sneezes?
I wanted to know if anyone had any similar experiences with any animals "blessing" you after you sneeze?
I didn't think they were smart enough to maybe recognize that it is a similar thing we both do but maybe that is the case.
I also wanted to know if anyone knew anything about if there is some sort of spiritual significance of cats.
i have heard the usual folk tales and voodoo/hoodoo things involving cats, and also that perhaps they could be some sort of "spirit guide" if you
will. Ive also read somewhere that as our "spirits" progress through lifetimes they eventually come close to humans before they inhabit our human
bodies. Such as being in cats or dogs, and also that there are different levels of cats and dogs spiritual growth which at the end stages they don't
show many cat like characteristics at all and may seem somewhat "inept at cat hood" i think the book put it. right before they may progress into a
human body. or maybe it is because they have been so domesticated that they are becoming lazy and dependent on us completely... which makes more sense
to me. It seemed a bit bogus but sparked my interests nonetheless depends on your beliefs really.
Any comments suggestions are appreciated.
[edit on 14-2-2010 by Consciousness]
[edit on 14-2-2010 by Consciousness]