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When was this picture taken

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by bsbray11

Giuliani had tried to restrict number of FF during recovery in November to
no more than 25 per shift provoking bitter feelings from FDNY many of whose men were still emtombed there.

Really? I never new that, that is shocking. Why on earth would anyone even consider restricting the availability of emergency service's person-power during such a disaster? Utter madness.


posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by lycopersicum

This one is the best ,if u can rent it I would, it really tells a biger story of the industry

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by bsbray11
I don't think the FDNY were a part of the clean-up, ie the hauling out of all the mass as fast as possible.

Wrong again, firefighters were collecting body parts for months afterwards

By "hauling out of all the mass as fast as possible" I was not referring to "collecting body parts." I was talking about the "scoop and dump" that angered the firefighters in the first place.

And I recalled incorrectly, so it was a little over a month before they reduced the search efforts. At least I still know how to (a) source information when I'm not going off memory alone, (b) know the difference between facts and opinions, and (c) can admit it when I'm wrong. You could serve to take some lessons here for yourself, for the next time I ask you to prove what was causing all the explosions so many people reported.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by SPreston

Cut before building collapsed? Have any more stupid remarks?

Since both towers were top-down demolitions, how is your personal mission wasting your valuable time stopping the truthers coming along thedman?


posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by lycopersicum

For starters i am not a truther,...I am just not a huckleberry .

Had me fooled..

Ever hear of a thermal lance aka "burning bar" ?

Bundle of rods - usually iron or aluminium, sometimes magnesium in a pipe. Pure O2 fed into it. Lit with a torch and burns at 7000 F

Here are some pictures of one being used

One being used at WTC

Additional pictures of cleanup at WTC - this one is dated Dec 15, 2001
for the truthers

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by SPreston

They are all Firefighters.
I am a welder, I know what metal looks like when it is cut. cut metal produces slag, and there is slag on the beams. But that also can be from other metal melting and collecting on these beams. They were cut but from what I have no idea, When cutting metal or what ever in a clean up type of situation like this, how the metal is cut (direction) does not matter just as long as its safe and fast. So cutting in a slant or straight across has nothing to do with anything. Also I have seen metal break from being under huge amounts of pressure, giving the impression of being cut with a torch or plasma cutter. I have seen metal bend and act like silly putty under the right heat and pressure. Also these beams could not have been cut before the building fell, if so the building would have fell or something would have happend. Are these not load bearing support beams. Of course they are! Go into your house and cut all of your load bearing supports and see what happens. Your house will most likely fall or your house will shift, something will happen. Im not for or against this subject. I just thought I would point out that all of the guys in the picture are all firemen and that the beams were cut but most likey when the building fell. Also is that a fire in the pic, near the top FF thats standing on top of the rubble, left side look closely!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by thedman

What i find silly is, you are trying to convince people that those beams where cut with torches and lances ,ect ect then all items cut where then removed, and all torches blankets, hoses, cranes ladders and, such ect,ect,

So you are trying to convince all, here, with not one picture or fact that,that style of cut is used in normal clean up Really ,there is not one shred of evidence that they are in the clean up process when that picture was taken ,

Again show me any information where a profesional crew would cut a beam like that in that angle, then clean everything up take all tools ,blankets,cranes,ect.ect. plzz do so.

Look at the height no man standing on the ground could reach that cut with out being raised up to it ,Not to mention the perfection of the cut

Where is all this gear you are trying to say was used in the OP image< show us that very picture with a lance beeing used ,like i said look at the picture again nothing has even been cleard yet,the top of the beam isnt even in the pick ,where is it? if it was removed what moved it ? where is the path to get what ever moved away,

And not to mention a lance or gouge would never leave slag on the metal like that , it blows it away from the cut.and it is clear from the pick that was not cut at ground lvl ,

But believe what u want, the cut is to perfect on that thick of metal to be made free handed

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by goddogo1

If you have truly worked with 6 inch plate u would surely not claim that slag would look like that , and you would surely know from hands on experience, that the cut in question at that height ,at that angle,with that heavy of a beam would have not been done without safty equipment in place ,where is that equipment in that pic in the OP,

Yes slag is a product of welding(mostly stick, which is chipped away with a slag hammer ( as u would know,

And since you are a welder you would know that the slag on the front of that beam would not be like that if the torch used, had the right cuttting tip, And since we know the company that cleaned up, knows all of this , they would not use the wrong cutting tip, And you should know, that that cut on the front of the beam had to be cut from the inside , You ,and thedmen, are trying so hard to show ,What exactly,You should also know being a welder that they never ever just make willy nilly cuts , for sure your schooling should have taught you that , all cuts and welds made on any site ever has to follow certain ,protocol, set by AWS,and the welding engineer make sure its done that way.

But what ever show us any info where cuts like that are made during clean up,that are that angle,in any professional clean up

But whatever man believe what you will, I just will not use your comapany to do any welding or clean up for me....

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:01 PM

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