posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Crito
do realize that this is nothing more than
theory don't you? You
do know what a theory is... yes? With no way of confirming
such 'theories' they are nothing more than glorified thought experiments.
Because some people want a Multiverse to exist doesn't make it so. Because it's exciting to think of a universe with multiple realities doesn't
make it so.
You can argue till you're blue in the face about this, but at the end of the day you're left with a big fat nothing.
You can sight all the scientists you want, but not one of them can attest to the reality of their Multiverse/Alternate Reality
theories. Not
So how can anyone else?
The way good science/investigation is practiced is that all the prosaic possibilities are eliminated first. Whatever is left, however improbable, must
be the truth. I have not seen one claimant on this thread do any such thing.
Do we see... "Oh.. perhaps I saw a bad map", or "Perhaps my memory on this matter isn't what I thought it was", or "Perhaps I was influenced by
someone else's bad memory"? No we don't! There has not be one instance of rational thinking. Not one process of elimination!
Instead, all we see are leaps in logic and a whole bunch of fiction.
By all means prove me wrong! Map your process of elimination; share it with us; give me your empirical evidence and let it stand up to scrutiny. Show
us your integrity!
If you cannot do that, then don't expect anyone to take you seriously and don't be mystified when people scoff & respect for your claims are not
[edit on 14/2/10 by InfaRedMan]