reply to post by thisisjacob23
Agreed. It is happening on every level. Our freedoms have been under assualt for decades.
- you must have a seatbelt on
- no smoking any public place, even if you own it, and entry is voluntary, say a pub
- can't discipline your children the way you want (I'm not talking about beating them).
- no driving with a cell phone
-warrantless searches
- no reasonable right of privacy in using cell phones stated by the feds this week
- phone records seized by the government absent warrants not notification of the citizen
- government tracking of social networking sites
- government mandating that ISPs retain all web activity for 5 years which is obviously for the purpose of search, again likely warrantless
- routine local police abuse of citizens. That has been happening every day
- taxes on sweets, transfats, etc
- forced compliance with social engineering, e.g elimination of freedom of association, e.g. forcing a christian group to admit a open gay or
anti-abortion advocate or vis a versa
- mandated "green" use of construction products
- liscence required to have a garden over a certain size on your own property
- cameras on street corners videoing you all over the place
There are probably many more. This has been a slow erosion of our rights and freedoms enforced by local, state and federal authorities. It will
not stop