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Helping to lift the Veil - Warning, They Live Amongst Us !

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by ghostryder21
Not to upset anyone's ideas or anything, but they the "bad apples" think the same of you. they believe you are the hostile one that needs to be stopped. so how do you know who is actually the good guy??

True they probably do. And unfortunatly there aren't shades that exist to spot them, life would be much easier if that were the case. However it is possible to detect who is on an opposite polarity to them by using and controlling their flow of chi energy and seeing how the other responds.

There have always been measures in place to seperate the wheat from the chaff and that process taps into the very essense and chord of the individual's heart and soul. These measures can already be seen on earth where it takes a certain kind of person, mindset and determination to 'tap into' the higher frequencies. One just can't become a shaman overnight for example and certainly bad apples or someone of ill purpose can't do it. And so these measures continue onward and upward through the dimensions and realms, not only to safeguard those higher dimensions from contamination but also to protect the fragile mind from overload!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Well the fragility of the brain during awakening has a lot to do with the way the brain is layered and structured. All people even atheists have a structured belief system made up of things like what is acceptable, what is real, what is good/bad, what is taboo etc etc. Another thing which happens naturally is that the brain structures itself so that it is always at ease with itself and this means being comfortable with ones beliefs , indoctrinated ones or not.

Interestingly I Am reading how during awakening the human brain with its attached mind(s) goes through seven stages of connecting to our Creator. These seven stages range from the primative fight or flight response raised to fear of the unknown to actually becoming a Pure Being of "I AM" merged as one with the Creator. Progression through the seven stages is not a given thing and it seems from the book many get stuck in stage two (stage of fear and closed mind/ego mind that is easily manipulated) for the very reasons you give in your OP.

What I found interesting about this books theory is that the human brain may indeed play a part in our spiritual progression and may not just be an organ connected solely to the body.

The book is How to know God by Deepak Chopra, not an author I am familiar with but one that I will read more of for certain.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:33 AM
Have checked out the "Montalk net" Very cool site explaining the Matrix, alien agenda's, psychic attacks, types of aliens.
I highly recommend the site.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:23 PM

I have been under psychic attack since I was 10. I am almost 30. These episodes happen in my sleep. From being slapped, choked, to held down to say the least. I am now able to get myself out of these dreams (sleep paralysis) much easier now, and I am no where near as scared as I used to be. But I feel like my fear of such things are hold me back from spiritual growth. Am I feeding the negative entities with fear or are they supplying the fear to hold me back? The reason why I ask is because I have the silliest phobias, and I jump at the slightest thing. Also, why do they choose certain individuals, and is it true the more you believe in them the more present they will become.


posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Very interesting.
I, too, have felt that my life has been set in motion for a larger reason.
All my life, I have been dedicated to helping others find their own give them the tools necessary to progress and evolve, and to do all I can to expose the dark sides of this universe.

My life is plagued with synchronicities and events that seem to have happened for a 'reason' that I can never quite pinpoint.

I have experienced ego death, and had a night where I felt like I transcended what it meant to be human...
As this happened, I was interacted with by an entity that I could see darting across the room in shadow form... I could feel it go inside of my body, and I could also feel the air change as it moved past me.
The freaky part about it is that it could like... tap into my senses... it made this weird electrical noise that would build and get louder and louder..almost like a huge amount of locusts surrounding me..

Now, before you think I'm a nutjob, a friend and I BOTH experienced this at the same time..and we both could see where it would move, and we always knew WHEN it the same time.

I meditate a lot, and each day is always a time for me to improve myself as a spiritual being...
Each day seems to give me more knowledge and more ways to progress, and as I do this, I see thousands of people awakening among us as well.

Thanks for the topic!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Your thread reminds me a a book series I read called
"The Immortal" It speaks of a "dark brotherhood" who seek to defeat the light and manifest in various ways physically through others etc. Check it out:

I have recently trying to awaken Kundulini and was making some progress when all of a sudden it was like I had no desire to try anymore and even felt a little depressed. I wonder if I was attacked and didn't even realize it? I just thought it was my ego resisting and figured I'd let it slide a few days and then try again. Interestingly I was using an MP3 player that I have had for a while with no problems and a guided meditation and I decided to start again this morning and the mp3 player would not work at all... Coincidence?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by insearchof1
I have been under psychic attack since I was 10. I am almost 30. These episodes happen in my sleep. From being slapped, choked, to held down to say the least. I am now able to get myself out of these dreams (sleep paralysis) much easier now, and I am no where near as scared as I used to be. But I feel like my fear of such things are hold me back from spiritual growth. Am I feeding the negative entities with fear or are they supplying the fear to hold me back? The reason why I ask is because I have the silliest phobias, and I jump at the slightest thing. Also, why do they choose certain individuals, and is it true the more you believe in them the more present they will become.


OK firstly I can only speak from what I've read and personal experience. I am a firm believer that the vast majority who come under attack are most definately light beings. In your case it might be a number of things, even that your place is haunted (burn sage and request the spirit to leave if you think this is the case). Or like you say it could be that they want to hold you back from developing spiritually. Incidently I am very sensative too but thats not such a bad thing as it could mean that you like myself have extra sensory perception. Either way you are different hence the reason you have been targeted, you should use that knowledge not only to give you confidence but also to give you courage to follow a higher path this world. And understand that you have a spark in you that can shine brightly should you hear and follow its message.

Yes it is true that you must not reference their energy at anytime as this creates an energetic and mental connection from which they draw power and from which they feed. People underestimate the power of the mind on a quantum level. Having fed off of human energy for millenia they are very skilled at this art and the fruits of their efforts have led to the creation of energetic beings that we do not see that can sustain the food chain so to speak and whom continue to influence those in power to sustain and maintain the status quo and prevent human progress spritually speaking. It is these beings that may well have been attacking you!

Understand your mind and you will be able to fend off such attacks in future and shield yourself by envisaging a protective golden light around you, ask for assistance even if you feel you need it. Just know that we are not alone!

reply to post by bvproductions

I know what you mean by shadow entities btw the same thing happend to me but I wasn't lucky enough to have a friend to back up the experience.

Meanwhile synchronicities, ego death and feelings of transcendence are all good indicators that you are following a true path that is in line with you heart and mind so nice work there mate.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by pharaohmoan]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Sounds like the movies Nightwatch and Daywatch they are Russian movies....... Where do people get this info from??? that is what I want to know.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Such a malevolent entity as you describe, surely must be repelled by laughter and love.

I think I'm safe.

You be safe too.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Reign02
Sounds like the movies Nightwatch and Daywatch they are Russian movies....... Where do people get this info from??? that is what I want to know.

It's called not being lazy and following a certain path. If you haven't found that path yet then you might well be another lost cause! 'People' all around the world get it and are waking up not only to the deceptions imposed on us over millenia but are also starting to feel the resonance within and reconnecting to the vibrations that are more in line with their calling.

If you don't want to miss out on joining infinity I suggest you do the same otherwise you will never know what true happiness means, ever!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Yours has been an interesting thread thus far, and I thank you.

I'm reminded -- for whatever the reason -- of an aulde Gaelic proverb:

Ge b’e thig gun chuireadh, suidhidh e gun iarraidh.
Who comes uninvited will sit down unbidden.

I'm happy. Happy enough without the daemons to peck my back at every turn.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

pharaohmoan thank you for your thread. I have struggelled with these manipulating attacks for years . I find if I just stay quite, stop seeking, dont meditate and dont speak to people the attacks go away. Unfortunatly since speaking to you I seem to now be plauged by shadow beings. I have until now never seen a shadow being and its presence was just too much for me. This is just relentless and I just want it all to go away. I know if I stop seeking they win but after years of this it does become wearing on the soul.


Im not saying in any way you are to blame for these shadow beings, what I am pointing out is this is what happens to some of us when we try to lift the veil. They do their best to stop us pushing any further.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by Mr Green]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Excellent thread! and very interesting info given within in it.. Everything.. absolutely everything, the galaxies themselves, beings such as Gods, ghosts, demons.. energy beings, and there is 'good' and 'bad' (i hate using those terms but they fit with my thought im trying to express lol) light and dark, but both are needed in life, inside of each persons true core being, to balance them, mentally and energy wise..but only if a person can realize this and actually work towards that balance their mind then becomes more stable, as they themselves are more together.
Its also interesting what you wrote about the mental hospitals being, often, for those able to see beyond our realm, who can see the societal cracks and can peek through them as they grow.. cant have those kinds of being wandering around, they can see past the enforced bs social engineerin.. meds and other 'techniques'..hell being instatutionalized alone can and has been known to in the past, to do far more harm than good for them..

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan

12) The reason why the newly awakened mind sometimes struggles and people get unstable is because the shock to the system is so great and the dots being connected so overwhelming that the mind cannot cope with seeing it all in one hit. Now here's the interesting part, when they see an awakening mind crack out of its shell they have an active program which they role out often inducing paranoia in the individual and accelerating mental instability even further. Again they are experts at this.

Excellent thread OP.....

I went throught this and came out the other side and can confirm this is real. They will use your worst fears against you, tailoring the torture to the individual. For anyone who is going through this or has yet to start,

Fear is the domain of the dark!
Reject the fear no matter how it presents itself.
Be ready, be really ready to love and show compassion for YOU.
This is your personal battle against the dark.
It can't be won by using their rules.
Fear is NOT! the domain of the light
You MUST! relinquish fear in all its forms.

Try and remember that folks....

We are nearing the end, the time has come to be true to ourselves.......

S+F my friend.....

[edit on 25-5-2010 by strangleholder1]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:42 AM
How come with all this New Age Guff there is always something attacking you "That nobody can see" don't even have a name, just the good old "Shadow People or Time Thieves"

and normally the savior is more gibberish to add to your belief system to take you even further away from reality and deeper into the illusion.

It's all in your mind, it's a fictional play you create to take you away from the real obstacles you face in life I have been through Spiritual Awakening blah blah blah and the only thing I was attacked by way my own Ignorance, Stupidity and Ego.

Why get suckered into a belief system that has it's roots cast in Fear, the only Time Thieves in this world belong to the New Age Movement. They create the illusion that you "Have" to be happy or you "Have" to feel unconditional love.... BS this is why you fear anything that isn't that, you cannot deal with anything outside of your mind or belief system. Otherwise you just roll into a ball of fear, sucking in all the energy and storing it within.

New Agers punish themselves so much if they get a slight glimpse of feeling Unhappy, Sad, Upset or Angry... Yet it's these feeling and emotions that we grow stronger from.

You create so much expectations of being happy, so much so anything that isn't happy or all loved up is opposition to you. No doubt that just because I gave my opposing opinion I am a "Time Thieve" or "Energy Thieve" probably under the control of Aliens, Dark Entities..........

Go over your own beliefs, you guys fit the "Time Thieves" label better than most because the last time I suckered myself into the New Age I lost about a year of my life.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by IamNow]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by strangleholder1

If you Reject Fear it only grown stronger.

If you face Fear, Fear has no power.

Every time I have run away from that what I fear, the Fear has only strengthened and attached itself mentality to other things, growing and growing the more I reject it.

When I face my fears I realize that most of the fear was created by my mind, created because I gave it energy. I gave in to the Scenarios running through my mind telling me how things were going to pan out. 9/10 when I faced my fears I was very happy almost laughing calling myself a "Stupid Boy" I have grown much stronger from this, I have prepared myself mentally for any further Fears that come my way.

Your post proves what I was saying about the New Age in the previous post, your beliefs are set in fear, Yet it's fear you are trying to escape.

Don't Fear Don't Fear...... The End of the world is coming.

LoL what a contradiction.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by IamNow]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

It's called not being lazy and following a certain path. If you haven't found that path yet then you might well be another lost cause! 'People' all around the world get it and are waking up not only to the deceptions imposed on us over millenia but are also starting to feel the resonance within and reconnecting to the vibrations that are more in line with their calling.

If you don't want to miss out on joining infinity I suggest you do the same otherwise you will never know what true happiness means, ever!

So unless we believe in your BS or somebody else's BS we will never be happy "EVER" what about believing in your own BS, does that count do I get the golden ticket. Don't want to be thinking for ourselves now do we, don't want to choose our own pathways or find our own Answers, God no.........

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by IamNow

Hmm BS is it, and what proof do you have that my experiences and insights are false. You don't know me, and to be honest there are countless human experiences of similar experiences around the globe.

You obviously don't 'get it' which is fine there are many who don't. In all honesty I'm not trying to appeal to people like yourself, actually I'm now starting to actively distance myself from such folk. Why? Well your avatar says it all really and is apt for the way I see people with a similar minset to yours ie fragmented and all over the place bound for self destruction!

If you must reply to this than know this there are warriors on this planet that have not succumbed to following the herd and will not stay asleep like the rest, and guess what some like myself have develeped our sense of awareness and now know that there is a greater reality humanity is now starting to realise/remember exists. It's a wave and its gathering momentum, and little pokes and digs like yours are not gonna stop what I or others like me have to share. Nuff said!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by IamNow
reply to post by strangleholder1

Don't Fear Don't Fear...... The End of the world is coming.

LoL what a contradiction.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by IamNow]

LOL! there is no contradiction unless you fear the end.
I do not fear what is coming, you can put your fingers in your ears and close your eyes to it, that is your choice my friend. You are welcome to mock me all you want if it makes you feel superior BUT! the fact (by your own admission ) that you got caught up in the gibberish! "New agers" speak, is more of an indictment of how weak minded you must be and cannot understand what I'm talking about.

Enjoy your mocking stance, when the world gets re-made and your stuck replaying the will need it....

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:36 PM
hahaha lol they live and youre aware of them what do they have to do with kundalani energy thats bhuddist which i can reasure you has nothing to do with this game, except that it is on the evil aspect of this game if your new age what makes you think that it is true if anything you believing in it plays into these fallen angles evil agenda, what are you after with this thread because i tell you that you are not a player in this game everyone says they have a major importance in this game called life its a battle for your soul and there are a lot of decieving tactics being used most people are unaware of what is going on in this society, being manipulated into doing things that they dont even know why they are doing them. if you are aware of anything that is going on certainly you would state who there leader is? or why they are doing this other than stating they they aim to control you, are you aware that some of them are playing both sides to try and get what needs to be good done, or that the main goal of the game is to bring the end of the world and do you know that the main draw of the game is controlling the different aspects of you which without you knowing can put you on either on the side of good or the side of evil but you probably will never know which side your on until the end. ask me for more info later its fun you should play it some time.

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