posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:20 AM
If you read the book “Eyes of the Night: Witchcraft among the Senegalese”—by William Scranton Simmons, a top Ph.D. anthropologist, I think
Harvard-trained—then the evidence is all too real for shape-shifting reptilians.
Further strong evidence is in “Iron, Gender, and Power: Rituals of Transformation in African Societies (African Systems of Thought)” by professor
Eugenia W. Herbert (Paperback – Dec 1993)
Also on David Icke’s first t.v. appearance —my understanding is Icke had some spiritual vision in the Andes.
In fact when I travelled to the Andes in 1998—to Venuzuela in support of the Chavez election—I too had this amazing spiritual vision.
Then I came across peer-reviewed, Ph.D. medical research proving that elevation dramatically increases the melatonin levels which then turn into
D.M.T. The study tested mountain climbers melatonin levels.
Westernized, modern people have totally lost touch with the right-brain awareness which enables body-mind transformation if certain rituals are
practiced in a very strict environment.
A good text on these practices is “Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality”—I did that experiment as my final class for my graduate degree.
Also highly recommend is Dr. Paul Stoller's "In the Shadow of Sorcery" wherein, doing Ivy-League anthropology research in Mali, Stoller gets
inadvertently trained in sorcery.
The person who trains him has poisonous snakes constantly "materializing" underneath his sleeping mat! These "shape-shifting" reptilians are
"teleported" by competing sorcerors.
Dr. Stoller's work was ridiculed by Professor I.M. Lewis (some bigshot expert anthropologist) and Stoller was kind of freaked out by the whole
experience but then about 10 years ago Stoller got cancer and returned to his sorcery chants as a means of treating his condition. for similar healing telekinetic powers.