posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:20 PM
I actually just finished a research paper on the advent and questionable legality of aspartame a couple of weeks ago for class.
Just to add to the substance of the thread,
Aspartame was first manufactured by the PHARMACEUTICAL company G.D Searle, in, I believe, 1965. It wasn't approved by the FDA for something like 16
years. This is on top of my head, so the dates and years might be a tad off
The slow approval was partly because of the concern over the breakdown and release of harmful chemicals like fermadyhyde and, in particular,
phenylalanine under unstable conditions like heat and other food processing and more over because they couldn't provide stable testing results.
The apes and other high functioning animals the sweetener was first tested on consistantly died of brain lesions, leukemias, among other problems.
Aspartame may have been approved, but why the sudden change of heart?
Around the same time Ronald Reagen took office, the CEO of G.D Searle was replaced by Donald Rumself (yes, the Rumself you're thinking of).
Ronald Reagen's administration obviously included this man, who's first year in position FIRED the head of the FDA and yes, shortly afterward,
aspartame was approved.
[edit on 12-2-2010 by we drowned]