posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:26 PM
The TSA is POWERLESS. If someone wants to bring down an aircraft they will. No 3D scanner is going to detect a creative terrorists with explosive
implants. The only known solution would be to resort to MRI scans, and those too could be compromised by a little creative ingenuity.
We spend billions trying to prevent the unpreventable, while losing our freedoms,and personal integrity. We are subjected to the power antics of
poorly educated screeners with average i.q.'s of 78, who get off being 'in-charge' of those whose intelligence, wealth and worldliness exceeds
their wildest dreams.
Flying is now comparable in quality to taking a Greyhound bus.
I have considered many creative ways to bring down an airliner, if I was so inclined while outsmarting current technologies. It isn't that
Please list your idea of how to bring down an aircraft, and how you would avoid detection. Maybe the FAA and Homeland Security will consider the fact
that they are attempting to fight a war that is unwinnable. No technology we have can outsmart someone hell-bent on destruction.
My father, who was a pilot for 40 years, was incensed that he wasn't allowed to keep a weapon in the cockpit because the FAA didn't deem pilots to
be safe carrying weapons that could prevent hijacking and terrorist attacks. Yet, they
trusted him flying a million-pound potential 'weapon' through the sky. He said it wouldn't be difficult to fly an aircraft into any monument in
the USA, if motivated.
For the record, I am one of those people that never declare liquids I am traveling with (I zip them in a difficult to find pocket in my bag). Those
bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotions, perfume and makeup have NEVER been detected. Good thing I'm not a terrorist.
So how would you do it? How could you avoid detection?
I had already considered breast, butt or implants to be detonated. Current technologies would not find them.
Plastic shows up like steel on a baggage x-ray. It wouldn't be hard to make an explosive look like a structural part of the suitcase.
It would be fairly easy to approach a baggage handler to plant a device under an airplane for a few million. There is always some depressed, angry
employee somewhere to bribe.
Send explosives to an airport vendor, who operates a store in the airport, beyond the security checkpoint. The goods' could be unpacked beyond the
security checkpoint, and picked up by assailant. I don't think the TSA has the resources to inspect every single delivery including bottles of
water, soft drinks, candy, etc...
Again, it isn't that difficult to manipulate a minimum wage, single mother cashier to unpack and distribute.
Hollow out the inside of a book, and place your explosives in there. Risky, but possible. High risk of detection, but it only takes one distracted
Pack your body with explosives, blast through security, and run towards your
'Now Boarding Gate', right onto the airplane. You would have to be a good athlete but it would be possible, especially if you planned on your gate
being one of the closer gates. The TSA employees never appear too vigilant, and the cops are usually overweight assigned to the tedious airport
Pose as an airport contractor. Electrician or plumber? Learn the security weaknesses- eventually mastermind a plan to get the explosives inside the
airport. Ceilings, plumbing, etc....may not be detected for awhile.
Maxipads? I bet even if you went through the 3D detector, the TSA screener won't want to check THAT! Great way to tranport liquid explosive.
Fake silicone bra inserts, or silicone gel breast prosthetics that are used for women who have had masectomies. Great place to store explosive
When you pickup your luggage at Denver International, you could throw yourself on the luggage rack, go for a little ride- dump your explosives or
contraband for someone else to pick up later.