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TSA is Powerless-Creative Bombing Techniques.

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:26 PM
The TSA is POWERLESS. If someone wants to bring down an aircraft they will. No 3D scanner is going to detect a creative terrorists with explosive implants. The only known solution would be to resort to MRI scans, and those too could be compromised by a little creative ingenuity.

We spend billions trying to prevent the unpreventable, while losing our freedoms,and personal integrity. We are subjected to the power antics of poorly educated screeners with average i.q.'s of 78, who get off being 'in-charge' of those whose intelligence, wealth and worldliness exceeds their wildest dreams.

Flying is now comparable in quality to taking a Greyhound bus.

I have considered many creative ways to bring down an airliner, if I was so inclined while outsmarting current technologies. It isn't that difficult.

Please list your idea of how to bring down an aircraft, and how you would avoid detection. Maybe the FAA and Homeland Security will consider the fact that they are attempting to fight a war that is unwinnable. No technology we have can outsmart someone hell-bent on destruction.

My father, who was a pilot for 40 years, was incensed that he wasn't allowed to keep a weapon in the cockpit because the FAA didn't deem pilots to be safe carrying weapons that could prevent hijacking and terrorist attacks. Yet, they
trusted him flying a million-pound potential 'weapon' through the sky. He said it wouldn't be difficult to fly an aircraft into any monument in the USA, if motivated.

For the record, I am one of those people that never declare liquids I am traveling with (I zip them in a difficult to find pocket in my bag). Those bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotions, perfume and makeup have NEVER been detected. Good thing I'm not a terrorist.

So how would you do it? How could you avoid detection?

I had already considered breast, butt or implants to be detonated. Current technologies would not find them.

Plastic shows up like steel on a baggage x-ray. It wouldn't be hard to make an explosive look like a structural part of the suitcase.

It would be fairly easy to approach a baggage handler to plant a device under an airplane for a few million. There is always some depressed, angry employee somewhere to bribe.

Send explosives to an airport vendor, who operates a store in the airport, beyond the security checkpoint. The goods' could be unpacked beyond the security checkpoint, and picked up by assailant. I don't think the TSA has the resources to inspect every single delivery including bottles of water, soft drinks, candy, etc...
Again, it isn't that difficult to manipulate a minimum wage, single mother cashier to unpack and distribute.

Hollow out the inside of a book, and place your explosives in there. Risky, but possible. High risk of detection, but it only takes one distracted screener.

Pack your body with explosives, blast through security, and run towards your
'Now Boarding Gate', right onto the airplane. You would have to be a good athlete but it would be possible, especially if you planned on your gate being one of the closer gates. The TSA employees never appear too vigilant, and the cops are usually overweight assigned to the tedious airport detail.

Pose as an airport contractor. Electrician or plumber? Learn the security weaknesses- eventually mastermind a plan to get the explosives inside the airport. Ceilings, plumbing, etc....may not be detected for awhile.

Maxipads? I bet even if you went through the 3D detector, the TSA screener won't want to check THAT! Great way to tranport liquid explosive.

Fake silicone bra inserts, or silicone gel breast prosthetics that are used for women who have had masectomies. Great place to store explosive materials.

When you pickup your luggage at Denver International, you could throw yourself on the luggage rack, go for a little ride- dump your explosives or contraband for someone else to pick up later.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:47 PM
You could claim you wanted to go for a little ride around the carousel!
There is much LESS security on the post-flight, when you are still in the airport, but have yet to leave. I am sure resources post-flight are not focused on what could potentially be masterminded on this end.

I am NOT advocating that anyone use this information. I am simply stating that security is not foolproof. There will always be a way to outsmart constraints and technologies. Always. It is getting more difficult, but until the TSA has a way to see through flesh, and get the American people to consent to losing all personal freedom- the threat will exist.

It is a calculated risk to fly. A suicide bomber is difficult to detain.
An airliner is a good way to commit a terrorist attack, but it's not even a great way. If you want to do some damage, there are better ways of creating death and destruction.

We know the World Trade Centers were brought down with thermite, not because two airliners flew into the top floors, so what are we REALLY afraid of? Several vans and cars packed with explosives underneath the support pillars of a large building are as effective. The aircraft had the shock value. Terrorists can explode malls, buildings, monuments, sporting arenas and theme parks if they want to. Nothing can really be done to stop those incidents if some sick bastard somewhere has a deathwish for the world.

Flying lets us experience how our lives will be in ten years if things continue. We are being conditioned to experience what
losing our privacy, freedom and dignity feels like so we can learn to accept it on a larger scale in the future?

You have to have a driver's license to fly????? And if I was a terrorist, how easy would it be to steal someone else's identity and fly under an assumed name? Since driver's license photos never look like you anyway, it is pretty damn easy to borrow a friend's ID that looks somewhat like you. An ID card will NEVER prevent a terrorist attack. It is a way to track us, and get us familiar with being tracked.

Sorry TSA, but if I am a terrorist, whose life mission is death and destruction you could not stop me. You might make my mission a little more difficult. I probably would choose something other than hijacking an aircraft, but if that was my objective I could do it.

It is a sad day in America that logic no longer prevails in any venue. Our answer to the economy? Spend more money, create more debt?
Our answer to unemployment? Creative 90,000 government jobs. Our answer to home foreclosures? Foreclosure.

Terrorists will always exist, and they will work around the obstacles.
If we got rid of TSA tomorrow, and went back to our metal screeners would we really be that much more unsafe? No. Our world has became an unsafe place because we stick our noses in places it doesn't belong. War is the one thing that keeps our economy strong.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:50 PM
All too complicated. Go find a building in the take off or land path, have your very own homemade rocket, launcher, fill with nasty of your choice, take aim, fire.

Or, if you're feeling a tad suicidal, load yourself up with a virus suitably capable of infecting everyone on the plane and go for a ride or 10. Learn martial arts, get on the plane, and just plain beat the living daylights out of people.

Or just turn on your pda or cellphone in your pocket at the right moment. Fwoosh, BOOM.

Methinks we're being scammed left and right by the govt- because if normal people like me can figure out stuff like this- why are we still being treated to people like the buttbomber? Something awful funny is going on....

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:52 PM
It is much, much easier than this.

1. Casually go by and open the door while at altitude. Wait until the beverage cart is nearby for added affect! Probably won't bring down the plane, but it will cause terror, chaos, and injury.

2. Use a small podunk airport and charter a flight to Detroit, Dallas, NY, Memphis, Atlanta or any other Major Airport. Book an International Flight from there to anywhere.

You won't go through security for a Charter Flight at a small airport. You will land in the secure area at the International Airport and be on the Concourse for your next flight without ever going through security. You can pack a Bazooka in your luggage if you want!!

If 9/11 was a terroristic plot, this is surely how they would have done it. The terrorists would have learned in their flight school how to get around security. They would have rented a Cessna and flown into a major airport. Then they could have boarded those flights armed to the teeth! No need for box-cutters!

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Let's see if DHS or the FAA gives any of us a visit who posted on this thread, for having the audacity to question the effectiveness and expense of airport security. Report back if so. I suppose there is that possibility of being designated a homegrown terrorist for simply questioning a system that is incredibly ineffective and flawed.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I wonder what the legality of discussing this is. It's a sad state of affairs that I even have to wonder if discussing something like this is even legal. I know this is a theoretical discussion, but it might be better to leave this discussion between you and your friends instead of on the internet. This seems like a baited post, although I agree that all our security doesn't make us any more secure.

Case in point, I flew recently. I saw people with lighters and asked how they managed to get their lighter into the terminal while waiting for a flight. They said they put it in their carry on. I'm not sure if lighters are not allowed or not...but with the whole shoe and underwear dude you would think it would be prohibited.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:29 AM
What I wonder is why the hell anyone would want to plan a terrorist act on a public website that can be viewed by any number of government agencies and police departments around the world?

You do know what would happen right? Say for some reason an aircraft is brought down, who do you think they will be looking for?

You just made yourselves suspects in any future incident.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:06 AM
Hard to do, in my case. I live 20 min from the airport, and I have NO CAR. I also have no desire. I have no motive (other than talking about something I wouldn't be doing in a million years anyways), And this is a lot more pointing out the obvious and not so obvious flaws in our laughingly called airport security. NOT the planning, advocating or otherwise enacting any plans to go blow up a plane. Besides... I live near the flight path. I get anything crashed into the house, my landlord is gonna be PO'd.

The last time I looked, it wasn't a crime to discuss something online, no matter how much the govt hollered otherwise. There's this thing, see- called the Constitution...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:49 AM
A personal perspective on these airliner attack attempts, which always seem to fail, allowing the authorities to bring in even more restrictive measures that seem to have been pre-planned, and just waiting for the right event to activate them.

There was a rather scathing report on the TSA a year or two ago about the small percentage of bomb part items and devices they actually managed to find in exercises. Then we have the big headline cases - liquid bombers, shoe bombers and the latest undercracker bomber, all failed of course but all with the fingerprints of the intelligence services all over them. I hear they are even allowing the underwear bomber a plea deal. Now that gets a little suspect straight away!

Anyhoos, back on track.
So, we have all the failed attacks ushering in measures waiting in the wings for implementation. We have TSA missing so many devices in exercises too. So if they are missing all these devices, then surely we'd have seen aircraft dropping from the skies all over the place? The fact that we haven't would suggest that maybe the bogeymen are not spending all their time devising James Bond-esque ways of beating security.

Any group really intent on death and mayhem could easily shut down the air traffic system, causing mass death and widespread destruction without losing a man and, more importantly, without having to devise any crazy scheme or go through any security checks. It's so obvious that the real targets should be the soft unguarded ones, but they are overlooked every time.

So, the logical conclusion would be that there are few, if any, terrorists plotting these acts against us. The fact that the easy targets are overlooked is not down to any oversight on the part of the alleged bogeymen, but by design, by the people that are REALLY behind these acts - our own intelligence groups. They always have a product to sell to beat the latest machiavellian terrorist scheme but leave the airports, seaports and border crossings almost open to anyone and porous as a tea bag.

I wonder what devices they have to sell us in order to beat the latest laughable breast implant devices? Or maybe they just want to feel up the passengers a bit more?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 09:15 AM
i agree, there is no way to stop a person from killing if he puts his mind to it. As we keep killing in the middle east , the hate for america will increas 100 fold--They are getting better organized, learning the nwo ways -Iran now has two or mor factories for producing drone planes-just like the good ol usa they will use them. iran is the king of the south mentioned in the bible. they will -are- bringing to the world the Islamic revolution--They will soon have nukes[or do already] or at least radioactive material that does just as much harm. They will share these things or put up for sale to people in the islamic world-After all thats what we do with our nuclear materia. THE whole world pretty much hates the USA now and it is only a matter of time that they start doing some heavy damage to our what is happening right now. The usa is nothing but a gost of a country now simply because its people are only a gost of a human being-god takes away his blessings more and more as we turn our back on free will, love ,and the comandments-to a country or to a private individual.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:02 PM
All this stuff going .... remember this...Security is an illusion

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