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Controlling the Internet

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:17 AM
A number of nations are suddenly making moves to control the Internet, after the Google v/s China thing in December-January, and the G7 meeting on the February 6, 2010 weekend.

I'm hoping people will use this thread to help centralize info on the topic, and stay on top of the situation.

ATS threads on Internet controls and regulation are pretty much spread all over - Breaking News, here at Other Current Events, in General Conspiracy Discussion, US Political Madness and who knows where else.

The Western world, from Australia to the United States, UK and parts of Europe, are moving in a unified front toward dictatorial Internet censorship. Australia has led the way, despite outcry from its populace, by "filtering" out certain banned content. In the United States, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, in continuing his family's tradition of oppressing free humanity, has pushed forward Cybersecurity legislation that has already passed the House. He has done so in the name of warding off ghastly cyber "attackers" conceivably fronting for al Qaeda while ushering in a means to restrict free speech and expression online for the general population.


Some ATS threads are:

EU Scolds Sweden for Not Spying on their Citizens

Cyber War: Sabotaging the System. We are under attack!

Alert - All Iranian news sites are in blackout! - Act of Cyberwar?

Google's Big Fiber Play: What Gives?

Google, NSA may team up over cyberattacks: report

Internet Urgently Needs More Regulations, Speaker Says

Define Freedom of the Press: Is the InterNet the New Press?

Cyber ShockWave Hits Washington

Google, NSA may team up over cyberattacks

Subtle Strategies To Inhibit Efficient Internet Browsing

I'm sure I've missed a lot. Sorry.


[edit on 12-2-2010 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:01 AM
Can anybody explain me what does it take for one nation to control the internet. And what can we do to donate for the cause to create some thing that every one has access to it for free speech.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:43 AM
The internet should be considered at this point a force of controlling the wind.
We can build things to capture some of it, we can use it, but nobody actually controls the wind itself.

The internet is the most important invention in the last 500 years (well, that and the personal computer to actually use the net)...and is the core of our next evolutionary step....the big brain webbot

Those whom try to control or supress it should be disconnected from impacting society. luddies suck.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by charlie0

Can anybody explain me what does it take for one nation to control the internet.

Filter programs are used, as well as trackers and other stuff. Advertisers, nations and website owners all do it.

Filters to keep users from putting stuff on the net are from the ISP; filters to keep stuff from coming in from someplace else are used by the search engine.

FYI - it's not so much nations trying to control the net, but mega-corporate interests.

And what can we do to donate for the cause to create some thing that every one has access to it for free speech.

Start here: Keep Our Web Free

Then, look at the problems that 'they' are trying to solve, at how real problems are being misrepresented to make the case - and at what the options and alternative solutions are.

- sofi

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:24 PM
Definitely add "Anonymous" to the mix. While some may argue their tactics are weak and lack organization, they have tenacity and are against regulating the 'Net. The recent attacks against the Australian government is proof of that. Some consider them freedom fighters.

Operation Titstorm


posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:16 PM
The internet is a bastion of free speech that has arisen to combat those that would control the masses. Good luck trying to control it. There will always be those that find new ways around any attempt at censorship of it & governments are powerless to try to enforce it, in fact attempts to do so can backfire -

There are many more of us out there that actually enjoy the game of 'cat & mouse' against those that try to police what we can see, what we can say, and what we can do in the privacy of our own homes, than there are those that try to restrict our freedoms. Not only that, but those that are FOR free speech and a free internet outnumber those that are against are against it, & are much more ingenious.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Nonchalant]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Nonchalant

I agree - the Internet IS a bastion of Free Speech.

...And while many ingenious geeks might bypass controls, filters and other attempts to control the web -

many of us simply want to state our support for Free Speech and Freedom of the Press on the Internet, and to make or voices heard - without proving to TPTB and public that control is required.

I suggested a few alternatives to cyber-war. Any comments? Feedback?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by charlie0

There is no way for one country to "control" or "own" the internet. They can only control the internet in their own country. True, the US currently controls the main DNS servers, but each country is more than capable of running their own.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by charlie0

There is no way for one country to "control" or "own" the internet. They can only control the internet in their own country. True, the US currently controls the main DNS servers, but each country is more than capable of running their own.

This is NOT about any country owning or controlling the Internet - it's a grab for power by mega-corporations.

Our tax dollars helped build the physical framework for the Internet. But now, media corporations are claiming they own it outright, and have the right to censor information on the Net - to control what information people can and cannot see..

I do NOT agree.

...Arguably, Internet services fall under the purview of the FCC. For example, the FCC defines telephone service as a "universal service," NOT a "commercial service."

FCC rules are up for change, to accommodate "new technology," something that's been put off for decades.

The FCC COULD define broadband as a "universal service" - like telephones - and protect broadband networks for the public - all it would take would be strong network neutrality rules that prohibit content blocking and discrimination online.

It's been argued that:

"a broadband plan without open Internet protections is like the constitution without the bill of rights - it's insufficient. "

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