posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 04:52 PM
Originally posted by LOLZebra
It is about as 'not real' as our own physical reality. All just an illusion where we go to sleep for a short period of "time".
I am sorry, but no.
Y'see, the physical reality we all share is a thing we all weigh, touch and even communicate with.
If I grunt and then point to my mouth while rubbing my stomach and making a sad will know I am hungry.
Know why? Because we both share a reality and those motions and noises are all that I need to convey "information" on a subject here in our shared
Even if you refuse to take the logical step towards "reality being real", you still can't argue that the holograms-or-whatever (all of us) do not
share a common understanding of our predicament that you loosely call "an illusion".
In other words-
"we perceive a reality".
As nice and mysterious as it sounds being all "hypothetical with your reality", this poppycock here is nowhere near "as real" as our own physical
reality that we can each individually understand through our common exploration of "said reality".
Now...when you go making up flippant hogwash and spouting it wherever you go, this "silliness" in NO WAY becomes "as real" as the "world we all
find ourselves experiencing simultaneously, together, as a whole.
Now...I know you feel very comfortable throwing around one-liners of disinformation to muck up the world's collective understanding, but don't think
for a second that your utter lack of logic is a "standard" within reality.
In other words-
Just because you are not a "critical thinker" on the laws of "reality" doesn't mean that calling "reality" an illusion makes the subject of
this thread any less "laughable".
In are wrong.
Reality (real or not) is not "equally as real" as this guy's made up hypothesis that he is banking on as truth.
But I guess its fun to play make-believe instead of figuring out the truth.
[edit on 11-2-2010 by Mr Mask]