posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:21 PM
Seriously, everyone and their talk and theories and opinions about this Event that NOBODY on this planet has a clue will be yet. Each person reading
this, has their own idea about the event and possibly their own plan through it. Ridiculous. . . 2012 is obviously going to happen FOR A REASON. God
is NOT punishing us at all. If anything we have punished God, he gave us this planet to inhabit and we abused that oppurtunity. We abused it by
turning on eachother, by destroying the planet. By putting dozens of species to e*tinction . . Why does everyone think 2012 is just an event to kill
us all and then what... ? Think outside the bo*, typical human psyche going nuts over this one LOL
If God didnt want to e*pel physical biological
beings from HIS planet, why would he creat such an event to happen ? He obviously created the event when he created the Sun (some think NIbiru is the
2012 problem others will argue, w.e your side of the sotry is, it all comes down TO WHAT YOU THINK). So does it make sense to fret over the situation
here, or to accept it and move on is this amazing story we build called Life? We humans think we know pretty all there is to the world but FACT is,
there is more to reality and Life then e*ists on this planet. Life may consist on EVERY gala*y for all you know. We dont know all the answers, but
something does and to me that something would be the one thing that created everything you see when you look Up at night. That thing put us here for a
reason, he put our solar system together for reason, he made Earth, Venus, Mars, and the Sun for reason. And he Created w.e is to come 2012 for
reason. So stop worrying about what is going to happen and how we will all manage to stay alive... we arent, bc we arent suppose to. So seriously
forget the issue and stop allowing it to tickle your brain throughout your day,month, year. When 2012 comes, you WILL see what its all about, until
then carry on with your duties as a human being on this planet and dont forget to LOVE every single sould that resides on it. Now when it comes to you
guys replying to this don't go cutting up my thread like the typical tempation of the human mind because what I've said doesn't match what you
belive. Just simply disagree and e*plain why.
PS not sure how to move this under the right discussion board so administrator, please do your thing.
Replaced 'All Caps' in title
[edit on 12/2/10 by masqua]