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Monsterquest episode - Mothman

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posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 08:47 AM
OK, so there are a few people on here that will know from my other threads i'm a fan of this alleged beastie. Imagine how excited I was to learn that Monsterquest was doing an episode on the Mothman.

There were some pretty good points made, specifically Joe Nickell and his experiment with people mis-judging sizes of something at a glance and doubling or even tripling the size of something that is only 2 foot tall. (He's convinced that the Mothman sightings were just an owl).

Other than that, I came away from the show feeling disappointed, and no further forward than when I sat down to view it.

Apparently there had been some sightings of a winged creature near LaCrosse in Wisconsin. I haven't heard about this (any links would be gratefully received). So, Nick Redfern and a buddy go out to this mountainous island looking for clues as to whether it would be a suitable habitat for a mansizedbirdmonsterthingy. So, after taking a canoe up this river, getting to the island and walking around a bit, they conclude that it would be a good habitat, even commenting that the large amount of dead trees would be a good perch (?). That was it. Then they are running about in a field trying to 'prove' that animals eyes reflect light, and flash a huge lamp into some fields, capturing the reflective eyes of deer. Now, I thought it was common knowledge that animals eyes do reflect light, giving them that ominous 'glow'?

There were some disconcertingly vague links to the Mothman being spotted before the 9/11 attacks (which I don't believe at all), the recent H1N1 outbreak and the recentish collapse of the bridge in Minnesota, in turn perpetuating the fact it is a 'harbinger of doom'. There was no sourcing or evidence to back up these claims at all.

Then there was an alleged eyewitness account from a chap who saw it standing on top of a bridge he was photographing. No evidence, just another witness testimony. Then a bunch of alleged different witnesses get together with a forensic sketch artist to make a composite picture of the creature.

Jeff Wamsley, as ever, was sincere as was Linda Scarberry. The rest of it was pretty forgettable. I did like, however, the recreations and the CGI beast they created was pretty cool.

One question I had was this: the creature was last spotted in Point Pleasant in 1967, why would they try and find evidence of it there now? it's not exactly recent. And why do eyewitness accounts of winged creatures all get lumped in to the Mothman category?

Now I don't for one minute expect the show to be a groundbreaking revelation, but I thought that this particlular episode was just badly put together, with little research actually being done. I was an avid watcher of the first couple of seasons, then when we started getting into giant rats and snakes I got thoroughly bored of it.

What did you other ATSers think about it? I open up the floor!


[edit on 2/11/2010 by Genus_Unknown]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:30 AM
I have not watched that episode but I believe mothman are real and dangerous entities. They seem to bring a bad omen wherever they are spotted and nothing but bad luck to anyone fortunate(or probably unfortunate) enough to witness them.

They are allegedly a sub-division of the ultra-terrestrial reptillian species that originated from Alpha Draconis millions of years ago. They are also called Winged Draco!

A book by John Keel, called 'The Mothman Prophecies' is a great read into what happened in Point Pleasant, WV back in the 60's/70's. Lots of people sighted them and a few months later a bridge fell killing lots of people, I don't recall how many.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia! A 12-foot-tall, stainless-steel sculpture of the Mothman by artist Robert Roach in Point Pleasant, West Virgina.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:36 AM
I believe it was 46 or 47 people who lost their lives on the bridge that day. I have read the John Keel book a number of times, its a great book! I have other reference material on the Mothman subject too, I just feel that the show last night seemed relatively empty and devoid of any real passion for the subject.

I have to admit, I haven't heard of that avenue of explaination for Mothman/men/women(?) with them being a reptilian ultra-terrestrial species...

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:41 AM
ever seen jeepers creepers? I don't really know why but for some reason I tend to put the mothman in the same category as the creature in that movie. Maybe thats why the mothman only shows up so many years is cause he hibernates.

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posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Genus_Unknown

Very Very Spot On analysis of the Monsterquest episode.

My goodness was I ever disappointed. In fact, I have noticed History Channel has a nice habit of spreading minuscule information throughout an hour of grown men playing around with gadgets out in the great wild yonder. Very rarely does this show give us anything worthwhile we don't already know.

Now that I have blasted History Channel, here are a few thoughts on one of my, also, favorite favorite cryptos.


I was so pleased to see the actual Point Pleasant witnesses. I wanted to just hug the tiny old lady with her pretty teased bouffant. I loved the artist renditions, but to me the entire canoe and climb was a waste of video.

I was disgusted that they wasted all that c and c time when they teased us with supposed Mothman sightings before RECENT awful events. (9/11; h1n1). Why were these current Mothman sightings given more coverage?

I was confused as to why they did not at least mention the Angel of Death Mothman theory.

I was PLEASED with the shots of the museum.

And, why the ignore of the Kentucky Connection?? (hey what can I say I love to find KY connections with all legends!!)

With Pictures:

"These two photographs have been circulating the net for several months now, and are alleged to be a Mothman sighting on a bridge connecting Russell, KY and Ironton, OH."

The author of the blog is HIGHLY skeptical.

Anyway, I am now going to add Mothman hunting to my cryptid hunting adventures in Kentucky (we have a bigfoot too yall).

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Genus_Unknown
I believe it was 46 or 47 people who lost their lives on the bridge that day. I have read the John Keel book a number of times, its a great book! I have other reference material on the Mothman subject too, I just feel that the show last night seemed relatively empty and devoid of any real passion for the subject.

I have to admit, I haven't heard of that avenue of explaination for Mothman/men/women(?) with them being a reptilian ultra-terrestrial species...

Well, that isn't so suprising now, is it? Expecting mainstream media to fully cover such unorthodox topics is like expecting your average priest to perform a complex excorism ritual. Will never happen!

As for *ultra-terrestrial entities* that means entities living underground and hidden from the masses. Usually they are demonic in nature and loosely called "extra-terrestrials" by some.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by skeetontheconspiracy

The show "jeepers, creepers" was based on the mothman!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by skeetontheconspiracy
ever seen jeepers creepers? I don't really know why but for some reason I tend to put the mothman in the same category as the creature in that movie. Maybe thats why the mothman only shows up so many years is cause he hibernates.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

It's odd you bring that up as I got a similar impression from that movie.

I've only a cursory understanding of the Mothman, I'll be looking for that book mentioned, The Mothman Prophecies. Hopefully it will go a little more in depth than what little bit I have read on Wikipedia and a few television programs I've seen.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

What a terrible film that was!
Although 'The Mothman prophecies' film which is based on the book, is pretty good.

The mothman mythology is very compelling though in my opinion. Who's to say there aren't some forms of intelligence which are natural to the planet but evade our detection due to some aspect of their nature?

Maybe they are 'out of phase' with the rest of the planet if that's even possible or maybe they exhibit a basic biological structure which is vastly different to the life on Earth with which we are familiar.

Who knows?

[edit on 11-2-2010 by Chonx]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:19 AM
Chonx, were you referring to the Mothman Prophecies movie?

Its a good movie in it's own right, IMO, but if you have never read the book, you'll see it doesn't really have a lot to do with the book, other than subject matter and the title.

I would strongly recommend 'Mothman - Behind the Red Eyes' and 'Mothman - The facts behind the Fiction' as two very good sources for any Mothy fans to pick up. They contain all the newspaper clippings, artists renditions and interviews from all of the Point Pleasant residents that were involved.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Genus_Unknown

Yes, I quite like the film. The one with Richard Gere. I haven't read the source material so I can't comment on it's accuracy.

I will look into the literature you've suggested. Thanks

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:05 PM
I understand your dissapointment with the episode. I felt the same.

I believe its because we view these shows as documentaries, news, or fact-finding missions. We forget their primary purpose is entertainment.

the book by Keel was really fascinating. At one point he mentioned (I think, its been a while since I last read it) going outside at 10:00 pm and blinking a flashlight in the sky....seems it would provoke a response. I'll admit I've never tried it (I'm such a big baby) but has anyone else heard/read/or tried this?

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:11 PM
I forgot to add one of the most intriguing aspects of the original Mothman episode involved MIB, sometimes wearing musty or old fashioned clothes, etc. That part of the Mothman lore was COMPLETELY skipped over. Another point that could have been used in the worthless canoe and climb segment.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I forgot to add one of the most intriguing aspects of the original Mothman episode involved MIB, sometimes wearing musty or old fashioned clothes, etc. That part of the Mothman lore was COMPLETELY skipped over. Another point that could have been used in the worthless canoe and climb segment.

Agreed, although I guess with that being more a part of the UFO lore that went with the case, that's possibly why they left it out.

There was also a couple of accounts in TMMP that mentioned a family dog that allegedly was killed by Mothy, and also the encounter one family had with it where it actually followed them home and could be heard walking on their roof, and then they saw it walking around the outside of their house, looking in through the windows. I found that pretty scary.

All good parts that were sadly missing in Monsterquest

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:35 PM
I had a strange evening a while back and posted here about it that might be mothman related... even have a picture of a very large white bird-like poo in the front yard..that noone has been able to explain - as I don't live near water.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 01:31 PM
I just realized that last nights show didn't even touch on one of the biggest arguments against the mothman sightings - The Sandhill Crane. Throughout all of the MM literature, this comes up as the explanation given for the sightings in Point Pleasant back in 1966/1967. This would have at least given the episode a little more credibilty, I feel, and probably would have made for a more interesting segment than the Wisconsin 'hunt' footage.

[edit on 2/11/2010 by Genus_Unknown]

[edit on 2/11/2010 by Genus_Unknown]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Well there is a Lizard Man being seen near La Crosse Wisconsin but I don't remember that being mentioned on that Mothman Monsterquest show. Still I think maybe that's why they went to LaCrosse.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:38 AM
I am about halfway through The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel, it is an excellent book cannot recommend it enough. I also got the movie and watched it last night. The film was all right, given the source material it was drawing from, it could have been MUCH better. All in all though a decent film.

The book is absolutely fantastic however, I really have enjoyed it, plan on finishing it today. I like Keel's renunciation of the extraterrestrial theory, it's a unique viewpoint I had never considered before.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I heard Keel talk at the INFO Fortfest in Bethesda MD back around 1998. His book Operation Trojan Horse on UFOs and also his book Jadoo are classics. The folks continuing his tradition for UFO research are -- in fact it was Nick Redfern featured in this Mothman episode who posts on that blog covers his cryptozoology blogs as well.

reply to post by Zatiktoktal

[edit on 12-2-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by skeetontheconspiracy
ever seen jeepers creepers? I don't really know why but for some reason I tend to put the mothman in the same category as the creature in that movie. Maybe thats why the mothman only shows up so many years is cause he hibernates.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I agree, I think that the jeepers creepers creator copied the mothman image and story in lots of ways. In fact the movie should have just plainly BEEN about mothman. I keep waiting for someone to do another mothman movie, the first one was good but I want to see mothman in action, I want to see all the various stories re-enacted.

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